Chapter 431 Absolute
The street is already overcrowded at this time, a sea of ​​people.

The Huo family sat upstairs, drinking warm wine, and just after eating, some snacks, nuts, and fruits were brought to the table, and everyone was very happy.

After a while, the third prince came over directly and asked for some nuts and fruits, but Li Yuanbai didn't come over.

An Xishi had been staring at the two private rooms of Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai. When she saw that only the third prince had gone to Huo Qiqi's private room, but Li Yuanbai hadn't, she finally had a smile on her face.

Maybe she really thinks too much.

After a while, all the shops of Huo's family sold glutinous rice balls at the same time, and the place became lively immediately.

There are many shops in Huo's house, such as Beauty Trick, Dim Sum Shop, Doll Shop, Zuixianlou, Hot Pot Restaurant and Fast Food Restaurant, so even if there are many people who come to eat glutinous rice balls, Xiao Er, who is in charge of taking care of them, is still busy.

"The stuffing in these glutinous rice balls is different." Gu Jinpei said in surprise while eating the glutinous rice balls. "

"The brown sugar made from sugar cane is used, and sesame seeds are added with crushed peanuts, so the taste is good." Huo Qiqi explained casually.

"Our glutinous rice balls have a lot of fillings." Wang Shaojie was a little proud.

The juniors like to be together, they all gather around here, young people can have fun, sitting together is very lively.

"The skin cream that has just been launched, can be applied on the body after taking a shower, it will make the skin smooth and tender." Xiao Er in the Wanjia rouge gouache shop is vigorously promoting it.

"Hmph, the people in the Valley of the Wonderful Doctors are not good birds." Wang Shaojie waited angrily for a glance at the person opposite him.

He shouted louder on purpose, and Rong Sheng who was sitting opposite couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

He glanced at the three apprentices suspiciously.

An Xishi was still calm, but Jiang Wan and Jiang Ting lowered their heads in fright.

"I've said it before, our family is not alone in the business." Huo Qiqi said with a light smile.

Wang Shaojie was still a little unwilling, and gave him another hard look.

Not to be outdone, Jiang Wan and Jiang Ting also stared back.

The atmosphere on both sides immediately became tense.

Huo Qiqi ignored the childish behavior of both parties, she was waiting for the pair downstairs with great interest.

When the fifteen lanterns come out, most of them are crossword puzzles, and there are also pairs.However, the rewards for the couplets produced by the Huo family are very rich. First of all, the lanterns hung by the Huo family are very beautiful in shape, and secondly, no matter who plays the couplets, they can get five taels of silver.

Not only food, but also money, and finally a lantern, who would not like such a good thing.As a result, many scholars heard about it and gathered under the Zuixian Tower.

This street was originally the most prosperous place in the capital, and for a while, the downstairs of Zuixian Tower was completely filled with water.

Most of the scholars came for the generous rewards from Zuixianlou, but soon, many people downstairs started arguing.

"Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue."

"Look at the sky, look at the sky empty, go to the empty sky every day when you have time."

"Lonely and cold window empty widow."

Difficult, really difficult, really difficult!A pair is harder than a pair.

The scholars who were originally full of confidence were dumbfounded from the first lantern to the last.

All the pairs played by the Huo family are absolute.

"This is too difficult."

"Isn't this deliberately making things difficult for people?"


Scholars who racked their brains and failed to match were crowded under the lanterns, pointing at them.There was even a discordant voice from it, saying that the Huo family was deliberately making things difficult for everyone.

"A bunch of idiots, they have nothing to do with themselves, and they blame others instead." Huo Yining said with a sneer.

"How many pictures can second brother match?" Huo Qiqi asked with a faint smile.

"Three pictures are fine." Huo Yining replied with a wry smile.

Gu Guye next door smiled wryly when he saw the couplet.Even him, at most he can only match three of them.

Huo Qiqi's couplet was indeed too difficult, and I don't know where she found it.

There were people downstairs who were resentful, thinking that when Huo Qiqi was making things difficult for everyone, someone finally came out and confronted him.

Seeing this, Xiao Er, who was guarding outside, congratulated him immediately, and gave out corresponding lanterns and five taels of silver.

Now, everyone has nothing to say.

Huo Qiqi smiled and looked at the person carrying the lantern, oh, indeed, the masters are among the people.

Pairing is not her strong point. If it is not because of rebirth, it is estimated that she will not be able to match any of these pairs.

"It's his uncle's, and the dead woman on the other side actually matched him." Just as he was stunned, another lantern was taken away from downstairs, and the winner was An Xishi, whom Wang Shaojie had always disliked.

Huo Qiqi looked at An Xishi and kept looking up at the second floor of Zuixian Tower. Following An Xishi's gaze, she immediately saw the third and sixth princes next door.

Huo Qiqi suddenly realized why An Xishi was full of hostility towards her.

It's over, she dragged Li Yuanbai out as an excuse, which seemed to have misunderstood An Xishi.

Li Yuanbai's eyes fell on the downstairs lightly. He seemed to be interested in the couplet written by Huo Qiqi.

However, he turned a blind eye to An Xishi's admiring gaze, but turned slightly to see Huo Qiqi next door.

Huo Qiqi's hairs immediately stood up, hehe, there is an admirer below, the sixth prince should spare her.She retracted her body in a futile manner.

Li Yuanbai's face suddenly darkened.

After a while, Gu Guangning and Huo Yi'an also matched each other.

The people around sighed, everyone didn't know Gu Guangning, but many people in Huo Yi'an still knew each other.Among the younger generation of the Huo family, except for the domineering young master Huo Qi, the other young masters are very low-key and treat others very kindly.

The teacher of Guozijian once sighed, saying that the eldest son of the Huo family has a peerless talent, but it is a pity that the eldest son has no intention of official career, he just travels low-key at home and arranges the family business to protect his younger brothers.

When I saw him today, he was indeed a genius.

"It's right, it's right again." Someone exclaimed happily, and Huo Qiqi stretched out his head to look around.Ha, it turned out to be an old acquaintance!The one who presented the fifth couplet was actually the old master of Taifu's mansion.

Hey, why is the old man joining in the fun? Huo Qiqi knows that the old man has skills, so he is not very interested.

"Xiao Qiqi, I'll join in the fun too." The third prince stretched his neck and greeted Huo Qiqi with a smile.

"As you wish." Huo Qiqi rolled his eyes at him.

Not to mention, the third prince really has two brushes, and the next couplets he wrote are very neat.

Out of the ten pairs, six pairs were matched, and for the remaining four pairs, many people racked their brains and couldn't come up with the second line.Then someone shouted again, "Young Master Huo Qi, it's not like these are absolute, there is no second line at all, right?"

If someone thinks this way, there must be someone who agrees.

If it is really absolute, the Huo family is giving money and lanterns, which is tantamount to fooling everyone.Once the bad reputation is spread, the Huo family's business will be somewhat affected.

(End of this chapter)

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