Chapter 466 Forced to Explain
"Your Majesty, I think that there are no waves without wind. Many people in the capital have already spread the word that Huo Qiqi's golden wound technique is so exquisite after many times of practice." Minister of the Ministry of Rites finally caught the opportunity to protect the Duke once. How could he let it go? With such a good opportunity, as soon as Taishi Zhao's words fell, he couldn't wait to stand up, "It just so happens that there are people in the capital who are cheating and hurting others. If Huo Qiqi can't justify his words, I'm afraid he won't be able to convince everyone."

"Your Majesty, I feel that this matter is inappropriate. As the Minister of Rites said, Huo Qiqi is very skilled in gold ulceration, so she doesn't need to find someone to practice at all. It can be said that this matter just happens to show that it has nothing to do with Huo Qiqi." King Ling stepped forward to speak for Huo Qiqi.

"King Ling is right. With Huo Qiqi's medical skills, there is no need to find someone to practice."

"Please the emperor give Mr. Huo Qi justice."


Anyone who had been treated by Huo Qiqi stood up and interceded for Huo Qiqi.

On the other hand, those on Taishi Zhao's side couldn't help raising objections, and of course there were officials who remained neutral among them.

It was Duke Protector, who only yelled twice at the beginning, but didn't say a word at all later.

"What do you think?" The emperor looked at the eldest prince, fifth prince and Li Yuanbai and asked.

"I feel that rumors are good, but they are not good for Huo Qiqi. If you want to eliminate the rumors, it is better for Huo Qiqi to stand up and explain." The eldest prince's words were soft.

"As Lord Yao said, where there is no wind, there is no wave. If you are not a medical student, you will definitely not think of stitching the wound of a dead person. My son thinks that Huo Qiqi has something to do with this matter." The fifth prince's words seemed a bit harsh .

Some officials shook their heads secretly when they heard this. The fifth prince's mother was not of high birth, and she was also the most stupid among the few princes.

"I believe that this matter has nothing to do with Huo Qiqi." Li Yuanbai's answer surprised many people.

Although the sixth prince is in the court, although he is rather cold, he usually doesn't talk much.But under normal conditions, he would not take the initiative to stand in line.

Generally speaking, the way of being an official is not to say anything to death, but to leave some retreats for oneself.

If what the fifth prince said just now was too stupid, then what the sixth prince said was a little too rash.

"Do you have evidence?" The emperor looked at him seriously and asked.

"Didn't Grand Master Zhao speculate that Huo Qiqi had a motive for killing people just relying on rumors?" Li Yuanbai said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "I also feel that with Huo Qiqi's medical skills, there is no need to train with others, and Huo Qiqi It's not that stupid, leaving such an obvious handle for people."

These words were obviously running on Zhao Taishi and others, and all the people on Zhao Taishi's side changed their faces.

"My minister is willing to accept the case and solve the case within ten days so as to return Huo Qiqi's innocence." Li Yuanbai's words were so shocking that all the officials were stunned.

Who said that the sixth prince is cold-hearted and unwilling to meddle in other people's business?Find it out, drag it out and give it a beat.

"Okay, I agree." The emperor nodded.

"Your Majesty, people in the capital are panicking right now. If Huo Qiqi can't stand up and explain, it may be bad for the reputation of Duke Huguo's Mansion." Yao Shangshu still didn't give up.

The emperor is angry, why don't you have any eyesight?
"I was Huo Qiqi's guarantor that day." The emperor replied angrily.

Many officials did not dare to take a deep breath. These words are poisonous. If they are not done well, they will fall into the pit dug by the emperor.

"Since all of you are concerned about Huo Qiqi's reputation, well, Lord Protector, go back and ask Huo Qiqi to see if she is willing to explain." Just as Zhao Taishi and others were planning how to persuade the emperor, the emperor Suddenly let go.

Zhao Taishi and others felt that they had achieved a victory in small steps, and all of them had smiles on their faces.

Duke Zhen, Duke Ding and others shook their heads secretly, fools, what good fruit would they have if they offended Duke Hu.

San Gong, usually not close to each other, and their three houses never stand in line in the court.However, Taishi Zhao targeted the Duke Huguo's mansion because of his own selfishness. In the eyes of Duke Zhen and Duke Ding, it was undoubtedly a provocation to their two mansions.

It's just the emperor's attitude...

The person who was more sad than Huo Qiqi was Jiang Ting. She also heard the gossip outside.

What made her find it particularly difficult to accept was how the conversation between her and Jiang Wan had spread to the outside world.

Yes, she felt that those conversations outside were what she had said to Jiang Wan on the street that day.

Could Huo Qiqi have misunderstood?This was what Jiang Ting was most worried about. After all, Jiang Wan mentioned it in front of Huo Qiqi without thinking.

"Junior Sister, come here." The worried Jiang Ting took a chance and dragged Jiang Wan outside.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Wan looked at her unhappily and asked, since the two sisters had quarreled on the street that day, the two of them hardly spoke when they returned to Marquis Wuyi's Mansion.

Both of them were angry, Jiang Ting took the initiative to find Jiang Wan out today, Jiang Wan felt that Jiang Ting must have calmed down and thought she was right.

"Do you know that you have caused a catastrophe?" Jiang Ting blushed with anger.

"What trouble did I get into?" She was angry, and Jiang Wan was even more angry. Okay, why is Jiang Ting so angry?

"You still don't admit your mistake." Jiang Ting wanted to give her a slap to wake her up, "It's fine for you to speak rudely to Mr. Huo Qi, why do you have to take it outside?"

"What am I talking about? It's not me." Jiang Wan felt baffled.

"You go to the Duke Protector's Mansion to explain." Jiang Ting was anxious.

"Why? I didn't go, I didn't say anything." Jiang Wan refused.

"You are so disappointing." Jiang Ting ran away angrily.

Jiang Wan...

Jiang Ting took the initiative to go to the residence of Duke Hu Guo, wanting to explain to Huo Qiqi.

It's a pity that the Duke Protector's Mansion has blacklisted her and Jiang Wan, not to mention seeing Huo Qiqi, the door guard didn't let her in.

Jiang Ting stood silently at the gate of Duke Huguo's mansion for a long time, then left with a sigh.

"Why should you explain?" At this time, the Duke Huguo's mansion was also discussing this matter, and as soon as the Huguogong returned to the mansion, he explained what had happened earlier.

Huo Yichen was very excited after hearing this, and was the first to object to Huo Qiqi going out to explain.

"The emperor is the guarantor." Huo Yining also felt annoyed, since the emperor asked the Duke Protector's House to make a decision, then why are they being polite.

"Isn't it just an explanation?" Huo Qiqi sneered, "OK, I'll go."

"Qiqi, you don't have to feel embarrassed." This time, even the most stable Huo Yi'an didn't approve of Huo Qiqi's appearance.

"No embarrassment. Everyone has a sense of curiosity. Since so many people are curious about how I practiced the golden ulcer technique, let them take a good look." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile. "However, I have two conditions."

After the Huo family brothers listened to the conditions proposed by Huo Qiqi, their faces finally became less ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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