Chapter 640
"Li Yuanjin, which eye of yours saw me bribe?" Others were afraid of Li Yuanjin, but Huo Qiqi was not afraid of him.

According to the expressions of the yamen servants, Huo Qiqi easily guessed that Li Yuanjin was in charge of the investigation of illegal salt.Even so, Huo Qiqi is not afraid of offending him, because she has Li Yuanjin's handle in her hand.

"The king of this county has seen all eyes." Li Yuanjin stared at her.

Li Yuanjin knew that Huo Qiqi was beautiful, extremely beautiful, but Huo Qiqi in women's clothes was so beautiful that he couldn't find any words to describe it.Back then, he regarded Huo Qiqi as an enemy and fought with Huo Qiqi for many years.

Now that I think about it, how ridiculous he is.Fighting and fighting, he has been fighting with a woman for so many years.Outsiders don't know how to laugh at him yet.

Then, without knowing what mood he was in, Li Yuanjin regretted being too harsh on Huo Qiqi.

In fact, there were many rumors about Huo Qiqi outside, but he never had the courage, and of course he had no excuse to go to the Duke Protector's Mansion to find out.Just now, when he saw Huo Qiqi's figure from afar, and when he heard Huo Qiqi's voice, he was still a little excited.

But as soon as Huo Qiqi opened his mouth, come on, he didn't have any thoughts in his mind. As before, when he saw Huo Qiqi, he would involuntarily erect thorns all over his body to protect himself.

You bastard Huo Qiqi!He was out of the shadows by her.

"I saw with both eyes and heard with both ears." Li Yuanjin replied with a straight face.

"Really?" Huo Qiqi asked with a hippie smile and elongated her voice on purpose.

Li Yuanjin ignored her and just stared at her with his eyes.

"Now that you've heard and seen it, tell me, what should I offer as a bribe? Cakes? I have a good relationship with all the brothers. Is it illegal to give some pastries when passing by? Or is it that the county king is superior and doesn't know the ways of the world at all?" Huo Qi Qixie stared at him charmingly.

Huo Qiqi's gaze was presumptuous and fiery, Li Yuanjin swore he had never seen a girl with such gaze, his face turned red again in disbelief.

Huo Qiqi secretly laughed, hehe, if you look good, you will take advantage of it.She can defeat Li Yuanjin with her eyes!

After chattering for a while, Huo Qiqi glared at Li Yuanjin unhappily again, "How about the favor the county king owes me?"

"What kind of favor?" Li Yuanjin felt ashamed, especially when several yamen servants around him were secretly looking at him, he couldn't help feeling even more irritable.

"Nobles often forget things. The king of the county is a nobleman. It is reasonable to forget the favors owed to a small person like me. However, the king of the county forgot, but I have not. The king of the county must have heard that I was killed outside the city gate. The attack almost cost me my life. At the beginning, the county king promised me that my life would belong to the county king on this three-acre land near the capital." Huo Qiqi kindly reminded him that if he wanted to forget, he had to look at her Answer or not.

Li Yuanjin's head suddenly thumped, how could he forget this.No, everything was the result of his deliberate neglect, because losing to Huo Qiqi and agreeing to be Huo Qiqi's bodyguard, it would be too embarrassing to say it.

And these days he didn't go to the Duke Huguo's mansion, and Huo Qiqi didn't settle accounts with him, so he subconsciously chose to forget about it.Unexpectedly, Huo Qiqi would bring up the old story again in full view today.

Damn Huo Qiqi, as expected, nothing good will happen if he meets her.

Huo Qiqi chuckled, "Does the Duke remember?"

Li Yuanjin stared at her fiercely but didn't speak.

"I'm a very generous person, so I won't bother with you about the past." Huo Qiqi changed the subject with a smile.

Li Yuanjin's eyes immediately became more vigilant. Judging from his years of fighting with Huo Qiqi, Huo Qiqi would never be so kind.This guy must have someone behind him.

Sure enough, before he could catch his breath, Huo Qiqi revealed his purpose, "A friend of mine is locked inside, and I want to go in and have a look. I would like to ask the king of the county to make it easier."

"Cao Zhenghan is an important criminal of the imperial court, and outsiders are not allowed to see each other. Huo Qiqi, you should give up on this." Li Yuanjin refused quite quickly, without giving her any face.

"Then, let's continue to figure out how to pay back the debt you owe? Or, I'll send someone to go to Lingwang's mansion to reason with Lingwang and the prince?" Huo Qiqi blinked narrowly at him.

"Huo Qiqi, you..." Li Yuanjin was so angry that she clenched his fists tightly, and he didn't care about what he agreed, and now he had time to catch his breath, and he turned his back if he said it, Huo Qiqi is really a villain.Little man, little man, little man! "Can you stop being so naive? The court wants to commit crimes, and you won't be allowed to mess around."

"What does the imperial court want to do to me? I didn't come to rob the execution ground." Huo Qiqi was playing a rogue, who would dare to argue with him, "Come on, let's continue to talk about my personal safety and your breach of appointment and duty."

"Keep making trouble, the king of this county is with you."

"What's wrong with me? First, I didn't break the law, and second, I didn't have any moral corruption. I just came here to chat with you and recall the past, isn't it okay?" Huo Qiqi rolled her eyes at him, as if she was really scared.

"Miss, this is called bullying." Jing Mu was furious.

Li Yuanjin gasped, Huo Qiqi didn't have a good thing around him.

"What do you want?" He glared at Huo Qiqi viciously, he just wanted to send Huo Qiqi away as soon as possible.

"It's not what I want, but what the king wants?" Huo Qiqi continued to blink and asked with her big charming eyes.

"You can only go in for a stick of incense time, don't blame me for turning against you if you come out late." Li Yuanjin was forced by her to have no choice but to choose to compromise.

"Thank you, the king." The smile on Huo Qiqi's face became even brighter.

She went in with a smile, and the girls followed immediately.

Li Yuanjin was so angry that his heart and lungs ached when he saw her twitching appearance and the arrogant posture of the girls behind her.

Huo Qiqi is indeed the doom of his life, he must stay away from Huo Qiqi in the future.

"Everyone is itching to be idle, isn't it?" He saw the guards and yamen servants under him giggling, and his anger began to rise again.

All the yamen servants immediately dispersed.

Li Yuanjin stood with the guard for a while with a gloomy face, but he was still worried about Huo Qiqi in the end.In his opinion, Huo Qiqi is just a restless girl, if she doesn't pay attention, Huo Qiqi shouldn't cause him any trouble.

Besides, he would never admit it. In fact, he was also curious about what Huo Qiqi and Cao Zhenghan said.

When he entered, Huo Qiqi was already standing outside Cao Zhenghan's cell.

Cao Zhenghan is considered a repeat offender, and he was detained in the innermost part, which is not bad, because Huo Yi'an came to call for care, so he has a room alone.

As Huo Qiqi went all the way in, many prisoners screamed in surprise.

These felony prisoners have been in prison for a long time, and even seeing a sow thinks they are beautiful, not to mention that a beauty like Huo Qiqi comes in, to them, it is like seeing a fairy.

The girls around Huo Qiqi were also beautiful, they glared at the prisoner viciously, and protected Huo Qiqi in the middle together.

Huo Qiqi went in without changing his expression. When Cao Zhenghan saw her coming in, his eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly stood up to meet her through the iron fence.

(End of this chapter)

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