Chapter 449 Views
Huo Qiqi's heart was full of tears, I went, she only ate a few mouthfuls, and she has to work hard for the emperor, who is she offending.

An Xishi looked at Li Yuanbai in the distance, and finally felt a little better in her heart.

Perhaps it was because of the third prince that Li Yuanbai often came to Huo Qiqi.

If Li Yuanbai was only doing it for the third prince, she wouldn't have to take action against Huo Qiqi.

Li Yuanbai will be hers from now on, and she should be Li Yuanbai's person since then, and An Xishi has long been planning for Li Yuanbai.

The Duke Protector's Mansion has always maintained a neutral position. She cannot offend the Duke Protector prematurely, otherwise, it would be tantamount to setting up a strong opponent for the sixth prince.

"Huo Qiqi, not bad." The emperor couldn't stop eating the first bowl of haggis noodles.As the emperor, he has never eaten anything.

Mutton noodles, the imperial dining room occasionally cooks for him, but why are the noodles made by the imperial chef so smelly?Why does Huo Qiqi make haggis so delicious?

Gu Zhenye was also full of curiosity about Huo Qiqi. In the letters from the capital in previous years, no one mentioned Huo Qiqi's good cooking skills.Now that he has eaten a few meals in a row, he already knows it in his heart.

Alas, Qi Qi is really particular about food.

Let’s just talk about the haggis noodle. It has to be decorated with quail eggs, shredded carrots and green vegetables. Just holding the bowl, I can’t bear to eat it.

Huo Qiqi ate differently from others, she ate haggis vermicelli.

The vermicelli used is made of sweet potatoes in her space, which is many times more delicious than the vermicelli sold outside.

"Grandpa, have a bite." Before she ate, she first honored the old man.

"Okay." The old man is not bad for this, but he is still willing to do it in front of the emperor.

The emperor also saw that vermicelli became crystal clear in the haggis soup, Huo Qiqi specially added a few shredded dried shreds, red carrot shreds, green spinach, green coriander, and a few more A quail egg embellishment is too tempting.

Huo Qiqi should fight, why is he so good at eating?I don't know how to be a bit more secretive in front of him, the emperor, and I have become more courageous.

"Huo Qiqi, bring me a bowl of vermicelli too." The emperor ordered with a smile.

The tone is irrefutable!

Huo Qiqi was burying his head in his mouth, when he heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded.

No matter how vigorous the fans are, they can't soak for a long time.She only ate half of it that night.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Huo Qiqi is an elf, so she won't let the Emperor make a move. "The dough in the emperor's bowl has not been eaten yet, and the vermicelli should not be left for too long after it is made, otherwise, it will lose its strength. When the emperor has almost eaten, I will make it."

Hearing this, the emperor had a brighter smile on his face.Well, although this kid is a bit snarky, he is quite considerate of him.

Huo Qiqi's words were nice, and next, she didn't care what others thought of her, and she ate up the vermicelli in the bowl in two or three bites, not even a drop of soup left.


Most of the people in my family are men, and they are all big eaters.Huo Qiqi didn't care, he just did what he wanted and gave everyone a bowl of vermicelli.

Gu Jinpei in the tent couldn't eat any more, so he picked a little to taste, and then looked at the fans pitifully.

Chen Zhenzhu has a big appetite after practicing martial arts, "If you can't eat, give it to me."

Gu Jinpei nodded, and was surprised to see that she actually wiped out the remaining half of the bowl.

The emperor went to eat at Duke Hu's place, which surprised everyone.But soon everyone calmed down. Over the years, no matter whether it is the previous emperor or the current emperor, they have shown a lot of favor to Duke Protector.

Of course, the Duke Protector's Mansion paid a high price for this favor.

Thinking about it this way, everyone no longer envied the Huo family.

The queen was talking to her daughters and girls from her natal family with a smile on her face, but her eyes fell on the emperor in the distance from time to time.

When she saw the emperor eating and laughing with the Huo family, she couldn't help but feel a little colder in her eyes.The king of a country, regardless of his status, hangs out with his courtiers, completely disregarding the thoughts of other courtiers, the emperor is getting more and more confused.

After lunch, there will be a women's equestrian show.

All the girls who know how to ride horses in various prefectures all put on short clothes.

"Huo Qiqi, you can't hunt, why don't you perform a horsemanship with them." Princess Changyi came to find her presence again.

Huo Yining's face darkened, how dare this guy laugh at Huo Qiqi?
Huo Qiqi glanced at her with the eyes of a fool, "If I can ride a horse, why are I still sitting here watching a play?"

Princess Changyi was angry, she just wanted to humiliate Huo Qiqi, but Huo Qiqi retorted so blandly that she really had nothing to say, this guy is really shameless.

"Huo Qiqi, don't you have no shame if you can't even compare to girls?" Zhao Linger sneered.

"A group of women don't look as good as the master, the master is not proud, so ugly, I don't see a few of them feel ashamed." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile.

The third prince came over and burst out laughing when he heard Huo Qiqi's words.Huo Qiqi was really shameless.But with her virtue, she can really restrain Miss Zhao and Changyi.

Zhao Linger's face turned red immediately.

Women in ancient times were always very concerned about their appearance.The most important thing is that Zhao Ling'er is still ambitious, and she usually cares about her appearance very much. Being ridiculed by Huo Qiqi like this, she can't wait to tear Huo Qiqi's mouth.

However, what Huo Qiqi said was true, and Huo Qiqi's face could be regarded as a disaster.

"What is the third prince laughing at?" Huo Qiqi glanced at him with a faint smile, "It seems that the third prince's looks are justified."

The third prince originally came here to see a joke, but he didn't expect that Huo Qiqi would take him for a knife without saying anything because he just laughed.He felt that Huo Qiqi's most harmful thing was her mouth.

Princess Changyi and her party came here excitedly, but Huo Qiqi made them return disappointed with a few words.

Zhao Ling'er felt that the magic weapon for Huo Qiqi's victory was that this guy's thick skin was too thick, hmph, she's a good looking guy behind her.

Seeing that Huo Qiqi had won, Huo Yining and Huo Yishen left in peace.

After a while the equestrian show began.

"Cousin, do I have to practice equestrianism well in the future?" Gu Jinpei looked at the equestrian show with some envy, feeling very depressed.Although she can ride a horse, she is really not proficient.

"Cousin, why do you learn these things?" Huo Qiqi said lazily, "Equestrianism is indeed a skill, but it is not a means to please others. If my cousin can find a husband who is like-minded in the future, there is no need to think about whether or not Knows equestrian skills. A man who really likes you only cares about you, and he won't care about other things, let alone put the girl he likes in danger."

Gu Jinpei's face blushed when she heard about the marriage.

The third prince looked at Huo Qiqi in surprise, it was the first time he had heard someone look at women's equestrianism like this.

He quite agrees with Huo Qiqi's words, the ladies in the arena show their housekeeping skills, isn't it just to make people look different?

However, he didn't want Huo Qiqi to feel comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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