Chapter 498

Huo Qiqi grinned when he heard that, Nuerdun's character is not good enough, he has only been in the capital for how long, and he has already offended many people.

But this matter has nothing to do with her, apart from being happy, she is not worried at all.

But things were not as simple as she thought. After Huo Yining told her about it, she was happy for a long time, and someone came from the palace.

"Seventh Young Master, the miscellaneous family knows that it has nothing to do with you at this time. I don't know why he is arresting Seventh Young Master. But the emperor is like a mirror in his heart. Don't worry, let's just go there and go through the motions and give them some face. Without Huo Qiqi asking, Eunuch De poured beans out of a bamboo tube and completely revealed the ins and outs of the matter to Huo Qiqi.

"Thank you, father-in-law. One person is responsible for the other. This matter really has nothing to do with me." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile, without the slightest bit of guilt on his face, "I think he is full and looking for trouble. But, to be honest with my father-in-law, I still have a bit of a festive relationship with him."

"Oh?" Eunuch De was taken aback, secretly helpless.

In fact, he also obeyed the emperor's will, and purposely vented the truth to Huo Qiqi. The purpose, of course, was to hope that Huo Qiqi could think of a perfect plan to make the matter go away.

Looking at this matter from another angle, it is tantamount to saying that the emperor regards Huo Qiqi as a suspect in his heart.

Huo Qiqi didn't want to take the blame, she decided to let Eunuch De make it clear.

Eunuch De is a celebrity in front of the emperor. When she talks to Eunuch De, it is tantamount to telling the emperor directly.

In order to prove her innocence, Huo Qiqi told Eunuch De almost verbatim about the quarrel between her and Nuer Dun.

After hearing this, Eunuch De was completely speechless.Come on, why did the third and sixth princes get involved in this matter?It even said that even the two sons of the Chen family and the Lu family were involved.

Huo Qiqi will indeed cause trouble.

Nu Erdun insisted in the palace that it was Huo Qiqi who sent someone to beat him up.Now Huo Qiqi admitted that she and Nuer Dun really had a feud, this matter is a bit big.

Eunuch De thought for a long time before continuing to remind Huo Qiqi, "Young Master Qi is frank, so we are not afraid that he will rely on you. But everything is about proof, as long as Young Master Qi can find someone to prove that he did not leave the house last night. No day."

These words were clearly biased towards Huo Qiqi.

Huo Qiqi felt relieved when he heard that.

De Gonggong said good, she would naturally vote for her, "Grandfather has worked hard, you go first, I will clean up and go to the palace right away."

She deliberately gave the emperor and Eunuch De time to talk about each other.

Eunuch De nodded and stood up, "Success, Seventh Young Master, don't be too anxious, just take your time to clean up."

"Shu Yun, take a portion of the medicinal wine I made last night in the pharmacy for father-in-law, as well as the detoxification pills and sachet." Huo Qiqi ordered.

Shu Yun agreed, turned around and left the wing.

When she came back after a while, she had an extra dose of medicinal wine and a sachet in her hand.

"This?" Eunuch De deliberately declined.

"These things are just for fun in my spare time. Older people, if their joints suffer from cold and pain, just put some on, and it will relieve a lot. It was originally prepared for my grandfather, but I have made more recently. My father-in-law doesn't care. If you dislike me without a medical certificate, just accept it." Huo Qiqi said it sincerely.

Eunuch De felt very relieved when he heard that, seeing that Huo Qiqi was sincerely sending him off, he immediately smiled and continued, "Thank you, Mr. Qi, the miscellaneous family will return to the palace first."

The medicines Huo Qiqi made, whether it was powders, pills, or ointments, were almost priceless, so he stuffed them into his bosom as soon as he went out and put them away.

The Jiedu Pill was even more carefully hidden, it might be able to save lives at any time.

"Qi Qi, don't be afraid, Second Brother will accompany you into the palace." Huo Yining came out and said.

"No, grandfather is in the palace, I'll go there by myself, anyway, this matter has nothing to do with us, and the emperor will not let us suffer." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

Seeing that she was confident, Huo Yining didn't insist anymore.

When Huo Qiqi arrived at the palace, the hall was already full of people.

Almost all the ministers of the current dynasty are here, and of course the old man is also there.

When the old man saw her coming in, he secretly blinked at her a few times.

Huo Qiqi smiled at him, Duke Hu knew immediately, and his waist straightened even more.

"The grass people have seen the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live." Following the Romans, Huo Qiqi saluted the emperor honestly.

"Pingshen." The emperor's complexion is not bad.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Huo Qiqi stood aside.

"Huo Qiqi, I'm asking you, do you know him?" the emperor asked, pointing at Nuer Dun.

Huo Qiqi glanced casually, then shook his head, "I don't know."

"Huo Qiqi, you hurt my prince and still dare to speak all kinds of pornography?" Nuer Dun was furious.

"Your Majesty, Huo Qiqi is in the Yihong Courtyard. She has fought against the eldest prince before, but she says she doesn't know her at this time. We think that Huo Qiqi must have done the injury last night. We have an explanation." An envoy flashed out from behind Nuer Dun, and he glared at Huo Qiqi angrily.

He glared at Huo Qiqi, and Huo Qiqi was not polite, and glared at him fiercely.

"Huo Qiqi, take a closer look." The emperor was so angry that he already knew about the grievances between Huo Qiqi and Nuer Dun. Who knew that Huo Qiqi had a good talk with Eunuch De in the mansion. Here, she retorted that he, the emperor, didn't know how to deal with the aftermath.

Huo Qiqi was obedient, she honestly stared at Nuerdun seriously for a while, and then showed a look of sudden realization, "So it is what Dunerun is."

"Huo Qiqi, don't try to fool me. You hurt my prince, and this prince will never let you go." Nuer Dun excitedly wanted to hit Huo Qiqi.

Huo Qiqi rolled his eyes at him directly, "Ha Dun, your brain is flooded, right? As the saying goes, if you catch a thief and catch a spoil, which eye do you see that I hurt you? You are not good at character, you have committed public outrage, you are stupid enough to find the murderer, but you want to pour dirty water on me, you can really do it.”

"Huo Qiqi, do you dare to swear that whoever hurt me last night has nothing to do with you?" Nuer Dun stared at her fiercely.

"Why should I swear. If you ask me to swear, I will swear? How shameless I am, who are you?" Huo Qiqi gave him a blank stare, "But according to me, there are enough people who hurt you Stupid, do you know that you don't hit people in the face?"

The latter sentence is not pleasant, but it is still a human sentence.

Li Yuanbai glanced at Huo Qiqi indifferently, the third prince couldn't help laughing, based on what he knew about Huo Qiqi, it was impossible for him that Huo Qiqi would sympathize with Nuerdun.

Sure enough, Huo Qiqi went on to say, "If the bruised and swollen breasts were the butt, it would be great. Humans are already ugly enough, so it's scary to show them like this."

"You?" Nuer Dun was about to be mad by her, and he couldn't help but want to rush over and beat Huo Qiqi up.

Jian Yu and Jing Mu didn't have a chance to enter the hall, and Huo Qiqi was not guarded at all, and Duke Hu's face suddenly turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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