Chapter 398 Accident
Fang Yue's confession made Mr. Zhang very headache. How did Zhan Shifu get involved in this matter?
He was also present at the incident between Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaobai last time.

To be honest, the Wang family suffered a big loss last time, not to mention, and it was very embarrassing, and it was very embarrassing.It can be said that it was also in that farce that Huo Qiqi and the Wang family had a complete enmity.

If Wang Shaobai was involved in this matter, it would be somewhat true, because Wang Shaobai had motives, but Fang Yue is really an idiot.

The Wang family is so embarrassing, Fang Yue actually wants to fly up a branch and become a phoenix, hehe, she is really stupid to the point of hopelessness.

"Come here, go to Zhan Shi's Mansion to pass on Wang Shaobai." At this point, Mr. Zhang can only bite the bullet and continue the trial.

He thought it over, the Duke Huguo's Mansion and Zhan Shi's Mansion are important officials of the imperial court, if the matter becomes too big, he can only report it to the imperial court and ask the emperor to make a ruling.

"It's actually them, they are coming at me, what a vicious villain, let's see if I don't kill him." Wang Shaojie almost went mad with anger.

It turned out that this incident was caused by their brother and sister. If this pair of dogs and men were poisoned successfully, even if he died a hundred times, he would still be sorry to the Duke Huguo.The anger in Wang Shaojie's heart can be imagined.

"Don't worry." Gu Guangning pulled him back.

"Cousin has found someone, and he can run away." Gu Guangxi also persuaded, "Don't cause trouble for cousin if you are so impulsive."

"Brother, calm down." Wang Ruoxi stared at him with tears in her eyes.

Seeing this, Wang Shaojie calmed down.

After thinking about it, Fu Yin immediately asked people to go to Zhan Shifu to find someone.

After a stick of incense, Wang Shaobai finally appeared in the government office.

Although he is a real brother, seeing him now, Wang Shaojie wished he could kill him directly.

Wang Shaobai was wearing a silver cotton robe and a black cloak, exuding a strong smell of books.The Wang family has good genes, and he looks good, so it's no wonder Fang Yue is fascinated by him.

When Wang Shaobai came to the hall, he didn't panic, he respectfully bowed to Mr. Fu Yin, because he had a great reputation and was a son of an official, so he didn't need to kneel down.

"I wonder what my lord told me?" Wang Shaobai asked politely.

"Wang Shaobai, do you know the woman who is lying down?" Mr. Fu Yin pointed to Fang Yue and asked.

Wang Shaobai glanced down, shook his head and replied, "My lord, I have never seen this girl before."

Hearing this, Fang Yue's mind exploded like a thunderbolt. He actually said that he didn't know her.She suddenly raised her head and stared at him firmly. When she saw that Wang Shaoboli ignored her, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

I don't know, I don't know!They both had skin-to-skin relationship, but he actually said he didn't know her.How could this man treat her like this? Did he forget how he promised her in the first place?If it wasn't for her, why would she bother to ignore the big tree in the Duke Protector's Mansion, and instead listen to him everywhere?

"Wang Shaobai, look carefully. Do you recognize this person?" Master Zhang asked again.

Wang Shaobai was very cooperative, looked down at Fang Yue again, then shook his head again, "My lord, I have never seen this girl before."

"Okay then, I ask you, where were you on the [-]th?"

"My lord, let me think about the past so many days." Wang Shaobo seemed to be lost in memory.

The spectators in the hall, seeing this, all pointed at Wang Shaobai and discussed in a low voice, and some couldn't help but start cursing.

"Reporting to my lord, I will drink and compose poems with some classmates in Yunkelai that day." After a while, Wang Shaobai clasped his hands and replied. "If you don't believe me, my lord, you can ask your classmates and the shopkeeper Xiao Er to testify for me."

"But the lady under the hall said that you and her were in the dark and instigated her to poison the Duke's mansion. Is there such a thing?" Master Zhang asked.

"My lord, I'm not a fairy or monster, and I know how to clone. Is it possible to appear in two places at the same time?" Wang Shaobai didn't panic at all.

Master Zhang frowned slightly.

"My lord, I feel that this woman was instigated by someone to deliberately frame me." Wang Shaobai refused to let go, and he gave Huo Qiqi a meaningful look, hoping to anger Huo Qiqi.

Huo Qiqi bared her teeth and smiled at him, ignoring him at all.

Wang Shaobai couldn't point to Huo Qiqi and say that Huo Qiqi was deliberately framing him. "My lord, whether it is true or false, as long as there is a witness."

Master Zhang nodded, looking at Wang Shaobai's appearance, it seemed that the matter really had nothing to do with him.

Evidence is very important in the trial of the case, and Mr. Zhang did not hesitate to send someone directly to find the witness reported by Wang Shaobai.

The witnesses were scattered all over the place, and the yamen servants found them one after another.

"I want to ask you, where are you and who are you with at the hour of the twelfth day?"

"Reporting to my lord, at the time of the twelfth, I was waiting to come to Yunke with some classmates to drink and discuss poetry." Those who came first and those who came later asked separately, but the answers of several people were the same.

"Why do you remember it so clearly?"

"Returning to my lord, that day is Xiaosheng's birthday, and Xiaosheng invited guests."

And the reason why Yunke Lai Xiaoer and the shopkeeper remember it clearly is because these masters were all drunk in the end, and they didn't pick them up until closing time.

Wang Shaobai got everything out of this matter.

"My lord, can I leave?" Wang Shaobai asked with a faint smile and cupped his hands.

"It's you, it's definitely you. You gave me a golden hairpin and a silver ticket. You were the one who encouraged me to poison the Duke Protector's mansion. You clearly told me that you hate the seventh son and want to make him regret it I dare not, it was you who told me that those medicines will not kill people, they will only make people suffer from diarrhea for a day. It's you, why did you harm me?" Fang Yue went crazy.

She didn't lie, this man was with her when you were young, if this man hadn't seduced her, how could she have poisoned her?
"You also said that you only like me, you can't marry me, and you will allow me to be a concubine." Fang Yue was so angry that she couldn't say anything.



It's a pity that her sincere words were exchanged for a burst of ridicule.

"Girl, your face is really big." Wang Shaobai didn't speak, and a scholar next to him finally couldn't help it. He looked at Fang Yue like a fool, "Just like you, you still want to be a prince. Noble concubine, let alone a noble concubine, just wanting to be a personal maid in the Wang family is not enough. Look at your appearance, and I ask you, can you play the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, or write poems? The confidant of the prince, at least You have to be able to add fragrance to the red sleeves, seeing your carelessness, I am afraid that you have a demon barrier?"

"Okay, let's go back." Wang Shaobai smiled lightly and didn't stop him, "Girl, you can do it yourself. I don't care who provoked you to frame me, but if you want to bite me, I'm afraid it won't work."

Fang Yue was angry, and Wang Shaobai was as hateful as a ghost in her eyes.But as soon as she moved, she was suppressed by the yamen servant. "I didn't frame you, it was you, and everything was caused by you. You will die badly."

(End of this chapter)

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