Chapter 436

Just when Wang Shaojie was impatient, things turned around.

What happened was still in the palace.

There is no safe place in the harem.

Today's emperor is exposed to both rain and dew, and has no preference for any concubine, but there is always a preference.

The queen's natal family is the Grand Master's Mansion, and her natal brothers and even sisters' in-laws occupy various important positions in the court, and gave birth to the eldest prince and a princess for the emperor.This position must be very strong.

The concubine Shu and the concubine Xian were cousins, and each of them gave birth to a prince for the emperor, which is the third prince and the sixth prince today.The third prince's health is not good, and Concubine Shu has a gentle personality. She only thinks about curing the third prince's illness, so she has no intention of competing for favor.

After Concubine Xian gave birth to the sixth prince, she left early due to her poor health.Li Yuanbai was taken care of by Concubine Shu since childhood.

Perhaps because the emperor feels a little guilty about this, he has always respected Concubine Shu.

The concubine de concubine has only one daughter, who is the third princess today.Concubine De, who has no son, definitely has neither the ability nor the idea to compete for favor, so she lives more comfortably in the palace.

The bad thing is that something happened to the third princess.

The third princess is fourteen this year, and I don't know if it's because of anger or other reasons. Recently, she has developed many pimples on her forehead.

The little girl loves beauty, so she squeezed her pimples with her hands, and tried her best to cover them up with rouge and water powder sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Unexpectedly, on the second day, her entire forehead began to ooze yellow water, and at night, the sores also became larger, and some places even began to blur.

Concubine De was very anxious now, and immediately announced the imperial doctor to come to see him, and finally even the emperor was alarmed.

Several imperial physicians were quite capable, and soon found out the reason.It's just that no one was willing to speak clearly, and in the end it was the emperor who got angry, so someone stood up and told the truth.

It turned out that the princess had painted something with lead powder on her face.

Concubine De has only one daughter, and she usually suffers from eyeball pain. She uses only the best things for her daily expenses, so how could she use lead powder?After following the clues, I realized that the problem was the rouge gouache sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Now the Ministry of Internal Affairs has made a big mess. In the harem, from the queen mother to the maids, all the rouge and gouache sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs are used. If there is a problem with the rouge and gouache, it does not involve a person's personal interests.

In the end, almost all the favored concubines gathered to inquire about the news, and the queen couldn't sit still.There is no way, the relationship between the Wan family and the Zhao family is very close, it can be said that the interests of the Wan family are directly related to her interests.

"Your Majesty, forgive me. The Wanjia rouge gouache has been used in the palace for so many years, and there has never been anything wrong with it." The queen cried until she was crying.

Concubine De was immediately upset when she heard this, "Your Majesty, the imperial physician can clearly say that the reason why Changning's forehead was festering is because lead powder was used in the rouge gouache sent by the House of Internal Affairs. The empress and concubines did not add fuel or vinegar to frame her." Wanjia."

Princess Changning also knelt down to the emperor, "Father, whether the rouge powder used by the House of Internal Affairs is harmful, you just need to find someone to try it. If my son leaves a scar on his forehead in the future, what face will he have to live?"

After finishing speaking, she began to cry, "This matter is not only related to Erchen alone, who in the palace does not use the rouge powder sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

"Your Majesty, this concubine thinks that what Princess Changning said is not a bad idea." Concubine Shu saw the Emperor's gaze on her, and said softly, "If it's not because of the problem with the rouge and gouache, it's better to find out who wanted it as soon as possible." Harm Princess Changning, let everyone rest assured. If there is a problem with the rouge powder, others can avoid it."

"The concubine also thinks what Concubine Shu said is reasonable." A concubine who had recently been favored stood up.

The other concubines agreed one after another, and the queen's complexion suddenly darkened.

The concubine who walked very close to the queen wanted to say a few words to the queen, but the emperor's face was not good, and no one dared to say more.

"Come here, find someone to come and try it out." The emperor shouted.

It is quite easy to find a few people in the palace.Soon, several court ladies with pimples on their faces were found out.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs began to conduct experiments in front of the emperor and all the concubines.

The results were unexpected.

There is nothing wrong with the rouge gouache sent by the Wan family in the past, but the problem is precisely the batch of new products that have just been sent to the palace.These new products are said to be made from the formula given by the genius doctor Gu, and they are especially popular among the harem concubines and princesses recently.

Now when the problem came out, all the concubines who had used the new product were frightened immediately, and the emperor was furious about it.

"Yes, really." When Wang Shaojie saw the Wanjia rouge and gouache next door closed, his brows were filled with joy.

"It's a bit of a coincidence." Huo Qiqi sighed, "I guess the Huo family can't escape the suspicion."

"We didn't do it, what are you afraid of?" Wang Shaojie didn't think so, he was gloating and didn't care about other things.

There are many eyes and ears in the palace, and the story of the three princesses spread quickly in the official mansion.

Anyone who bought rouge powder at Wanjia was so frightened that they immediately threw away the newly bought face cream.

"Wang's soap is very greasy. If it wasn't for that person, who would use Wanjia's soap?" Someone sighed.

"It's just such a coincidence?"

"Whether it's a coincidence or not. If there is no problem with Wanjia Cream, such a thing will not happen."

"It's three-point poison."

"That's right, I heard it's a prescription from the genius doctor Gu."


The Queen and the First Prince are also suspicious of the Duke Protector's Mansion.

But they sent someone to investigate, and the news they got was that Huo Qiqi had nothing to do with it.

What makes them feel tricky now is how to deal with Wanjia's affairs.

"Empress, apart from the new products from Wanjia, there is nothing wrong with other rouge and gouache products." Wan Qilai was in a hurry.

He also secretly resented in his heart that the people from Miracle Doctor Valley clearly put them together.

Thinking of the cream that was just launched to smear on the body after bathing, he was even more worried.

"Is lead powder really used in it?" The eldest prince asked with a cold face.

The queen's palace is all her own people, so there is no need to hide it from her own people.Wan Jinyou nodded vigorously, "Among all the rouge powders that want to whiten, there is no one that does not contain lead powder."

"Are you sure that lead powder was also used in the beauty trap?" The eldest prince immediately thought of a way.

Wan Qilai shook his head with a wry smile, "Except for beauty tricks."

"Even the people in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors don't know the formula in the beauty trap?" The queen looked angry.

Wan Qilai shook his head, "The Miracle Doctor Valley couldn't find the formula either."

The eldest prince cursed secretly, what kind of magic doctor valley is useless.

"This matter is a bit tricky, and the emperor has already been alarmed. Now no one is allowed to act rashly." The queen sighed.

"Mr. Huo Qi, the miscellaneous family is here to discuss a business with Mr. Qi." On this day, the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs found Huo Qiqi in person.

"Sit face to face." Huo Qiqi was very polite to the visitor.

(End of this chapter)

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