Chapter 434
The child was fine for the time being, but Lan Keyi's condition became more serious.

At this time, not only her lips were black, but her whole face was also blue-black, just like when she and Xiao Chengfeng first came to Duke Huguo's mansion to ask for medicine.

Huo Qiqi's hard work these days seems to have all disintegrated.

To make matters worse, the blood underneath her was also very bad, and it was still that kind of black blood, with a strong stench.

"Keyi." Xiao Chengfeng's eyes were bloodshot, and facing Lan Keyi who had passed out with his eyes closed tightly, he almost fell into a state of madness.

Huo Qiqi couldn't see it, and kicked him on the calf, "What are you talking about, he's not dead yet. It's annoying."

After hearing this, Jian Yu and Jing Mu immediately moved nervously to protect her side, for fear that Huo Qiqi's attitude would irritate Xiao Chengfeng.

After being kicked, Xiao Chengfeng was stunned for a while, and suddenly calmed down. He honestly held Lan Keyi's hand aside, and his eyes became a little clearer.

Huo Qiqi ignored him again, she put all her body and mind on Lan Keyi, "Give her the soup."

Huaxi immediately went over and poured the decoction for Lan Keyi.

Xiao Chengfeng looked distressed, but he had no choice but to lower his head and turn a blind eye.

After pouring down a bowl of herbal medicine, Huo Qiqi dipped a silver needle in the liquid medicine and quickly injected the needle on Lan Keyi's body. After burning an incense stick, the blackness on Lan Keyi's face gradually receded, and finally turned pale color.

Huo Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief, then used a needle and thread to sew up Lan Keyi's wound, and rinsed it with decoction. "Wait a minute, burn all these things."

The medical girl, wearing rubber gloves, agreed, and then prepared to deal with it.

"Put her on the couch next to her." Huo Qiqi was so tired that she couldn't stand up straight after a busy night, but she didn't dare to hesitate at all.The baby was still soaked in the potion, she went over to pick it up, gently bathed the baby with the third dose of decoction, and then fed the baby some warm water from the space with a dropper.

"Young master, here." Hua Qiao finally relaxed when she saw that the child was breathing normally.

Huo Qiqi took the quilt and clothes handed over by the girl, wiped the child clean with his own hands, then put the child in the quilt, wrapped it in the quilt, and handed it to the woman beside him, "No two days ago Breastfeeding, just some warm water."

The mother-in-law quickly agreed.

Although this newborn son is not a son of the mansion, the seventh son valued this child so much that they didn't dare to take it lightly.

The female doctors moved quickly, and everyone worked together, and quickly cleaned up the house.

Huo Qiqi was so tired!
"After an hour has passed, feed her the fourth dose of medicine. After two days, she will be able to breastfeed the child." Huo Qiqi thumped her waist and ordered.

Everyone agreed.

"Come in instead, you guys go back to your room and rest." She yawned lazily, "Just say you can't be a bad person, this kind of work can be exhausting."

While complaining, she stood up and staggered out, without saying a word to Xiao Chengfeng.

Xiao Chengfeng looked at her limp legs and the hands supporting her waist, but also didn't say a word.

"Qiqi, how are you?" The Huo family brothers who had been guarding outside immediately surrounded Huo Qiqi when they saw Huo Qiqi coming out.

"It's not bad, the big ones and the small ones are alive." After Huo Qiqi replied, his feet went limp, and his body fell down. "Too tired, I'll go to bed first."

Li Yuanbai moved one step faster than others, and was the first to catch Huo Qiqi.

Huo Yining was half dead with anger, but right now he didn't have the energy to settle accounts with Li Yuanbai, but hurriedly led the way and asked him to send Huo Qiqi back to his room.

This was the first time Li Yuanbai came to Huo Qiqi's room.

Huo Qiqi's room was very simple, the quilt on the bed was azure blue, with a few silver threads embroidered across it.There is a high cabinet with three doors on one side, a soft one on the outside, and a pear wood table in the middle.

The decoration here is almost the same as that of Zhuangzi's. To be honest, this kind of decoration really doesn't match Huo Qiqi's usual style at all.

Seeing this, the corners of Li Yuanbai's mouth couldn't help but curl up again.

He looked at Huo Qiqi who was exhausted in his arms, felt a little distressed, and carefully put her on the bed.

"Thank you, Prince Six. Qi Qi is really exhausted, we'd better go outside and let Qi Qi have a good rest." Huo Yining said through gritted teeth.

If it hadn't been for Li Yuanbai's guarding at Huo's house all night, he would have been unable to resist beating someone.

Li Yuanbai wasn't too troublesome, as soon as Huo Yining finished speaking, he immediately turned around and left Huo Qiqi's room.

Seeing this, Huo Yining felt better.

Li Yuanbai left Huo Qiqi's room, and he didn't want to stay longer at Huo's house, so he refused Huo Yi'an's stay and went back to the house directly.

Huo Qiqi might be really exhausted, this time, she slept until the night before waking up.

"It's over." Huo Qiqi lay on the bed and patted his face. "The life is so good, people are still lazy, and their physical fitness has dropped a lot."

In ancient times, she lived a life of rich clothes and fine food. She never suffered, and never thought of exercising.I thought that relying on the space water, no matter how poor her physical fitness was, it wouldn't be too bad.

Unexpectedly, after a night of highly intense surgery, people are exhausted.

This is not going to work, Huo Qiqi secretly decided that starting tomorrow, she must exercise hard.It's not enough to be a hero, at least you have to restore your skills to the state of modern times.

Also, damn it, I heard that her lightness kung fu was not bad at first, why at the critical moment, she couldn't think of how to fly?
After getting up, she simply washed up, and Shun Yu and Jingfeng brought her food.Huo Qiqi wasn't too polite, she hadn't eaten for a day, and she was really hungry.

After eating, Huo Qiqi was worried, and went to the pharmacy to see Lan Keyi.

Lan Keyi woke up lying on the bed. Although her face was pale, she was still energetic.

"Thank you, Seventh Young Master." Lan Keyi didn't know that Huo Qiqi fell into a coma for a day because of being tired, so she just looked at the child gratefully.

Xiao Chengfeng looked at her with a much gentler look.

Huo Qiqi yawned and sat down, stretching out his hand to test her pulse.

After a while, she closed her hands and wrote another prescription, "I'll cook the medicine later, and bring her some meat porridge first, and boil a few eggs along the way."

"It's all ready. It's just that the young master didn't speak, and the servants didn't dare to bring it over." Huaxi said with a smile.

"Feed her whatever you want, confinement is normal. Huh? Didn't sleep all day and all night?" Huo Qiqi asked with concern.

"The servants are not tired. During the day, the servants slept on their backs, and everyone squinted for a while." Huaxi replied gratefully.

"After taking the medicine at night, you can go back to sleep with peace of mind. Let the people in her yard guard here, and leave a medical girl to watch over the child." Huo Qiqi ordered.

Huaxi happily agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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