Chapter 444
After resting in place, the team continued to move forward.

It was not until evening that everyone came to the hunting ground.

The hunting ground is fifty miles away from the capital, in the western suburbs of the capital.

For modern people, it takes more than an hour to drive for more than 50 miles.But the emperor's traveling team was too large, and not everyone who accompanied him could ride in a car. Huo Qiqi finally understood why it took seven or eight days for the emperor to hunt.

Think about it, it takes two days to go back and forth, and there are only four or five days left. Let's go hunting and barbecue again. After such a toss, the time will pass quickly.

Huo Qiqi didn't have much interest. After reaching her goal, she needed to set up camp.

The emperor's tent has been set up long ago, uniquely in the middle, and no tents are allowed to exist within 50 meters around.

Officials also had tents, most of which surrounded the emperor's tent in a circular shape, showing a protective pattern.

As for the remaining official sons and daughters, they are on the periphery.

Huo Qiqi is a person on the periphery.

Three young masters came out from the Huo family, but they set up two tents, which looked a bit luxurious, and many people came to see them frequently.

Huo Qiqi looks monstrous and looks good in anything.She also prefers red, wearing a bright red robe on her body, the whole person looks extremely charming and evil.At this moment, she was lazily sitting on a low stool and looking around lazily. Wherever she looked, she was invincible.

If Huo Qiqi was surly and cold in the past, then Huo Qiqi's reputation has changed a lot now, not to mention, just smile at her when she sees people, and many people also have a good impression of her.

She seemed to be born to seduce people. Many young ladies in the official family couldn't help but blush when they saw her.

"Cousin." Gu Jinpei came over to find someone.

The elder brother in the family didn't come, and she was the only prostitute in the Gu family, so she came here to place an order.Moreover, the Gu family just came from Sichuan, so she didn't know anyone here at all.

Therefore, a little frightened, she could only come to the Huo family brothers.

"Sister." Huo Qiqi responded with a smile, "Second Brother and Fourth Brother will set up a tent for you later."

"She was alone, and she sat next to me." Chen Zhenzhu walked over and said awkwardly.

"It's okay to live next to us." Lu Pingting from Taifu's Mansion also walked over with a maid with a smile.

There is a disturbance in the capital, and most of you know it.It is said that Huo Qiqi has no sisters, so he takes good care of the Gu family's cousin and Wang Shaojie's younger sister.

Many people wanted to get acquainted with Huo Qiqi through the two of them, but both Gu Jinpei and Wang Ruoxi were low-key people, and the Gu family had just entered Beijing from Shu, so if they approached too deliberately, it would make people feel that they had ulterior motives.

Chen Zhenzhu and Lu Pingting did not have such concerns. First of all, the two families are in the capital, and their official positions are quite high. In addition, both the Chen family and the Lu family have been treated by Huo Qiqi. There is kindness.

The two girls' overtures were not abrupt.

"Cousin, it's good for you to keep them company." Huo Qiqi looked at the two girls with softer eyes.

Chen Zhenzhu's expression darkened when she saw that there were many official ladies spying on Huo Qiqi.These people are really shameless, they used to dislike Huo Qiqi so much, but now they secretly peep at him.Hmph, that's why she doesn't like those delicate ladies.

"Brother Seven." The chubby girl, Princess Yongle, ran over quickly, "Why did you set up the tent here? We are in the east, too far away from you."

Chen Zhenzhu knew about Princess Yongle's obsession with Huo Qiqi, so she felt a little nervous looking at her.She sneaked a glance at Huo Qiqi, and when she found that Huo Qiqi's expression hadn't changed at all, she finally let go of her heart.

"Princess, I can't go to your side." Huo Qiqi waved his hand.

"It's okay, I'll get someone to bring you food later." The little fat girl waved her hand and said.As a relative of the royal family, the biggest advantage is that you can take more everywhere and bring more supplies.

"No need, I have enough here." Huo Qiqi refused.The ghost wants to get involved with the little fat girl.

The little chubby girl is nice, but Xue Changrong, the eldest princess, and the son-in-law are good people. Huo Qiqi thinks it is wise to stay away from them.

"It's so lively here? Huo Qiqi, you're so talented, you actually made so many confidants?" Suddenly, an unhappy voice came from the side.

Huo Qiqi heard the words and turned to look over.

As long as a beautiful girl in palace attire was staring at her with a smile that was not a smile, and a group of ladies were following the beautiful girl, and these people also looked at Huo Qiqi with arrogance and disdain in their eyes.

Who gave them confidence?Huo Qiqi sneered in his heart.

"See the princess." But the other party has a big background, even if Huo Qiqi is unhappy, he still has to bow to him, Chen Zhenzhu dare not be careless alone, Princess Changyi is not easy to mess with.

"Huo Qiqi, this princess asked you something." Princess Changyi sneered and stared at her.

Zhao Ling'er and the others stood on the sidelines, feeling extremely complacent.Princess Changyi's question sounded very simple, but Huo Qiqi was not easy to answer.

confidant?To put it nicely, Huo Qiqi is very popular, but he only talks to girls when he talks to Huo Qiqi, so this confidant will be heavily questioned.Princess Changyi almost pointed at Huo Qiqi's nose and scolded her for being indiscreet.

The complexions of Chen Zhenzhu and Lu Pingting suddenly became ugly.

"I don't know which eye the princess saw that I had made a bosom friend?" Huo Qiqi's tone suddenly turned cold. She didn't want to offend anyone, but it didn't mean she was stupid.Huo Qiqi is the son of the Duke Huguo's mansion, he can be flamboyant and domineering, but he can't be weak.What's more, under the watchful eyes of everyone, if she accidentally fell into the other party's trap, the reputation of the girls present would be ruined.

As for her own reputation, Huo Qiqi said that she never cared about it.

"This is my cousin, who is similar to my own sister." Huo Qiqi pointed to Gu Jinpei and said, "My sister is alone. Ms. Lu and Ms. Chen are my sister's friends. They are worried that my sister will be lonely, so they came here specially to invite her over. It’s just putting up the tent. As for the Princess, she called me brother, and she can barely be regarded as a friend among the foodie group. I don’t know which eye of Princess Changyi can see that I have made many friends? If you judge by how much you talk In terms of confidant standards, in fact, the princess and I talk the most, in the eyes of outsiders, maybe they will think that the princess is my confidant."

The word confidant really cannot be used casually, especially when it is a man and a woman.

Princess Changyi's face changed suddenly, she pointed at Huo Qiqi viciously and yelled, "Bold, Huo Qiqi, how dare you speak rudely to this princess? Come on, this princess will drag this apprentice down and beat him twenty Slabs."

Twenty big boards?The faces of Chen Zhenzhu and the others turned pale immediately, and the girls even regretted it. If they had known earlier, they would not have come here to cause trouble for Huo Qiqi.

"Princess really knows how to joke." If it was in the harem, Huo Qiqi might still be afraid of Princess Changyi, but this is under the eyes of the emperor, so she really won't be afraid of her.

(End of this chapter)

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