Chapter 489

In order to confirm his reputation as a dandy, Huo Qiqi let out his bastard air in a daze.

The young servant followed behind Jian Yu and the others with a look of graciousness, while Jian Yu and the others were expressionless, showing the thug's posture vividly and vividly.

"Duke Huguo, this king also knows that this time is a difficult situation for others, but this king has only had such a son-in-law by his side these years. Every time this king sees him being tortured by illness, he feels very uncomfortable." On the night, Prince Chen was complaining to Duke Huguo.

Sitting under King Chen was a young man with a pale complexion and a very thin body.

There was a sneer on his face, and his eyes seemed careless, as if everything Chen Wang said had nothing to do with him.

"My king has also heard that Mr. Huo Qi has no medical certificate and has many rules. This king is willing to write a note to Mr. Qi. No matter what the final diagnosis of Mr. Qi is, this king will not blame her. I will not hide it from Duke Huo. For the sake of the son's illness, I don't know how many doctors have been invited into the mansion, but the results are minimal, and some even have the opposite effect." There is bitterness in the voice of Chen Wang, and there is a faint begging meaning, " Sometimes this king wonders if this king caused too many killings when he was young, so that the retribution was brought to the son."

This is not easy to answer, Duke Hu is not stupid, not only difficult to answer, but also unacceptable.

Regardless of whether the illness of Prince Chen's son is true or not, he will not allow Huo Qiqi to treat him.

The object of Duke Protector's loyalty is the emperor, and the Duke Protector's House will never get involved in the struggles of any faction of the royal family.All these years, the Sangong has been like this, he will not let the entire Duke Protector's Mansion fall into a delicate situation just for a moment of sympathy.

In fact, when Prince Chen came to the door at this time, Prince Chen would not be unaware of what he would bring to the Duke Huguo.

Duke Huguo didn't even need to send someone out to check, there were already people watching outside at this time, and the news that King Chen was in Duke Huguo's mansion had already reached the ears of Imamaka in the palace.

However, he doesn't have to worry about these, as long as Huo Qiqi doesn't act, the emperor won't suspect the entire Duke Protector's Palace.

Just as King Chen was fighting wits and bravery with Lord Protector, Huo Qiqi appeared in the courtyard.

There was a half-smile in her eyes, she walked unsteadily, and she didn't have the stability of the son of the aristocratic family at all.

That lazy and dismissive look completely confirmed the rumors that she was a big dandy in the capital.

However, when Huo Qiqi entered the courtyard and saw that there were many guests in the main hall, she suddenly became serious, with her head held high, her eyes fixed, she looked like a well-educated son of a family.If Chen Wang hadn't seen her unscrupulous appearance just now, he would have been bluffed by her serious appearance.

"Grandfather." Huo Qiqi entered the door and greeted Duke Hu Guo with a smile.

"I haven't seen Prince Chen and the prince in the past." Duke Hu deliberately scolded her with a stern face, "If you run away all day, why can't the family keep you?"

Huo Qiqi was not angry when he was being scolded. He turned around, smiled and bowed to Prince Chen and the prince, "Huo Qiqi has seen Prince Chen and the prince."

"You are Huo Qiqi?" Chen Wang looked at Huo Qiqi with a smile and admiration in his eyes. "Sure enough, as in the legend, the jade tree faces the wind, and its appearance is extraordinary."

Huo Qiqi raised her head with a smile, not at all stage frightened, "Thank you, Prince Chen, for your compliment."

Compared with Lao Tzu's enthusiasm, Chen Wang Shizi obviously didn't like to see Huo Qiqi very much, he glanced at Huo Qiqi sickly, and muttered in disgust, "It turns out that he is a man. I thought it was a woman who came in."

"Jue'er." Hearing this, King Chen immediately reprimanded him to stop him.

"Cough, cough, cough." Li Yuanjue immediately coughed violently. He coughed so badly that he almost coughed out his heart, liver, spleen and lungs.But Huo Qiqi didn't sympathize with her at all, this guy gave her a badass as soon as he met, and he was still in the Duke Protector's mansion, so it was really strange that Huo Qiqi had a good impression of him.

"Huo Qiqi, my son's body has always been weak, so he's a bit stubborn, so don't worry about it like him." Chen Wang is like a protective father. He was a reasonable person a second ago, but when he heard his son coughing, he scratched his back. Heart scratching lungs, immediately began to protect the calf.

Hearing this, Li Yuanjue looked at Huo Qiqi with a hint of sarcasm.

Yo, as if who is not the baby of the family, Huo Qiqi smiled back at him, then turned his head and threw himself at Duke Hu, hugged Duke Hu's arm and acted like a spoiled child, "Grandfather, I feel a headache today Ah, no, I have to go back and lie down, am I sick again?"

Huo Qiqi's arm was saved by Duke Huo, who was a little embarrassed at first, but when Huo Qiqi said that he was uncomfortable, he immediately jumped up from his chair like a furry cat, "Why are you uncomfortable? So little? Are you eating ice in the shop again?"

"Headache." Huo Qiqi bit his lip and looked at the old man pitifully and replied, "It's hot today, and I only ate two ice cubes."

"Two?" Duke Protector showed a worried look on his face, "Little ancestor, didn't I tell you that your body has been weak since childhood, and you can't eat too much cold food at all."

"I didn't eat too much, I only ate two." Huo Qiqi weakly raised two fingers.

"How do you take care of the master?" At this moment, Huo Yi'an came in from the outside. He saw Huo Qiqi covering his head with one hand and protecting his stomach with the other, and rushed in immediately, "Qiqi, is it okay?" , I'll ask someone to invite Dr. Wen over here."

"What are you pretending to do?" Li Yuanjue, who was sitting on a chair beside him, suddenly said coldly during the turmoil.

Huo Qiqi...

When Duke Protector and Huo Yi'an heard this, their eyes suddenly turned cold when they looked at him.

"Prince Chen, the son is young and can't remember things in the capital. Presumably Prince Chen still remembers Qi Qi? Qi Qi's body was congenitally deficient when she was young. Insufficient, her body will never be like a normal person. Today she is sick, I am really sorry, the prince and the prince can no longer be entertained in the Duke Huguo's mansion." Although the Duke Huguo said politely, his tone was very cold. Mildness is quite the opposite.

Prince Chen was a little embarrassed. Of course he knew what his son said was very inappropriate, but he felt sorry for the parents of the world. He knew that his son was wrong first, but he still couldn't accuse and reprimand Li Yuanjue for the sake of outsiders.

Of course, in his private heart, he also thought that Huo Qiqi was pretending to be ill, but the Huguogong had already seemed very impatient, and they wanted something from others, so it was not easy for him to turn against the Huguogong at this moment.

"Jue'er has been a little reckless, and I hope the Duke Protector will take some responsibility." Finally, he said a few words for his son in a calm manner.

"Young people are full of anger and youthful vigor, so I naturally don't take it to heart." The Duke Protector cast a casual glance at Li Yuanjue.Li Yuanjue didn't seem to care about Duke Hu's attitude at all, and there was still stubbornness and sarcasm in his eyes.

Yo, is the sick man quite capable?

 Dear friends, there are too many personal matters at home, so I can't reply to everyone's comments, sorry.There are too many family affairs this year. To be precise, since last year, my parents and elders are not in good health. I have to take care of them, and I have to go to work and take care of my daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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