Chapter 634 Selfishness
What is even more shocking is yet to come.

Qin Wang, Rui Wang and Qi Wang are all just married, and the scene of them hiring their respective princesses seems to have not faded out of people's topics.

Most of the betrothal gifts of the princes are from the royal family, and the mother and concubine will help buy some items if they are capable.Just like King Qin, King Rui, and King Qi, King Rui's concubine and concubine Shu have the highest status. Therefore, when the three princes were betrothed, it was King Rui who had the most important betrothal gift.

Royal shot must not be ordinary.The appointment of the three princes at the same time made the eyes of the people in the streets and alleys shine with envy.Not to mention the grand occasion when King Huai hired Princess Huai.

King Huai is the son of the queen, and his family is the grand master of the court, so the dowry that King Huai gave to Princess Huai was better than that of King Rui and the others.

Everyone can talk about the grand occasion of that year for a long time, and Princess Huai has also been in the limelight for a long time.

But now they are nothing compared to King Hui's dowry, and it is not worth mentioning at all.

Li Yuanbai seems to have collected all the treasures in the world, jewelry, jewelry, calligraphy and paintings, silk and satin, furs, supplements, and medicinal materials. Everything that is sold must be the best, rare, and unique.

Everyone looked at the pigeon-egg-like pearls and the dazzling boxes of jewels. Even though the people present were all nobles, they still looked straight ahead.

King Huai and King Qin were full of anger, why?Li Yuanbai didn't have a natal family at all, how could he have so many treasures?

"It will all be mine from now on?" Huo Qiqi asked Li Yuanbai in a low voice with a smile.

"Not only these are yours, but everything in the palace is also yours." Li Yuanbai was very straightforward.

Huo Qiqi expressed that he was very satisfied with his answer, and the couple looked at each other and smiled like fools.

Seeing the betrothal gifts all over the yard, Duke Hu and his grandsons finally looked a little better.It wasn't that they were short of money, nor were they greedy for money. From their point of view, Li Yuanbai's willingness to spend all his time on the dowry meant that Li Yuanbai attached great importance to Huo Qiqi.

What are they asking for, isn't what they want is for Huo Qiqi to be happy?

Well, Li Yuanbai is barely a good match for Qiqi.Thinking about it this way, the faces of the Huo family looked better.

Li Yuanbai sent too many betrothal gifts, and in a short while, the whole yard was filled with boxes, while the betrothal gifts from outside were still being sent in continuously.

Huo Qiqi lowered his voice and whispered to Li Yuanbai, "You don't want to reveal your wealth, you make such a big show, you are not afraid of attracting thieves' attention? If the emperor knows."

"Half of it is the relics of my mother and concubine and given by the emperor. You have solved the food ration problem for the emperor. Shouldn't he reward you? The other half is what I have collected in these years of wars." Li Yuanbai He also answered in a low voice.

Huo Qiqi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the emperor doesn't suspect him.

She and Li Yuanbai have cooperated in business, more or less know that Li Yuanbai is not short of money.

Li Yuanbai is different from other dignitaries in that he does not seem to rule out businessmen.There are laws in the country of Dayun, and officials are not allowed to do business.Li Yuanbai did not directly intervene in the business, but his business has always been placed on the names of his subordinates.

There were too many betrothal gifts, the Lord Protector had watched it at noon, and everyone was still standing in the yard watching, while the people from Prince Hui's Mansion outside were carrying things and waiting in a long queue, so he simply invited all the guests to sit.

The host greets the guests, and the guests naturally do as they please.

Everyone talked softly as they walked towards the flower hall.

King Qin had a gloomy face, not knowing what he was thinking.There was a smile on King Huai's face, but that smile obviously didn't reach his eyes.

It was originally Huo Qiqi and Ji's observation ceremony, and joining Li Yuanbai's marriage proposal, the Huguo Duke's Mansion can be described as a double blessing.

The host and guests of a banquet are happy, at least on the surface.

The congratulatory gifts sent by Li Yuanbai were not counted until the evening, and many guests left the Huguogong Mansion after watching. In the afternoon, the door of Huo's house was surrounded by people who came to watch the fun.

"Brother, do you really want to watch Lao Liu marry Huo Qiqi? Lao Liu has a high prestige in the army, and many military officers listen to him. If he gets the support of the Duke Protector's House, things will be bad. It's gone." After returning, King Qin did not go back directly to the mansion, but followed King Huai to the mansion of King Huai.

"Li Yuanbai hired with great fanfare, do you think he has the tacit approval of his father?" King Huai was very angry.What can he do, what else can he do?Doesn't he want to break up the marriage between Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi?If they get married, he will be at a disadvantage, doesn't he know?
The more King Huai thought about it, the tighter his fists in his sleeves clenched.

"How could the father agree?" King Qin was taken aback.

Seeing his stupid appearance, King Huai felt very annoyed, "You go back first, you don't have to worry about their affairs for now."

"My lord, the empress invites you into the palace." At this time, someone came from the palace.

Seeing this, King Qin couldn't stay any longer, so he left with resentment.

King Huai followed the eunuch into the queen's bedroom.

Huo Qiqi had many sweet dreams one after another that night, don't get me wrong, what she had was not a dream of sex, but a dream of getting rich.In the dream, she was lying on the mountain of gold and silver and laughing, beside which were shining gems of various colors.
However, the next day she was not in a happy mood.

"It's just you and me here, Ms. An might as well say it bluntly." Huo Qiqi sat lazily on the bench, looking at An Xishi lazily.

She did not expect that An Xishi would come to the mansion to look for her under the name of the genius doctor Gu Bai Yixing.

For An Xishi, Huo Qiqi didn't have any good feelings for this woman.But since the door-to-door, happy or not, the other party can be regarded as a "guest", so she, the host, must not lose her demeanor.

Seeing her laziness when An Xishi saw her, the anger in her heart surged upwards.But she thought that she came to negotiate with Huo Qiqi, so she couldn't hold back her temper.

"Miss Huo is really a person of temperament." An Xi sat down gracefully, "I came today for King Hui."

"King Hui? If you're looking for King Hui, you should go to him directly. What are you doing here? We don't know each other well!" Huo Qiqi never played cards logically.

An Xishi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly and said, "Miss Huo is a smart person, so how could she not know the purpose of my coming to you today? Why do you refuse people thousands of miles away."

"Hehehe." Huo Qiqi gave her a different three-character scripture.An Xishi, this woman is really annoying, the man who came to poach others, and put on a victim look, let her back down, I'm sorry, she is not the Holy Mother, "We don't know each other well. I don't like to go around, you want What to say to me, you'd better be blunt, otherwise, I'm going to see you off."

"The current sage is in the right age, and the dragon body is holy, so he has not established a heir. King Hui has a lot of prestige in the army, how can he be willing to be a mediocre person. It cannot be denied that King Hui is both civil and military, and smart. Compared with the other princes, King Hui's advantage is not obvious. King Huai is the descendant of the queen, he is a direct descendant, and has the support of civil officials headed by Zhao Taishi. Although the status of King Qi's mother and concubine is relatively low, King Qi's virtuous name should not be underestimated. In order to enhance their own strength, King Huai and King Qi have tried their best. Huo Qiqi, you are a smart person, and you have also seen the identities of the two side concubines next to King Huai. How could you be so selfish and force Hui How about the king making such an oath in public?"

(End of this chapter)

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