Chapter 428 Complex
"New Year's Eve at night, there will be tomorrow morning. I am their seventh uncle, not short of money." Huo Qiqi replied proudly.

Everyone in the mansion knew that she had indeed earned a lot of money this year.It was they who got a lot of money because of the addition of Zhuangzi and the dividends from Zuixianlou.

Come on, if the local tyrants pay the money, everyone doesn't care.

"Grandfather, give the red envelope." Huo Qiqi stretched out his hand in front of the Duke Protector.

"Ah?" Duke Protector was dumbfounded, he was a big bastard and didn't prepare for such a thing at all.Besides, in previous years, there was no money for New Year's Eve.

"Grandfather, you won't be so stingy, will you?" Huo Qiqi's eyes showed contempt.

The Duke Protector shuddered suddenly, "Give it, you must."

Cheng Bo waited on the sidelines, and immediately looked over eagerly after hearing the words of Duke Hu Guo.

The Protector raised his hand, and Uncle Fu hurriedly went to the accountant.

After a while, Huo Qiqi finally got a big red envelope, 500 taels of silver.

"Sent it." Huo Qiqi became happy when he saw Yinzi, and Duke Huo also shrieked.

"Grandfather, where's ours?" Huo Yixing asked.

The Lord Protector was furious when he heard the words, and slapped him on the head, "You have hands and feet, what do you need money for?"

Huo Yixing...

Everyone: "Yes."

How does this compare to Qiqi?
Huo Qiqi bared his teeth and smiled at him, "Third brother, the same person is different, you are not as good-looking as me, and you are not as sweet-mouthed as me, so let's forget about the new year's money. By the way, I am the youngest, will you prepare the new year's money for me?"

"Fourth brother prepared it for you." Huo Yichen said with a smile, took out a red envelope from his body and stuffed it to Huo Qiqi.

"I've prepared it for Qiqi too." Huo Yining smiled and took out a red envelope as well.

"We're ready too." Huo Yi'an handed over a red envelope.

"Third brother?" Huo Qiqi smiled at Huo Yixing.

"Yes, I'm ready." Huo Yixing finally took out the red envelope under the fiery eyes of everyone.

The master celebrates New Year's Eve, and the servants in the house also celebrate the festival.Except for those who stayed to serve the master and the gatekeepers, the rest of the servants all went back to celebrate the festival.

The silver rewards have been handed out long ago. This year, Mr. Huo Qi turned his back on the evil, and the quality of life in the mansion has been greatly improved, and everyone usually has wages and rewards. Fat year.

After dinner, everyone has to watch the year.

Huo Qiqi took out two sets of mahjong from the space and clamored to play mahjong with his family.

Everyone also smiled and cooperated with her, the family was divided into two tables, including Wang Shaojie's brother and sister, the number was just right.

The commotion continued until the third watch, when firecrackers sounded outside, and everyone dispersed and went back to their rooms to sleep.

On the second day, Huo Qiqi was disturbed early in the morning.

Putting on a new robe, Huo Qiqi went to the front hall and found that everyone was waiting for her to eat.

Naturally, I received a lot of red envelopes, and of course I also gave a lot of rewards when I saw the servants.

Huo Qiqi is not short of money, she will take out a few big red envelopes and distribute them to the brothers and the old man, "I made a little money last year, and I will give it to everyone for tea."

Everyone took a look at the red envelopes, and they found that there were 1000 taels of silver bills in them. It was less for the two children, and it was still two hundred, but the old man had five thousand taels in it.

The Lord Protector didn't say much, and asked Cheng Bo to put the banknotes away.

"Grandfather, you look handsome when you dress up like this." The old man was wearing a dark red robe.If it wasn't for the fabric Huo Qiqi chose, the old man wouldn't be willing to wear this color even if he killed him.But the old man doted on Huo Qiqi, not to mention the dark red that Huo Qiqi chose for him, even if it was bright red, he would still wear it.

"So the first day of the new year is going to court." Seeing the old man wearing court clothes outside, Huo Qiqi couldn't help shaking his head.

"Grandfather, put this on your stomach to keep it warm." Huo Qiqi, who was protecting his shortcoming, took out a white cloth bag and put it on the old man's stomach. There was paste on one side of the cloth bag, and he stood directly on the obscene clothes. "Never touch the skin directly."

Huo Qiqi told him.

Duke Huguo didn't know what it was, but he firmly remembered what Qi Qi told him.

Apart from the fact that the old man is an official, the Duke Protector's mansion has nothing to do with the imperial court.So the brothers stayed at home and continued to play mahjong and chess.

After a while, Wang Shaojie and Wang Ruoxi also came over.The more people there are, the more fun it is to play.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, people came to pay New Year's greetings one after another.

Wang Chuyun, the hostess, was so busy that she didn't have time to go back to her mother's house.

"Oh, this candy is different from the ones sold outside. Where did you buy it?" The female relatives came to the door, and they were all close people.

Everyone is not restrained, snacks, nuts and candies are free to grab.

All the guests who came here were distinguished guests, so the prefectures naturally did not lack such things.But the snacks in Duke Huguo's Mansion are different from those in other places. After the girls who came with them tasted the candies, they couldn't help calling Wang Chuyun.

"The seventh brother led others to do these." Wang Chuyun explained with a smile.

Everyone sighed again after hearing this.That said, it is definitely not good.

But Huo Qiqi was also prepared. She did a lot, so she handed it over to Wang Chuyun for favors.

In the third year of junior high, Huo Qiqi entered the palace.

The person I was looking for was quite unexpected, it was Concubine Shu in the palace who wanted to see her.

Huo Qiqi guessed that Concubine Shu wanted to see her because of the Third Prince's illness.To be honest, she didn't want to enter the palace.

"Sixth Prince, Happy New Year." When Huo Qiqi was about to go out, Li Yuanbai came over.

"Pick you up and enter the palace together." Li Yuanbai simply explained the purpose of his visit.

Huo Qiqi secretly rolled his eyes at him, coming to the house empty-handed on the New Year's Eve, cheapskate.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw the guards in the Sixth Prince's Mansion carrying gifts to the Duke Protector's Mansion.

Huo Qiqi hurriedly got into the car with his head down, "I have to trouble the sixth prince."

"The New Year is good." After getting into the carriage, Li Yuanbai finally said, "Here."

Huo Qiqi looked up and was startled, Li Yuanbai actually handed her a red envelope.

"Isn't that bad?" She smiled at Li Yuanbai embarrassingly, but she had already stretched out her hand to catch the red envelope.

It's a fool who doesn't want red envelopes in the New Year!

She didn't even look at it, and put it directly into her arms.

Seeing this, the corners of Li Yuanbai's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

The carriage quickly entered the palace gate, and after driving for a while, two people got off the carriage.

This time into the palace, Huo Qiqi couldn't bring too many people with him, only Jian Yu followed.

She and Li Yuanbai walked forward side by side, and met an acquaintance at the corner.

"Huo Qiqi?"

"Qiqi has met the First Prince and the Ninth Prince." Huo Qiqi looked at him with a smile and bowed his hands.

"Excuse me." The eldest prince gave her a half-smile look, "I heard that there are a lot of good things coming out of your shop, how about this prince wanting to share it a little bit after the next year?"

"I don't know what the eldest prince is referring to?" Huo Qiqi looked at him with a smile and asked.

"A year ago, I didn't know that the wind chicken was so delicious. No matter what happens next year, you have to give me a thousand."

"One thousand? Well, after a year, the eldest prince will have someone pick it up from Zhuangzi." Huo Qiqi smiled brightly, she turned her head to look at Jian Yu and ordered, "Remember it."

"Yes, young master." Jian Yu respectfully agreed.

The eldest prince's smile suddenly faded a little.

(End of this chapter)

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