Chapter 459 It's You

An Xishi, Jiang Wan and Jiang Ting didn't expect Huo Qiqi to be so straightforward, admitting in front of so many people that she couldn't cure her.

When An Xi heard this, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.In this way, no one will use Miracle Doctor Valley as an example.

Li Yuanjin's arrow was too close to the heart, and the arrow used by the assassin was also very special, it was triangular in shape, she was not sure about pulling out the arrow, and did not dare to pull it out.

If Li Yuanjin's identity wasn't so special, she would rather give it a try, just as a practice.


She looked at Li Yuanjin without any other expression on her face.

"Huo Qiqi, how sure are you of saving him?" Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Yuanfu couldn't help asking with red eyes.

It was more appropriate for him to ask this question, King Ling's body was shaking, his legs were weak and he could hardly stand, and if the emperor and queen asked, it would be tantamount to forcing Huo Qiqi.

Physician Wen, then he is even less qualified to ask.

"Thirty percent." Huo Qiqi replied with a sigh, "but the conditions are too bad now, at best it's only [-]% sure."

Only [-]%?Everyone was disappointed.

An Xishi's heart twitched slightly, she had just reported [-]% certainty, but in fact, she didn't even have [-]% certainty in her heart.

She was betting that no one would dare to take over Li Yuanjin.

"If there is nothing else, can I leave?" Huo Qiqi hesitated and asked.

For her heartlessness, Jiang Wan and Jiang Ting scorned her severely.

"Go." The emperor sighed slightly.

Huo Qiqi turned around without hesitation and was about to leave, but someone grabbed her arm suddenly.

Huo Qiqi turned his head and looked at Li Yuanjin who was on the bed with his eyes closed in surprise.Let me go, this guy is like this, and he still wants to harm her?
Seeing this, King Ling and others stared at Li Yuanjin in surprise.

"You let go, I can't save you." Huo Qiqi struggled for a while, but she didn't dare to use too much force, but she didn't break free, she secretly groaned in her heart.

"King Ling." Imperial Physician Wen looked at Li Yuanjin excitedly.

"Father." Li Yuanfu's eyes became even redder. His younger brother was injured like this, and he was still pulling Huo Qiqi. He clearly still had a strong will to survive.

"Huo Qiqi, I beg you. It doesn't matter whether you live or die, life and death have fate." King Ling suddenly made up his mind.

The emperor sighed, and he also looked at Huo Qiqi, "Huo Qiqi, just give me one more chance, and I am willing to be his guarantor."

"This palace is also willing to be a guarantor for the king of Lingjun." The queen said.

"This prince is willing to be his guarantor." The third prince and sixth prince also stood up.

"This prince is willing to be his guarantor." The eldest prince and the ninth prince also stood up.

Huo Qiqi...

Forget it, since this kid has such a strong desire to survive, she should try harder.

"I'll prepare the medicinal materials first, and then write a few orders. The emperor had better send someone trustworthy to send the medicine list and inform my people to come. There are still a few people who need surgery." Huo Qiqi sighed and said, "You Can you let go?"

Strange to say, when she said that, Li Yuanjin really let go.

Everyone looked at Li Yuanjin in surprise, this man must have been unconscious, why did he hear Huo Qiqi's words?

Since Huo Qiqi decided to save people, he didn't want to delay.

She wrote a few medicine lists, and asked Huo Yining to return to Beijing as soon as possible to pick him up, and bring back some more medicinal materials by the way.

"Let Qingfeng and Minglang go back with him." Li Yuanbai came out, and Li Yuanfu followed, "I'll follow too."

It's a big deal, and they don't feel at ease.

Does anyone know if someone is blocking the road?I really can't afford to gamble.

It would be better if there were more people, and Huo Qiqi didn't refuse, so a group of more than a dozen people all mounted lightly and left.

Huo Qiqi asked Jian Yu and Jing Mu to help, and the three immediately rushed into the big tent with the package in their arms.

Almost all irrelevant people were invited out of the tent, and Ling Wang was left in the tent to supervise. Li Yuanbai had seen Huo Qiqi undergo surgery, so he could barely stay to help. Under such circumstances, Huo Qiqi would not wait to see Imperial Doctor Wen , and still left him behind.

"Can I stay and help?" Jiang Ting asked hesitantly.

"You can stay, but you have to obey my orders." Huo Qiqi replied coldly.

Jiang Wan was about to get angry, but Jiang Ting stopped her, "Okay."

Jian Yu threw a piece of blue cloth on the quilt, and then ordered someone to lift Li Yuanjin onto the stage.This table was equivalent to a dining table, but Huo Qiqi saw that it was very easy to use, so it was requisitioned.

There must be no less steps in changing clothes and disinfecting.Although the conditions were poor, Huo Qiqi tried his best to do what could be done.

When An Xishi went out, she turned her head and took a deep look at Li Yuanbai, who was wearing a mask and a white smock, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

Maybe she should put all her eggs in one basket and try it just now, so whether the sixth prince will treat her differently.

Jiang Wan was a little annoyed, but she couldn't say that Huo Qiqi was being brave. After all, this time, she saw with her own eyes that Huo Qiqi was forced to save him.

But Huo Qiqi was really willing to make a move, and she felt a little awkward in her heart.This feeling is very strange, also very uncomfortable.Therefore, she did not see that An Xishi's expression was wrong.

"No matter what happens in the middle, don't make a sound, unless I tell you to speak. Even if you die, I won't let the prince come over, and the prince will have to sit by the side and wait." Huo Qiqi ordered coldly.

King Ling's stiff neck nodded slightly.The others also nodded.

Only then did Huo Qiqi bring over all the equipment that had been sterilized by Clipping Feather, and quickly cleaned it up.

"All the cotton and equipment must be counted, and after the end, all must be aligned." Huo Qiqi ordered again.

This is a major operation, and she dare not take it lightly.Now that she takes over, she will definitely go all out.

She used silver needles to seal several large acupoints of Li Yuanjin, and then fed two pills of different colors to Li Yuanjin before preparing for the operation.

When Jiang Ting saw Huo Qiqi directly cut Li Yuanjin's heart open with a sharp knife, she almost cried out in shock.

Huo Qiqi was calm and calm, without any panic.

Her state undoubtedly set an example for others, and the others immediately followed suit and settled down.

After the chest cavity was opened, a beating heart was immediately displayed in front of everyone.

This was the first time that everyone saw the beating heart of a living person. Fortunately, the psychological quality of the people left behind was not bad, so no one panicked.

Huo Qiqi pressed the blood vessel with the hemostatic forceps, while instructing Li Yuanbai, "I used surgery to open the muscles on the side, and the sixth prince directly pulled out the arrow."

Li Yuanbai agreed lightly.

The triangular arrow is very sharp and can easily hurt the heart on the side.

Huo Qiqi used surgery to gently cut open the wrapped flesh and blood. Li Yuanbai received the look from her, and immediately grabbed the arrow and pulled it straight out. Huo Qiqi's hemostat blocked the blood vessel next to it again.

Next clean up and start tinkering.

This process was very meticulous, and the blood vessels in the heart were very rich. Without a shadowless lamp, Huo Qiqi had to be even more energetic.

(End of this chapter)

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