Chapter 447 The First Day of Hunting

The Huguogong's mansion has always maintained a neutral position. When the officials saw that the third and sixth princes, as well as the first and ninth princes who joined later, were happily drinking with the Huguogong, all parties had their own calculations in their hearts.

Huo Qiqi was a little unhappy. She didn't expect the princes to be so thick-skinned, and she didn't expect that Princess Changyi just made things difficult for her. As Princess Changyi's own brother, the eldest prince, he would bring dishes with a smile, and then openly Sit down and rub the dumplings.

She doesn't care what these people are planning. Since the old man didn't chase them away, she won't speak.

With the emperor watching, there should be no one who would dare to say that the Duke Huguo's government formed a party for personal gain, or had selfish motives.

"You can only eat noodles." Huo Qiqi sighed as he saw that there was only half a pot of water left in the pot, and then ordered Yu Yu and the others.

"Yes, young master." Jian Yu agreed softly.

The four guards from Huo's family ordered noodles together.

Even if they eat noodles, they are much happier.Many servants, guards, or maidservants only ate dry food, and they couldn't even drink hot water.

Most of the offspring of officials are several people in one tent.

Gu Jinpei was dragged away by Chen Zhenzhu, so she had a companion.

Huo Qiqi has a little obsession with cleanliness, so for a little extravagance, she lived alone in a tent, and Jian Yu and Jing Mu also lived in it.

Early in the morning of the next day, the families got up again in a hurry. Although there was water, it was not in the mansion after all. Even the most elegant girls could only wash up briefly, but no one dared to relax in terms of makeup.

Today, the royal heirs and the emperor are all here, who doesn't want to show everyone the most beautiful side?
Since Huo Qiqi's temperament changed, the Huo family has become a little more particular.Of course, this particularity refers to Huo Qiqi's personal behavior. She never wronged herself when it came to eating.

In order to show frugality in front of the emperor, many families ate dry food for officials and family members.

But when Huo Qiqi got up, he cooked for himself. He made ramen for his family that was delicious in color and flavor. There was an egg lying on it, and ham was also a must. The side dishes were pickled sour bamboo shoots, crispy radish and A small bowl of freshly fried chili oil.

When the people around smelled such delicious noodles early in the morning, many of them just felt drooling, so everyone secretly scolded Huo Qiqi again in their hearts.This guy is indeed a scourge, can't he keep a low profile in front of the emperor?

"It looks really good." The third prince brought over a bowl of porridge and steamed stuffed buns.As a royal heir, you can still enjoy some privileges.After all, there were no fewer than ten imperial chefs who followed the emperor. "Girls have good skin when they drink porridge in the morning."

After speaking, he put the porridge in front of Gu Jinpei.

This is a talk from experience, the reason why he succeeded in eating dinner yesterday was because he was next to Gu Jinpei.

Gu Jinpei's face turned red immediately, and she was even more at a loss.

Huo Qiqi immediately rolled his eyes at him, "Cousin, you eat in the tent. Anyone with a clear mind knows that some thick-skinned people purposely sit next to her cousin because they see her soft-hearted. Tongue thing, I don’t know what to say behind my back. The third prince has a strong psychological endurance and is a man, so the damage suffered can be ignored. But the cousin is different. "

"Okay." The nervous Gu Jinpei didn't think about anything, stood up and hurried into the tent.The girl hurriedly took away the noodles she just ate.

The third prince...

He needs to be so quick to guard against thieves. Is he the kind of greedy person?Besides, no matter how greedy he is, he will not eat the food that others have eaten.

"Huo Qiqi, your body is weak, it's better to drink porridge." Seeing that the noodles in front of Huo Qiqi didn't move, his eyes lit up immediately.

Huo Qiqi looked at him with a smile, nodded, then picked up the noodles and put them in his mouth, "Thank you, Third Prince, for your kindness. I think it's good to give this to you."

Come on, don't think about it.

But Huo's side dishes are also good, so he reluctantly ate it with everyone.

So, others ate noodles, and the third prince drank porridge. He resisted the huge temptation and finished his breakfast.

Hours later, the first day of hunting began.

The hunting ground is huge, and the emperor did not end there.Young people from various prefectures and their generals are the main force.

These people rode horses of various colors and carried bows and arrows.

"Okay, okay." Seeing the strong lineup, the emperor couldn't help applauding happily.

Huo Qiqi also looked over with great interest.

His eyes fell on Huo Yining and Huo Yichen. No matter how she looked at it, she felt that her two brothers were the most handsome among these people.

As soon as the salute was fired, everyone immediately galloped on horses, and the cheers and applause on the field rang together.

The first match was actually an exhibition match, and some wicked person came up with the idea of ​​putting a few deer and goats in the middle of the field, and then everyone chased them out.

As the horses went out, the servants of all the prefectures stretched their necks and shouted.

"Second brother, fourth brother, catch a goat." Huo Qiqi stood on the stool and shouted. As a sick child, she couldn't participate in hunting, but as a cheerleader, she was very capable.

"Huo Qiqi is very energetic." The emperor couldn't help laughing when he heard her applause and saw her frail body.

"Her body is still a little weaker." The Duke Protector expressed his regret.

Immediately, he couldn't help jumping up and stood up, yelling loudly, "You two bastards, you must catch a goat. If you can't catch it, I will skin you."

As a general, the old man has shown what it means to be full of spirit.

When the emperor heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Taishi and other civil officials couldn't help but give him a supercilious look when they saw that he was disrespectful in front of the emperor.

However, Duke Protector seemed to have not seen it, still standing on tiptoes and stretching his neck to look into the distance.

The hunting activities on the field were very intense, and the battle almost reached the point of daylight.Since it is an exhibition game, everyone has a chance to compete. That is to say, killing the prey is not considered a win. Only the person who brings the prey into the 50-meter circle really wins.

To be able to show face in front of the emperor, no one wants to let go of such a good opportunity.

Huo Yining and Huo Yichen heard Huo Qiqi and his old man's words, the two brothers looked at each other, and then went to chase the frightened wild goat tacitly.

Zhao Xiankun sneered, Huo Qiqi wanted sheep, but he refused to let the Huo family brothers get what they wanted.

Although the Zhao family is a civil servant, Zhao Xiankun also made friends with some martial arts masters. After he secretly made a look at his good friend, Huo Yining and Huo Yichen were immediately surrounded by people.

Huo Yining and Huo Yichen were not idiots, so they understood their intentions immediately.

Huo Yining sneered, and whipped his horse's ass hard.The horse suffered from pain and ran forward like crazy. When it was close to the wild goat, Huo Yining bent down and hung on the right side of the horse.

With this strength, he grabbed a panicked wild goat.

(End of this chapter)

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