Chapter 480 Kindness
Li Yuanbai understood what she meant, so he explained with a smile, "You ruined their good deed in the hunting ground, and they will naturally settle the blame on you."

"Don't." Huo Qiqi immediately opened his eyes wide, "I'm wronged, I didn't do anything. It's not my credit for killing the brimstone in the hunting ground. As for the medicine bag, it's completely a friendly sponsorship, and I don't have the foresight. They deliberately made medicine kits to target them. Besides, the ones who detoxified and saved people in the end were obviously that Miss An and the two girls from Miracle Doctor Valley, so why should they settle accounts with me?"

"They're blind." Wang Shaojie interjected unhappily.

He didn't go to the hunting ground, but he had heard about what happened in the hunting ground, but he didn't see it with his own eyes, so he was not so clear.Now, after hearing Huo Qiqi's complaint, he immediately stood by Huo Qiqi's side without hesitation.

The explanation Wang Shaojie gave was completely in line with Huo Qiqi's intentions, she nodded in agreement, "I also think these people are blind."

Li Yuanbai saw Huo Qiqi's wide-eyed eyes turn round and round, and the corners of his mouth curled up more and more.Why didn't he know that Huo Qiqi was so interesting in private?

While the three were talking, the group of snakes had slowly approached, and gradually became an outflanking mode. Soon, only the place under their feet was still empty.

Huo Qiqi felt a little annoyed when he thought that there was a street outside the alley, and the snake breeder didn't care about the safety of pedestrians at all.

The people behind it are so rampant, they have no regard for human life.

Strange to say, although there were more and more snakes on the ground, none of them really came to attack them outside.

Qingfeng Minglang and the men in black who had already dealt with the sneak attack stood in a group on the periphery, just like Jian Yu and Jing Mu, watching the snakes vigilantly and protecting the master by the way.

"Snake meat is actually a great tonic." Huo Qiqi squatted down with a smile and said, "Although I don't like cold-blooded animals like snakes, I am good at making snake soup."

"Want to eat snakes?" Li Yuanbai looked at her with a smile.

Huo Qiqi ignored him, she slowly took out a few medicine bottles from her bosom, poured out some medicine powder from the medicine bottles, and sprinkled them around, muttering incessantly, "Come and not go Indecent."

As the powder dispersed, the snakes on the ground soon softened, and then a group of snakes collapsed on the ground and could not swim.

The people hiding in the dark seemed to sense something was wrong with the snakes, and the sound of the flute became sharper.

"It sounds awful." Huo Qiqi muttered unhappily.

Hearing this, Li Yuanbai frowned slightly, he waved his hand, and someone left immediately.

Wang Shaojie, Jian Yu and the others didn't need Huo Qiqi's orders at all. When they saw that the snake could not move, they immediately swung the sword in their hands quickly, and then cut off the snake's head one by one.

Li Yuanbai's people were very kind, and in the shortest time, they found a few torches and stuck them on the wall.

Someone in the alley heard the movement and wanted to open the door to see what happened. Qingfeng immediately shouted, "The government is arresting important criminals, and those who have nothing to do with it should stay away immediately, otherwise if you accidentally injure yourself, you will bear the consequences."

When the people in the yard heard this, they immediately retreated into the house in fright.

There are many people, and the strength is strong, and at this moment, the snake is as if it is dead, and it is at the mercy of everyone. In order to kill the snake as soon as possible, Wang Shaojie and Xiao Dengzi simply lined up the snakes, and then slashed down with a sword, and the snake's head rolled away. all over the place.

Li Yuanbai didn't seem to take Huo Qiqi's words about eating snake soup seriously either, "I burned it directly with fire."

Qingfeng nodded in agreement, and someone beside him immediately brought firewood and poured oil on it. Soon, the air was filled with the smell of meat.

The people in the nearby yard didn't know what was burning outside, and they were even more frightened, and no one stuck their heads out to watch the commotion.

There was a bit of movement here, and the Imperial Forest Army who was patrolling came over after a while.

"Your Majesty, I have met His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince." The chief who came knew Li Yuanbai, so he quickly got off his horse and saluted.

After Qingfeng briefly explained what happened here, the Imperial Forest Army hurried over to help. There were many people and strong strength. Everyone took torches and looked around in the crevices of the nearby stones, and found a few poisonous snakes and threw them into the fire.

Huo Qiqi looked at it for a while, felt bored, and yawned, "Your Highness Sixth Prince, I'm too sleepy, I'm sorry, I'm too weak to hold on, I'll take a step first."

"I'll see you off." Li Yuanbai said lightly.

Huo Qiqi glanced at him in surprise, and then replied slowly, "Sixth Prince, I have Wang Shaojie as my company. Although I have had a few drinks at night, I can still find a home. Thank you, Sixth Prince, for your concern. I won't bother you." You bother."

Li Yuanbai didn't speak, but just stared at her lightly.

This man is sick!Huo Qiqi didn't bother to pay attention to him, she yawned again, then turned around with a smile and walked out of the alley.

"Plop." At this moment, a fat man was thrown from the air.

Both Huo Qiqi and Wang Shaojie were taken aback.

"Dead." Xiao Chengfeng stood on the wall of a family's courtyard and explained lightly, "This person can drive snakes away, it's too weird."

It's fine to die, Huo Qiqi looked at the dead on the ground and sighed.I didn't expect that someone could drive snakes away, capable people.It's a pity that the able man died, and it seemed that the other party was still her enemy.

Xiao Chengfeng must have been worried about her safety so he killed Fatty, right?

The dead fat man was wearing black clothes, and there was no difference. Huo Qiqi just glanced at him, and then lost interest.

"Go home." She greeted her friends lazily.

Wang Shaojie and others followed immediately, but what made Huo Qiqi feel awkward was that even though she rejected Li Yuanbai's offer, Li Yuanbai still followed her into the carriage.

"Maybe there will be accidents." Li Yuanbai rushed to explain before she could speak.

Since he had good intentions, Huo Qiqi couldn't say anything more, so he had to acquiesce to his actions.

However, she was really sleepy. After getting into the carriage, she leaned aside and closed her eyes leisurely.

Wang Shaojie was also in the carriage. Huo Qiqi could ignore Li Yuanbai willfully, but he couldn't. He looked at Li Yuanbai and secretly thought about what topics he could chat with Li Yuanbai next.

Unfortunately, Li Yuanbai had no intention of talking to him at all. After Huo Qiqi closed his eyes, he also closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Wang Shaojie...

Come on, he'd better sit quietly.

After a stick of incense, the carriage stopped at the gate of Duke Protector's Mansion, and Huo Qiqi yawned and got out of the carriage after being woken up by Wang Shaojie.

"The city is not peaceful these days, try not to go out." Li Yuanbai told her softly, while saying, he glanced at Huo Qiqi, seeing the impatient look on Huo Qiqi's face, he paused, and then He said, "If you really want to go out, you must bring more people with you, and Xiao Chengfeng must also follow."

"Thank you, Sixth Prince, for your kindness. I will remember your kindness." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile. There were indeed people who hated her, and she really had to appreciate Li Yuanbai's kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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