Chapter 424 Angry

"Huo Qiqi, you're not authentic." The third prince looked at her with a wry smile, "Just now you said that this prince can't be stimulated at all. Turn around and you can't wait to scare me."

Huo Qiqi stared at him without defending himself.

Huo Qiqi like this was even more frightening. After the Three Emperors swallowed, they also stared at her. The two of them stared at each other. People who didn't know thought they were right.

Huo Qiqi sighed faintly, "Not only do you not trust the people in Miracle Doctor Valley, but you also don't want to trust me. Since you don't trust me, why bother climbing the wall to go to Duke Hu's mansion in the middle of the night to disturb people's sleep."

Where does this come from, who doesn't believe her?The third prince continued to stare at her stupidly.

Huo Qiqi saw that he was not on the road, and shook his head, "I just gave you a needle, so you can't stand up if you want to."

The words were too harsh, the third prince glared at her again.

"Sixth prince, remember to send me both the money and the title deed tomorrow. It's too late, people with a weak heart need to go to bed early and get up early, so I won't bother you two, I'll go back first." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

Huo Yining immediately added at the side, "Qiqi didn't sleep well tonight, the sixth prince must not go too early tomorrow."

"It's too early and there's no medicine. I can only dispense the medicine tomorrow morning." Huo Qiqi followed suit.

The third prince really didn't want to see this pair of brothers again, Duke Hu was really not a good bird, none of the cubs he raised was likable.

Seeing that the smile on his face could not be maintained, Huo Qiqi left contentedly.

When the group returned to the mansion, Huo Yichen and the others were still awake.

"Qi Qi, is what you said to the third prince true?" Huo Yining only asked the worry in his heart when he returned to his home.

Huo Qiqi nodded, "How can I joke with them about this kind of thing, the human body is very complicated, and the composition of the heart is even more delicate."

In order to let the family members better understand the composition of the heart, Huo Qiqi simply drew a schematic diagram of the composition of the heart on paper with a pen. "I don't have clairvoyance, so I don't know the damage to his left ventricle. But it's kind of true. If you don't have an operation, the Third Prince won't be able to last long, even if there are people like Miracle Doctor Valley."

The Huo family brothers looked at each other in dismay, and operated on to repair the heart. Not to mention others, even they felt horrified when they heard it.What's more, the sick person is still the third prince.

"Qiqi, what do you mean?" Huo Yichen asked her carefully.

"I cherish my life very much. For me, nothing is more important than my family." Huo Qiqi stood up and yawned, "I'm sleepy, I'm going back to sleep."

After speaking, she stood up and went back to the room.

The brothers of the Huo family looked at me and I looked at you. After discussing quietly for a while, they went back to their rooms.

Huo Qiqi fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow that night.

In contrast, Li Yuanbai could hardly sleep all night.

On the second day, the genius doctor Gu and his apprentices came to the Third Prince's residence again.

The third prince was still sound asleep, and when someone came over, he let them in after being washed.

Li Yuanbai also came over early in the morning.

"You two don't believe me? Why invite someone to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors." When the third prince took off his shirt, Rong Sheng's face suddenly changed.

An Xishi, Jiang Ting, and Jiang Wan were embarrassed to go over to look at it, but when Rong Sheng got angry, they moved over immediately.

The third prince's chest was black and blue, and the needle's eye could be clearly seen when the eyesight was good during the day.

Needless to say, after they left last night, the Sixth Prince and the Third Prince invited other people to see the doctor.

"I'm very afraid of death." Before Li Yuanbai could speak, the third prince lay on the bed and said quietly, "Can Elder Rong give me a clear message? Can you guys make sure that I am alive and kicking?"

fear death? !Rongsheng has never seen such a straightforward person.

Seeing that he had nothing to say, the third prince couldn't help laughing secretly.Huo Qiqi's move is still very effective, although it is a bit embarrassing!
"As long as the third prince takes the medicine on time, plus my acupuncture, there should be no problem for a year or so." Rong Sheng said hesitantly.

Heart disease and brain disease are the most difficult to cure, even he dare not be fully sure.

"That's why I'm afraid of death. The genius doctor Gu doesn't care about ordinary things. If it weren't for the miracle doctor Gu owed Lao Liu a favor, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to invite a few of them. Let alone keep a few of them in the mansion to treat me specially. I'm gone." The third prince said pitifully, "Lao Liu loves me as an older brother, and to tell you the truth, after you left yesterday, I was scared to death, and my chest hurt so badly. So Lao Liu found a few The doctor came over, and when the concubine heard about it, she also asked the imperial doctor to come. Although these people may not be effective, I still feel more comfortable with the doctor in the house."


Jiang Ting and Jiang Wan secretly rolled their eyes at the third prince, this man is really timid, he is really afraid of death.

"We will stay in the capital for a short time. If you feel uncomfortable, you can come to us. You have found your master, and then you have found another doctor. What if the medicines prescribed conflict with each other?" Jiang Ting was not happy. Open your mouth.

"My prince is not stupid. The medicine prescribed by other people is not as good as the medicine prescribed by the genius doctor Gu. I didn't let them prescribe any medicine." The third prince replied without hesitation.

Just as he was talking, Xiao Dengzi came in with soup and medicine.

When Rong Sheng and An Xishi smelled the soup, their complexions finally became better.

The third prince did not lie, he really used Rong Shengkai's medicine.

"Do not inject needles indiscriminately in the heart. If there is no accident, the third prince had better not let others inject needles." Rong Sheng told him in a cold voice.

The third prince nodded straightly, "I don't want to either. Isn't there no way? From now on, I will definitely remember the words of the genius doctor. Even if there are a hundred imperial doctors in the palace, I will not let them give the injection."

He resolutely did not mention Huo Qiqi, and the third prince reckoned that he would not be able to invite Huo Qiqi.Unless it still makes the sixth child bleed, it will only work if you have to pay for the beauty trick.

Huo Qiqi is even more afraid of death than him.According to what Huo Qiqi said, his heart disease should be very serious, that guy would never take risks for him.

Thinking of this, the third prince suddenly felt that he was quite pitiful.

An Xishi didn't take it too seriously when the third prince invited someone else to the mansion for medical treatment.The children of the royal family are delicate and precious, not to mention the third prince is the emperor's own son, even the concubine Shu, who is said to be very favored in the palace.

The third prince's condition was so serious yesterday, it was completely reasonable for the palace to send an imperial physician over.It would be strange if the palace didn't send someone over.

Therefore, her eyes fell more on Li Yuanbai.

Li Yuanbai looked very calm, but Rong Sheng was angry, and his eyes didn't change at all. "Elder Rong, it's just a deal between me and the genius doctor Gu. As long as you can cure the third child's illness, everything in the past will be over, so you can just treat the illness."

What he said was quite rude.

Rong Sheng's face turned red immediately, Jiang Ting and Jiang Wan also looked at him in surprise, and An Xishi stared at him in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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