Chapter 636

Jiang Wan's face also turned red, and she suddenly didn't know how to face the furious Huo Qiqi.

And when she saw Rong Sheng's silence and Bai Guzhu's ashen face, she felt faintly that she seemed to have done something wrong all along.

No matter how innocent she is and how ignorant of the world, she still knows that it is wrong to steal other people's men.

Obviously, King Hui didn't like An Xishi, but An Xishi seemed to be angry and blamed Huo Qiqi for everything.

Jiang Ting was even more ashamed. She seriously recalled every detail of how they met Huo Qiqi after they arrived in the capital.

Thinking about it this way, she suddenly realized that, as Huo Qiqi said, they were the ones who were always looking for faults, and Huo Qiqi really never took the initiative to provoke them.And their hostility towards Huo Qiqi seemed to be the result of An Xi constantly whispering in their ears.

When An Xishi was in the Doctor's Valley, she often received letters from the capital. Whenever she received a letter, she would shyly talk about King Hui, so they took it for granted that An Xishi and King Hui were a couple.But now it seems that is not the case.

Also, An Xishi's hostility towards Huo Qiqi also started from the rumors in the capital, when Huo Qiqi was still wearing men's clothes.From their point of view, it is inhumane for a man to like a man, so they hate Huo Qiqi even more, so they will help An Xishi deal with Huo Qiqi.

But what position did they use to accuse Huo Qiqi?
Huo Qiqi didn't do anything harmful!
Guzhu Bai admired Huo Qiqi even more, and said that Huo Qiqi's intelligence was even comparable to that of the patriarch back then.

The existence of the Valley of Miraculous Doctors was originally for the Huo family, which was the purpose of the founder of the Valley of Miraculous Doctors.As disciples of Gu Zhong, everyone knew this ancestral motto, but because of their prejudice and arrogance, they had such a big fight with Huo Qiqi.

Will the owner of the valley get angry and drive them out of the valley of genius doctors?Jiang Ting secretly glanced at Bai Yixing again.

Bai Yixing's face was really ugly, Master Gu's disciples didn't live up to it, and Huo Qiqi insisted that it was their genius doctor Gu who instigated it.He didn't even know how to defend himself, he couldn't help it, it was the Miracle Doctor Valley's fault.

"Girl." Bai Yixing said cheekily.

"Stop, we don't know each other that well. Master Bai Gu's best not to say something specious, which may easily cause misunderstandings. I don't want to have a few more sisters and sisters. In case your disciples of the genius doctor Gu are sentimental, and then take the opportunity to build a relationship with me, I I won't be able to bear it." Huo Qiqi's temper flared up, and he could be regarded as disrespecting his relatives.

"You?" Rong Sheng looked at Huo Qiqi angrily, intending to criticize a few words, but under Huo Qiqi's mocking gaze, he didn't know what to say.

"Ugly people do more mischief." Li Yuanbai was angry, "What kind of thing, dare to come here and criticize the princess and the king."

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward and kicked An Xishi to the ground.

An Xi was sad and uneasy at the time, and didn't notice at all, Li Yuanbai's foot was heavy, and she vomited a mouthful of blood immediately after falling to the ground.

"My lord?" She stared at Li Yuanbai sadly, her face full of disbelief.

The man she loved so deeply beat her for another woman?
"Li Yuanbai, a man who beats a woman is not considered a man." Huo Qiqi said quietly.

"What kind of woman is she? In my heart, only you and my concubine are women." Li Yuanbai faced Huo Qiqi affectionately, "Don't worry, this king is never willing to beat a woman."

As soon as these words were uttered, many people wanted to vomit blood. Jiang Ting and Jiang Wan looked at An Xishi who was on the ground with complicated faces, but neither of the sisters went over to help her up.

Huo Qiqi was very satisfied with Li Yuanbai's act of throwing dog food and showing affection in public, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Yuanbai, "If you dare to provoke me into some bad love in the future, hehe, I will let you know how serious the consequences are."

"This king won't give you a chance. Also, don't be too kind. Let Agou and Mao come over to find fault. It's not worth it if you get angry." Li Yuanbai's eyes were full of smiles. In his opinion, Huo Qiqi The movement of raising his eyebrows was clearly flirting with him.

The interaction between the two fell into the eyes of others, it was clearly flirting, and An Xishi's face turned even paler.

Several people from Miracle Doctor Valley were either standing or sitting at the side, and they were all very embarrassed.

"My lord, don't you regret it?" An Xishi did not give up.

"Why should I regret it?" Li Yuanbai looked at the people on the ground coldly. If it wasn't for the miracle doctor Gu, he would have killed An Xishi.

It's unbearable that this woman is bullying Qiqi behind her back.

"Did the lord give up the support of the important ministers in the court for the sake of a woman?" An Xishi was desperate for the last fight.

If outsiders are smart, they will never discuss the affairs of the DPRK and China in public.

It is very rare for An Xishi to put the struggle hidden in the dark on the bright side like An Xishi.

Li Yuanbai's face was full of chills, "A good daughter taught by Marquis Wu Yi! Are you instigating brotherhood between my brothers?"

An Xishi's face turned pale.

Too bad, she was so excited that she never thought that the prince's seizure of the throne could not be explained clearly.Fortunately, no one in the room would speak out.

"My lord, you are wrong." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, "It's fine that Marquis Wu Yi taught his daughter to be unique, the key point is that Ms. An grew up in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors all these years, huh, lord, you better not forget the Valley of Miraculous Doctors thanks to

"You?" Jiang Wan was anxious, so she said that Huo Qiqi is not a good person?

"Huh? Don't look at me with gratitude. I'm such an upright person, and I always like to tell the truth. By the way, I'm not a good person. Don't remind me, I know my virtues." Huo Qi Seven said with a smile.

Come on, let her say everything alone, Jiang Wan stared at her dumbfounded.

Huo Qiqi laughed very loudly, not caring about the reactions of the genius doctor Gu and the others at all.

"Follow me." Bai Yixing was furious.

Huo Qiqi rolled his eyes at him, the old man had better be discreet and protect his weaknesses and not provoke her, otherwise, she would definitely not give the old man face.

"When did Miracle Doctor Valley change the rules?" Li Yuanbai added fuel to the fire.

Rong Sheng wanted to intercede for An Xishi, but upon hearing that, he didn't speak anymore.

An Xi was dissatisfied and felt uneasy, but under Bai Yixing's rage, she didn't dare to provoke Bai Yixing, so she could only bear the pain and get up and follow Bai Yixing.

"You." After they left, Li Yuanbai looked at Huo Qiqi's complacent and happy face with a funny face.

"Why, does your heart hurt?" Huo Qiqi squinted at him.

"I'm worried that you will be bullied." Li Yuanbai took her hand and sat down. "Such a brazen person should not let her come to the door in the future. If it's not good enough, just call him out or hand it over to me."

When it comes to the word "handling", his voice can't help but be a little ruthless.

"Human, don't take it too seriously. Occasionally quarreling and scolding someone to get angry or something is good for your physical and mental health." Huo Qiqi replied seriously.

Start talking nonsense again!Li Yuanbai chuckled indulgently.

(End of this chapter)

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