Chapter 394
Huaxi turned on the fire on the side to be more intense.

Only then did Huo Qiqi stretch out his hands from the armholes, then rubbed them vigorously for a while, and then placed them on Lan Keyi's belly after they were completely warmed up.

Xiao Chengfeng had been standing on the sidelines watching. When he saw Huo Qiqi's actions, his eyes finally became gentler.

Huo Qiqi might not be as miserable as it was rumored outside.

Huo Qiqi's touch was very gentle, and Lan Keyi was so comfortable that she wanted to sleep. She had never been so comfortable since she was pregnant.

"I'm going to inject some medicine from your belly later, but don't be nervous. The medicine is good for the fetus, and it can prevent the poison from attacking him to the greatest extent." Huo Qiqi withdrew her hand, and thoughtfully for her Cover with a thin quilt.

Lan Keyi nodded gratefully to her.

"Wait a minute, I'll dispense the medicine." Huo Qiqi said.

Lan Keyi was lying on the bed, Xiao Chengfeng looked over, lowered his head and comforted her softly, "Everything will be fine."

Lan Keyi smiled at him gently and nodded, "The child will be safe and sound."

Xiao Chengfeng wanted to tell her that what he cared about was not the child, but her.But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say anything.

Huo Qiqi went to the dispensing room, the smile on his face disappeared immediately.

She didn't tell Lan Keyi and Xiao Chengfeng the truth just now, the condition of the fetus in Lan Keyi's stomach is not very good.

The child is Lan Keyi's belief in living, Huo Qiqi sighed.In the absence of medical equipment, she could only choose to cheat.

She took out some space water, then mixed some nutrients, and sucked a tube with a needle. Whether it will work or not depends on the vitality of the child.

She came outside with the prepared medicine, lifted the thin quilt on Lan Keyi's body, dipped a cotton swab in the medicine to disinfect Lan Keyi's belly, and then pushed a tube of medicine into Lan Keyi's stomach from the belly.

"Okay, Madam can go back to rest. Eat three meals a day on time, and eat more fruits. Eat more fruits and drink more milk, Madam's body will become stronger, and the child will become healthy." Huo Qiqi smiled. Say, "If something doesn't feel right or feels right, just have someone come to me."

"Thank you, Seventh Young Master." Lan Keyi thanked her again and again.

Huo Qiqi smiled and replied, "I told you, you don't have to thank me. Let's each take what we need. By the way, I'll give you these two medicines. If I'm not in the house and Madam happens to be feeling unwell, you can take them first." Put her on the pill."

Huo Qiqi threw a bottle to Xiao Chengfeng.

Xiao Changfeng was a little surprised, but he still didn't say anything.

"My lord, Lord Protector invites you to the front hall." At this moment, Uncle Fu came in.

"What's the matter?" Huo Qiqi asked in surprise.

"It's still from Huojia Village. They mean that the girl looks very pitiful, and that the Fang family has a hard life in Huojia Village. If Fang Yue is convicted, that son of the Fang family will not be allowed to go to the examination room, and the whole family will be destroyed." It is." Faber shook his head and said.

"These people really think of themselves as personalities. If that girl succeeded in poisoning the day before yesterday, our entire Duke Protector's Mansion might be implicated. Those who came to the mansion the day before yesterday to celebrate the Duke Protector's birthday were either rich or expensive No matter who has an accident, the mansion is not easy to explain. They plan to let him go with a single word?" Jingfeng said angrily, "Seventh Young Master, you shouldn't let people in with a soft heart in the first place."

"The Majesty the day before yesterday and several princes were there. Fortunately, they were discovered in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous." Shu Yun sighed, "Little girl looks honest and honest, but her heart is really dark."

"I'm ashamed to plead for mercy and listen to what they say. It seems that if we continue to pursue the matter, we are the ones who caused the Fang family's misfortune."

"Did the second son find out the result?" Huo Qiqi didn't have much anger on his face.

"The result is almost out. This matter probably has something to do with Zhan Shifu." Uncle Fu didn't hide it from him, he just changed people.

As soon as they heard that there was something inside, Huaxi and the others immediately started chatting around Uncle Fu.

"Go ahead, the young master hasn't spoken yet." Uncle Fu scolded them with a smile, "It's not big or small, and they don't follow the rules at all. It's all because the seventh young master is always spoiling you."

All the girls laughed.

"The patriarch personally proposed to release them?" Huo Qiqi asked lazily.

"That's not true." Uncle Fu replied with a smile, "Fang Ping went to the door and knelt in front of the Lord Protector himself without telling the Huo family members. Let’s talk over there again.”

"Success, then go over and have a look." Huo Qiqi sneered, "You will never die until you reach the Yellow River. If that's the case, let them have a good look at it."

"By the way, the girls in Huo's Village didn't dare to go out these few days, and they all stayed in the mansion." Uncle Fu said.

"Mu Rouhe didn't go out either?" Huo Qiqi asked.

"Miss Mu goes out on time every day. She took her mother to the embroidery room. Yesterday, the girl asked me specifically, asking me to ask Mr. Seven if she could let her mother and son live in the embroidery room. She said that later In a few days, I will go outside to find a house to live in."

"He's a smart man." Huo Qiqi smiled. "Come on, let's go and have a look."

Lan Keyi had already tidied up her clothes at this time, and after saluting Huo Qiqi, she and Xiao Chengfeng returned to their yard.

The house has been cleaned by the maid, the stove inside has been lit, and there is a plate of bright red apples on the table.

Is there any fruit at this time?Lan Keyi looked at Apple in surprise.

"Everyone says that the seventh son of the Huo family is evil and selfish, and he is good at eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. I think that Mr. Huo Qiqi is a very good person, and the rumors may not be credible." Lan Keyi sat down while rubbing his stomach.

"It's just one day." Xiao Chengfeng looked at her, "She also said, each takes what he needs."

Lan Keyi shook her head, "Even if everyone gets what they want, then she doesn't have to do it so carefully. Ouch!"

"What's the matter?" Xiao Chengfeng was so shocked that his expression changed.

He turned around and wanted someone to find Huo Qiqi. Just now he saw Huo Qiqi stab Lan Keyi's stomach with a needle.

"It's okay, it's just that the child kicked me." Lan Keyi burst into tears, "Master, the child has never been so energetic."

Xiao Chengfeng quickly put his hand on her belly, and the child kicked inside her again.

The first time Xiao Chengfeng felt the existence of the child, he was immediately dumbfounded, standing there like petrified.

"Sanggong." Lan Keyi threw herself into his arms and cried, her worries and her fears could finally be vented at this moment.

Xiao Chengfeng hugged her with one hand, and gently patted her on the back with the other.The child moved so vigorously that both husband and wife knew whose fault it was.

The great hero Huo Qiqi has arrived at the front hall at this moment.

"Mr. Huo Qi." The people in Huojia Village saw Huo Qiqi coming in, and they all hurriedly greeted her.

Huo Qiqi responded with a smile and walked in, but his eyes fell on Fang Ping who was kneeling in front of the Duke Protector.

(End of this chapter)

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