Chapter 477

"Twenty-five thousand."

"Thirty thousand."

Sure enough, according to everyone's assumptions, the two people who met each other would increase the price by [-] each time.Everyone stared at the two excitedly, secretly guessing what the final price could be.

"[-]." When Guan Bei quoted a price of [-], everyone became excited.

"Huh, it's so expensive." Huo Qiqi tilted his head and grinned.

"Fifty thousand?" Wang Shaojie frowned slightly. This price was completely beyond everyone's expectations.It is not uncommon for benefactors in Hualou to spend a lot of money for girls, but it is really rare to spend 5 taels of silver at a time.

Even the madam in the flower building was tempted by such a price. She stared closely at the bidder with bright eyes, as if she wished she could immediately agree to the customer's request.

"Fifty-five thousand."

"Sixty thousand."

The quotation was still going on, and everyone was so excited that they couldn't stop looking at both parties.

The half-faced girl on the stage was not at all happy under the envious eyes of all the girls.

She was sullen, and even slightly angry.

"You two young masters, please wait a moment." Suddenly, she spoke softly.

The voice didn't seem to be loud, but the effect was surprisingly good. As soon as she opened her mouth, the two men who were bidding immediately looked at her at the same time.

Looking away at her playfully, the greed in his eyes is obvious.

Guan Bei looked at her with a shy look in his eyes, as if he saw his beloved goddess.

"Ban Rong is Qing Guan, she can freely choose guests, even mother can't control them. You two don't have to fight, this month, Ban Rong has already chosen guests." Miss Ban Rong explained with a light smile.

When the mother heard it, she sighed immediately, and she took a step forward to cheer up, "Miss Banrong sold herself at the beginning, and the condition she put forward was that she could choose her own guests. Mom, I can't appoint guests to her at will."

Watching the 6 taels of silver fly away, no, it should be said that there may be more silver, she felt very uncomfortable. If it was possible, the old bustard would not say such a thing.

"Miss Banrong, which guest would you like to accompany?" Someone started booing.

Kubie's face was gloomy, and he seemed a little unhappy, while Guan Bei continued to be shy.

Banrong girl looked around with a smile, and everyone immediately became excited.If you are lucky enough to be spotted by Banrong girl, you will have earned a lot of face today, and some self-proclaimed romantic people are even more eager to try.

When Huo Qiqi's eyes met Banrong girl in mid-air, Huo Qiqi suddenly smiled at her.Seeing this, Chen Zhenzhu was so angry that she almost stood up and cursed, shamelessly, she actually hooked up with Mr. Huo Qiqi in public, the girls in the flower house really couldn't get close.

Of course, everyone also saw the "deep affection" between Miss Banrong and Huo Qiqi. Many people knew Huo Qiqi, and they all sighed in their hearts. Why do all the top names in Hualou like Huo Qiqi?
Alas, good looks are likable.

Everyone looked at Huo Qiqi, who was even more charming than Miss Banrong, and they all gave up.

"Mr. Huo Qiqi, I hereby offer you a toast." Miss Banrong stepped off the stage, poured a glass of wine with her own hands, and drank it to Huo Qiqi.

The whole movement was done in one go, without giving Huo Qiqi any chance to refuse.

The leader took the initiative to toast in public, with obvious intentions, and as expected, everyone let out a sigh, and all the envious eyes in the building immediately fell on Huo Qiqi.

"Seventh Young Master." Guan Bei nervously called Huo Qiqi.

"I'm sorry, she's as beautiful as a flower, I can't refuse. I've won the love!" Huo Qiqi picked up the wine in his hand and drank it in one gulp.

Chen Zhenzhu's face changed suddenly with anger, it was the first time she wanted to cry in front of a man, she never thought that the damn Huo Qiqi could not resist the temptation of the oiran.

Seeing that Huo Qiqi didn't refuse, Miss Banrong smiled at Huo Qiqi, and walked upstairs gracefully.

Kubie's face darkened suddenly, and his eyes looked very fierce.

Guan Bei was even more depressed, his eyes moved with his half-face at any time.It could be seen that he was genuinely moved by Banrong.

"Obviously a woman, wearing a man's clothes is it hard to become a man? Why don't you come and accompany my master." Just when Banrong girl was about to walk up to Huo Qiqi, a man who was away from her side suddenly became arrogant. provocative.

Dare to tease Huo Qiqi face to face?This man is simply crazy!Everyone was stunned and laughed secretly.People from outside don't know the rules, just wait to suffer.

The faces of the people at Chen Zhenzhu's table also changed. They were at the same table as Huo Qiqi, so they naturally belonged to Huo Qiqi.If the people on the other side insulted Huo Qiqi, it was tantamount to insulting them.

"Blind." Huo Qiqi was not angry, she looked at the speaker with a smile, "You are good-looking, it's useless for you to be envious. Even a group of bulls dare to miss you, it's simply tiresome."

She was obviously trying to be ruthless, but that beautiful face, coupled with the smiling eyes, made her look a lot of charm.Everyone sighed in their hearts again. In fact, the person who spoke was right. Huo Qiqi was actually more beautiful than a woman. Let's just talk about the girl with a half face who is close to her. Also fell behind.

If Huo Qiqi were a woman, she would have charmed many men.

"Sixth prince, someone is molesting me." Huo Qiqi tilted his head and looked at Li Yuanbai again, his tone of voice was actually a bit coquettish.

When everyone thought of the rumors in the capital city, they were all so shocked that they didn't know what to say.

Everyone fell silent, waiting for Li Yuanbai's reaction.

If it was already very bold for outsiders to provoke Huo Qiqi, then Huo Qiqi's "acting like a baby" towards Li Yuanbai was even more shocking.Who in Dayun Kingdom doesn't know that the Sixth Prince can't stop talking and laughing, and can't tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes. Is it really okay for Huo Qiqi to tease him like this?
Li Yuanbai glanced at Huo Qiqi indifferently, "What should I do?"

"It's said that a dog's mouth can't spit out ivory. I just want to see if his dog's mouth can spit out ivory." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile.

Chen Zhenzhu was sitting at Huo Qiqi's table, of course she saw the playfulness in Huo Qiqi's eyes, and she knew that the relationship between Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai was not as rumored, but at this moment she saw Huo Qiqi The conversation between Qi Qi and Li Yuanbai seemed like no one else was there, and I was still a little sad in my heart.

Huo Qiqi's voice wasn't too loud, but everyone was paying attention to her. Everyone could hear her conversation with Li Yuanbai clearly. Everyone held their breath and waited to watch the excitement.

With Huo Qiqi's temperament, she would definitely not let it go when she was insulted by the other party.

"En." Li Yuanbai only replied one word to Huo Qiqi.

As soon as his words fell, Qingfeng and Minglang who were standing beside him immediately went towards each other.

Qingfeng and Minglang's movements were quick, and they were on the far side in an instant. The goals of the two were very clear, and they were all heading for the person who just spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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