Chapter 474 Two Tigers Fight
The cause of the incident was because of the Banrong girl from Yihong Courtyard, and one of the culprits who fought for the Banrong girl was more or less acquainted with Huo Qiqi.

"Seventh Young Master, I beg you to save my girl." The girl from Yihong Court knelt in front of Huo Qiqi and pleaded bitterly, "If you don't take action, the girl will be in trouble."

"Miss Banrong?" Huo Qiqi thought for two seconds before thinking of this character.

Banrong, like Miss Qingya, is the number one in Yihong Courtyard.Qingya is good at piano composition and embroidery, while Miss Banrong is good at dancing and playing games.

From the day when Qingya was sold into Yihong Courtyard, Huo Qiqi has taken over Qingya.

With Huo Qiqi's identity and her original ruthlessness, not many people in the capital would dare to compete with her.

In fact, it was precisely because of Miss Qingya that Huo Qiqi provoked many enemies in the capital.It's just that Huo Qiqi doesn't care.

With Huo Qiqi's care, Miss Qingya's life in Yihong Courtyard is basically the same as that of a young lady.

Perhaps it was Qingya's good fortune that stimulated Miss Banrong. After this girl arrived in Yihong Courtyard, from the first resistance to the later obedience, I don't know what tricks she used to get the old bustard to agree to her performance on the condition of Qing.

To be honest, although Huo Qiqi is a frequent visitor to Yihong Courtyard, she really doesn't know Miss Banrong very well, at least, in Huo Qiqi's mind, she is not familiar with Miss Banrong.

I don't know why the unfamiliar Banrong girl found her?
"Miss Banrong has so many benefactors, how could she think of me?" Huo Qiqi looked at the girl kneeling on the ground with a half-smile and asked.

The girl looked up at her in surprise, probably because she didn't expect Huo Qiqi to speak so impolitely.

In the little girl's memory, although Huo Qiqi was not close to the girls in the flower building, he never treated the girls like other guests.Unexpectedly, Huo Qiqi really asked for it, and Huo Qiqi's words were so mean.

"Seventh son, although Miss Banrong is in the flower building, she can't help herself. The girl is just acting on the occasion, she is a pure lady, and she has never behaved improperly. How can those guests treat the girl sincerely. This time , the girl really thought of the seventh son because she was forced to do nothing." The little girl cried hard.

"After crying for a long time, you didn't say what happened." Wang Shaojie gave the little girl a glance and said.

"The eldest prince of the northern kingdom fell in love with the girl last night, and he threatened to go to the flower house to ask for the girl's company at night."

"It's a good thing." Wang Shaojie said with a smile, "If the eldest prince takes a fancy to him, he might be able to achieve great prosperity."

"The girl is not that kind of person. She came from the Northland. Both her parents died because of the people from the Northland. The people she hates most in her life are the people from the Northland. Last night, the girl hid in her room and cried all night. Seventh son , please, just save the girl."

"Miss Banrong asked you to come here?" Huo Qiqi asked calmly.

The little girl shook her head, "No, it's not. The girl didn't know that the servant was coming. The servant felt that the seventh son was different from others. The young master was so kind to the Qingya girl, and he was also very polite to the girls in Hualou. The servant couldn't see the girl so sad. Just make up your own mind and come here to ask the young master for help."

Huo Qiqi was silent.

The little girl knelt on the ground tremblingly and waited.

"Prince of the Northern Kingdom, you have given me a problem." After a while, Huo Qiqi finally spoke lazily.

The little girl's face suddenly changed, "I beg the seventh son to save the girl."

"Go back first." Huo Qiqi's attitude suddenly became resolute.

"Seventh Young Master." The little girl cried and refused to leave.

"Go down." Wang Shaojie's tone also became cold.

The little girl glanced at Huo Qiqi with tears in her eyes. Seeing Huo Qiqi's uneasy expression, she got up tremblingly and left.

"Qiqi, you must not go there." Wang Shaojie told her nervously.

"Back then, didn't you still have some thoughts about Miss Banrong? Why did you immediately rush to separate the relationship when the beauty encountered difficulties? Man, you are really ruthless." Huo Qiqi looked at him with a half smile but not a smile.

"It's as if you're not a man." Wang Shaojie rolled her eyes angrily, "Going to the flower building, everyone is just playing around. I just said that this one just now, I still don't believe it. Miss Banrong and the old bustard are serious. I don't know that she came here to beg us. Although you are the young master of the Duke Protector's Mansion, if you face up to the eldest prince of the Northern Kingdom, if you don't handle it well, you may make things worse and end badly. Don't be stupid. "

Huo Qiqi couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Since I've asked for it, if I don't go, I don't know what it will be like to be laughed at."

"You don't really want to go there at night, do you?" Wang Shaojie was taken aback.

"Go and see." Huo Qiqi replied firmly.

As soon as Wang Shaojie heard it, he knew that Huo Qiqi had made up his mind to go there, and he secretly scolded Yihongyuan in his heart.

In fact, no one can change what Huo Qiqi has decided.

After receiving the tip-off from Wang Shaojie, Lord Protector wanted to stop him.But Huo Qiqi had already dragged Huo Yichen and Huo Yining out.That spy Wang Shaojie also followed her.

Duke Huguo was so angry that he would definitely not go back to a place like Yihong Courtyard.Worried about Huo Qiqi's loss, he simply asked Xiao Chengfeng to rush to Yihong Courtyard to protect Huo Qiqi in the dark, and at the same time sent a few guards to guard in the open.

"Seventh Young Master, you're here." When Huo Qiqi arrived, the bustard in Yihong Courtyard was running around anxiously. When she saw Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaojie enter, the sadness on her face suddenly turned into a bright smile.

The girl beside Banrong went to beg Huo Qiqi, she did know.The reason why she didn't stop her was because she expected Huo Qiqi to a large extent.In the end, Huo Qiqi did not disappoint her.

"Find a good seat for me, I'm here today to discuss business." Huo Qiqi lazily ordered.

"Yes, yes." The old bustard happily agreed.

After a while, she personally led Huo Qiqi to a place near the railing on the second floor.This location is facing the stairs, which can be said to be the best viewing location in the entire Yihong Courtyard.

In the past, when Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaojie came, this position was specially reserved for them.

The two Lu Yaozhi brothers are serious and scholarly children, and they would never go to such unscrupulous places on weekdays. Even the Chen brothers would rarely appear in the Hualou.As for Li Yuanbai, this may be the first time he has appeared in such a place.

Among the group of people, Huo Qiqi, Wang Shaojie, and the smiling Third Prince were the most relaxed and leisurely.

As for the furious Chen Zhenzhu next to her, it was a complete accident. No one had heard that the lady from the official family came out to visit the brothel, but Huo Qiqi and his group were so good that the bustard in the brothel didn't dare to say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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