Chapter 422
The third prince was lucky, when Qingfeng arrived at Marquis Wuyi's mansion, Rong Sheng, the genius doctor who had come with An Xishi, happened to have just returned.

Hearing that the third prince fell ill again in the mansion, the master and apprentice didn't dare to delay, took the cloth bag and went to the third prince's mansion.

When they arrived at the third prince's mansion and saw the third prince, the third prince had already fallen into a coma.

Without saying a word, Rong Sheng immediately put his hand on the third prince's wrist.

"Sixth prince, don't worry too much. With me... the master is here, the third prince will be fine." Seeing Li Yuanbai with sharp eyes, An Xishi couldn't help but comfort her.In fact, she wanted to say that with her here, the third prince would be fine.

But when she saw Li Yuanbai's eyes, she unconsciously changed it to Master's presence.

An Xishi felt a little annoyed, how could she be so disappointing, seeing the sixth prince, she didn't seem to be herself anymore.

Li Yuanbai didn't have the heart to talk to her, no, it should be said, he never put An Xishi in his eyes.Even if An Xishi is a nominal disciple of Miracle Doctor Gu.

An Xishi saw him staring straight at the third prince on the bed, not even willing to give her a look, she couldn't help feeling wronged, her nose soured, and her eyes became moist.

But she knew very well that if she really cried at this time, Li Yuanbai would not dare to ignore her, and even loathe her.

She tried her best to force back the tears in her eyes, turned her head and walked to the bed and stared at the third prince on the bed honestly.

The situation of the third prince was not optimistic, Rong Sheng didn't say a word, after taking the pulse, he took out the silver needle, he ordered someone to take off the shirt of the third prince, and then started to inject the needle.

A moment later, the third prince's chest was covered with silver needles, like a hedgehog.

Rong Sheng didn't dare to be sloppy at all, he kept lifting the silver needle with his hands, and gradually, his forehead was also sweating.

In the end, the third prince spat out a mouthful of black blood, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing the worry in Li Yuanbai's eyes, he smiled wryly and said, "Look, my fate is really great. As I said, I can't die, and I really can't die."

"If you still have the strength to speak, you won't die for a while." Li Yuanbai said coldly.

Three princes...

"I'm a patient, can you speak softly. There are three beautiful girls here. With such a dark face, you are not afraid of scaring others?" The third prince teased with a smile.

Seeing that he was still alive, Li Yuanbai finally breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

"Elder Rong, how is his condition? Why did he become unconscious after taking the medicine?" Li Yuanbai looked at Rong Sheng and asked.

"Third Prince's heart disease has changed, I'll try to adjust the medicine for him in the next few days." Rong Sheng replied with a sigh. "After the injection today, it should be under control for a while."

"Thank you." Li Yuanbai thanked him politely.

Rong Sheng didn't say much, and re-prescribed the decoction for the third prince, and ordered him to drink it every day.

"Qingfeng, see off the guests." After everything was settled, Li Yuanbai ordered Qingfeng.

After working for a while, it was very late outside, and Rong Sheng didn't want to stay in the third prince's mansion.After all, he is unfamiliar here, and he doesn't want to trouble others.

And Li Yuanbai and the third prince had no intention of keeping them.

An Xishi was a little regretful, she came with Rong Sheng, but she didn't have a chance to show it.

All these years, she has worked hard to study medicine in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, not for Li Yuanbai.Thinking of this, she sneaked a glance at Rong Sheng, regretting secretly in her heart, if she knew earlier, she shouldn't have brought Rong Sheng to the capital.

"I'll go out for a while." Li Yunbai hurriedly left after watching the third prince drink the soup.

"With Huo Qiqi's temperament, she may not be willing to come with you." The third prince lay on the bed and chuckled, "She said that she is very afraid of death, if she comes with you, if I die, her life will probably die lost."

"No." Li Yuanbai told her with certainty, "She is right, a doctor can only cure diseases but may not necessarily save lives."

"I said, who are you facing?" The third prince stared at him with rounded eyes.

"I'm going to the one who is reasonable." Li Yuanbai's figure floated out of the room.

I go!This is the rhythm of being fascinated by Huo Qiqi's beauty.The third prince felt very distressed, he had always been number one in Lao Liu's mind, it was over, Huo Qiqi actually used a beauty trick on Lao Liu, when did it happen?
Huo Qiqi went to bed early and lay down. In winter, it was so cold outside that his bones would freeze to crisp.

For a "weak" person like her, it's better to lie in a hot blanket.

Li Yuanbai didn't enter the Duke Huguo's mansion through the main entrance this time, he directly climbed over the wall and entered the compound of the Duke Huguo's mansion.

Anyway, he also walked around the Duke Protector's Mansion, and he also knew the courtyard where Huo Qiqi lived.

His thoughts were very direct, but in fact, it was not easy for him to get close to Huo Qiqi's yard.

First, they met Huo Yining and Huo Yichen, and then Huo Yixing and Huo Yi'an also came out.Although Duke Huo didn't show up, the four brothers of the Huo family were also very difficult to deal with.

"The sixth prince didn't return to the mansion in the middle of the night, and came to our Duke Huguo's mansion as a guest?" Huo Yining looked at him with a chuckle.

"Since the sixth prince is here as a guest, why not sit in the flower hall." Huo Yi'an was more gentle.

"I'm here to find Huo Qiqi." Li Yuanbai was more direct.

"Qiqi is weak, she has already fallen asleep at this hour." Huo Yichen refused impatiently.

"It's urgent." Li Yuanbai's figure moved.

The four brothers of the Huo family immediately went up to meet them, and several figures flashed out from behind Li Yuanbai to stop them.

It turned out to be prepared!Huo Yining was in a hurry, but he wanted to meet the guards around the sixth prince.

Qingfeng and Minglang didn't dare to take it lightly. Although the Huo brothers were very low-key, in fact, their martial arts were not weak.

All of a sudden, there was constant sound of swords and swords in the yard, and Jian Yu and the others stayed in the house, but stared at the window and door vigilantly.

Li Yuanbai's movements were quick, and when he slowly approached Huo Qiqi's courtyard, a figure stopped him.

Li Yuanbai's face was even colder, and Xiao Chengfeng's face was also very cold in a blue robe.

"Seek medical attention." Li Yuanbai spat out two words.

"No." Xiao Chengfeng's answer was also very curt.

There were too many words without speculation, and the two of them started fighting without saying a word.

Li Yuanbai was a little annoyed, there was such a big commotion, it was impossible for Huo Qiqi to not be able to hear the sound in the room.She doesn't want to make a sound, which means she doesn't want to see herself.

Did she just distrust him like that?
"Thousands of gold." Li Yuanbai said loudly.

The room was still dark.

Li Yuanbai was very impatient. If it was someone else, it would be easy to find out the other party's weaknesses.But Huo Qiqi couldn't do it. Huo Qiqi's temperament was inherently unpredictable. Moreover, Huo Qiqi was born in the Duke Protector's Mansion.

"The title deed behind the pier belongs to you." Li Yuanbai shouted again.

After the words fell, the candles in the room were finally lit, and after a while, the window was opened, and Huo Qiqi's handsome face was revealed, "At midnight, I thought there was a thief in the house, so it turned out that the sixth prince came to visit?"

(End of this chapter)

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