Chapter 402 Chilblain Ointment

"Can you do it in large quantities? It's urgent." Li Yuanbai looked at her and asked.

Does this person not understand human language? She even said that she doesn't want to do this business, so why is she still pestering her so shamelessly?
"How about a box of one hundred words?" Li Yuanbai looked at her and asked.

One hundred Wen? !If the number is indeed large, Huo Qiqi thinks it can be considered.

"How much do you want?" Huo Qiqi looked at him and asked.

Seeing her let go, Li Yuanbai breathed a sigh of relief secretly, "I want [-] bottles first, if the bottle is small, and half of it if the bottle is big."

Huo Qiqi hesitated for a moment and did not directly agree.

"Qiqi, we don't do this business." Huo Yining saw that these two people were unhappy.

The Huo family didn't want to get involved in messy things. Li Yuanbai had been to the Duke Huguo's mansion too frequently recently.Of course, favors belong to favors, Li Yuanbai protected Huo Qiqi's favor last time, he kept it in his heart, and he will pay it back when he finds a chance in the future.

"Father also knows about this. The money comes from the treasury." Li Yuanbai added slowly.

That's it!Huo Qiqi nodded, "Sure, I'll try it when I go back."

"It's best to finish it in 20 days." Li Yuanbai added.

Huo Qiqi hummed again.

Seeing that she agreed, Li Yuanbai didn't bother her anymore, and went back to the mansion with the third prince directly.

Huo Qiqi and Huo Yining returned to the mansion, and Huo Yi'an was waiting for them in the main hall.

"Book." Seeing Huo Qiqi, Huo Wuyou pouted and wanted to cry.

"He kept calling him uncle, so he had no choice but to hug him. This kid doesn't know what's going on, but he likes to pester Qi Qi." Huo Yi'an nodded his son's forehead.

"Book." Huo Wuyou's eyes were full of Huo Qiqi, and he happily opened his arms to hug Huo Qiqi.

Huo Qiqi took the child, kissed his little face and replied with a smile, "That means Wuyou knows that I treat him best, doesn't Wuyou?"

"Book." Wuyou kissed her.

"Worriless, who am I?" Huo Yining teased him.

Huo Wuyou turned his head to one side, ignoring him.Huo Qiqi smiled triumphantly again.

"This kid." Huo Yining couldn't help laughing.

Huo Yi'an asked about the lawsuit. Although he knew what was going on, he was still a little worried.

Huo Yining briefly explained what happened.

"This matter must not be left alone. The Wang family is getting more and more excessive, and they have to show some color." Huo Yi'an said with a light smile.

Huo Qiqi usually doesn't participate in this kind of thing.

Huo Yi'an and Huo Yining were also unwilling to mention it in front of Huo Qiqi, Huo Qiqi sensibly hugged Huo Wuyou and prepared to go back to the room.

At this time, a young man outside came to report, "Seventh son, Mr. Biao sent someone to tell you to go to Mr. Wang's side to have a look. Mr. Wang, Sapo, wants to go to Zhan Shi's mansion with a sword. Mr. Biao and Miss Wang It seems that it cannot be stopped."

"No. I'm like a heartless two hundred and five all day long. I'm not his parents, and I still have to follow him all the time. You tell them, if he has the ability, he directly hacked those bastards in Zhan Shifu to death with a sword. Just respect him as a man." Huo Qiqi carried Huo Wuyou angrily to his yard.

"I'll go and have a look." Huo Yining sighed, "It really doesn't worry me."

Huo Yian also smiled and shook his head.

Huo Qiqi carried Huo Wuyou to the pharmacy. There was an earth dragon in the pharmacy, and the room was very warm.

After entering the pharmacy, everyone took off their cloaks.Huo Qiqi put Huo Wuyou on the soft couch to play, ordered someone to bring him some food and fun things, and asked someone to watch him.

Then start making chilblain ointment yourself.

Chilblain ointment has various ingredients, and Huo Qiqi has at least seven or eight in his mind.Li Yuanbai was in a hurry, so she could only try to make some first.

"Book." Huo Wuyou was happy as long as he saw Huo Qiqi, and then he basically played with himself, and didn't need others to worry about it.

Huo Qiqi ordered the nurse to go to the kitchen to find some goat fat and refine it, and then made it with ice flakes and calcined corrugated seeds.

Corrugated seed eliminates phlegm and blood stasis, softens and resolves hard masses, suppresses acid and relieves pain.Goat fat warms the meridian and dispels cold, harmonizes blood and relieves pain.The function of borneol is mainly anti-inflammatory, and other auxiliary medicinal materials are added. Although there are not many medicinal materials, the process of making ointment is quite troublesome.

Both Xiao Chengfeng and Lan Keyi were martial arts practitioners, and when there was a voice from next door, the husband and wife knew that Huo Qiqi was back.

In the morning, the child was very active, and the husband and wife were not too tired. They put their hands on their stomachs from time to time to feel the child's activities.

According to what Huo Qiqi said, Lan Keyi came to the pharmacy with a full stomach.

Everyone in the pharmacy knew about them, and the gatekeepers didn't stop them.

Lan Keyi entered the pharmacy, and immediately felt the warmth in the room. Xiao Chengfeng took off her cloak.

"Aunt." Huo Wuyou is definitely a "lecherous" guy despite his young age.Huo Qiqi discovered that this kid especially likes beautiful people, regardless of gender, as long as they look good, he likes them.

As the number one beauty in the martial arts world, Lan Keyi is naturally beautiful.When Huo Wuyou saw her, he immediately raised his little hand joyfully, and gave Lan Keyi the delicious food in his hand.

Lan Keyi is a pregnant woman, and it is the time when maternal love is overflowing.She suddenly laughed when she saw a fat baby happily giving her food.

She laughed, and Huo Wuyou also laughed, and the two saw each other right.

Lan Keyi went over and sat on the couch.

"That kid is dishonest, be careful he touches you." Huo Qiqi told her while busy with the things in his hand.

"Book." Huo Qiqi opened her mouth, and Huo Wuyou's attention was immediately attracted to her.

"It's fun, build a house for my uncle." Huo Qiqi looked at him and said.

Huo Wuyou was very obedient, and immediately played with the building blocks in his hand honestly.

"When the temperature rises, you can walk outside, which is conducive to production. You can read books, talk to your children, and if you know how to play musical instruments, you can play them to your children every day. The child is more than seven months old. , already has perception of the outside world, don't think he is still in the stomach and doesn't know anything." Huo Qiqi nagged while mixing the medicine.

Naturally, these two people had something to say to her when they came here.

"He moved a lot today." Lan Keyi said shyly.

Huo Qiqi put down the medicine in his hand, went to the side and washed his hands before going to feel her pulse.

The pulse was much stronger than at the beginning, and it was very steady.

"No problem." Huo Qiqi put down his hands and instructed, "You must eat all the medicinal meals made for you alone. Also, those fruits are also for you alone."

Huo Qiqi spent a lot of money on Lan Keyi. The medicinal food used almost original space water, and the fruits were also taken from the space.

"Thank you, Seventh Young Master." Lan Keyi thanked her gratefully.

"This is a pharmacy, it's best not to come here when you have nothing to do. Because I will be dispensing medicine for a few days, some medicine may not be good for you." Huo Qiqi told her.

Lan Keyi agreed, and after giving Huo Wuyou a reluctant look, she went out with Xiao Chengfeng.

Xiao Chengfeng glanced at Huo Qiqi, but remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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