Chapter 648 Under Difficulty ([-])

"Oh, it's so lively. Did this king come at the wrong time?" Just when everyone was filled with righteous indignation, a joking voice came out.

Someone came over again, this one is really lively.Everyone looked over and saw a pair of gorgeously dressed young men and women approaching.

"I have seen King Rui and Princess Rui." The old lady knew the person and hurried over to salute.

Huo Qiqi has a high status, but she has not yet become an official princess, and the old lady dares to show off in front of her occasionally.But King Rui and Princess Rui are real royals.

Lending a hundred courage to the old lady, the old lady did not dare to be presumptuous in front of them.

"It's only been a month, why are you out to join in the fun?" Huo Qiqi frowned and asked King Rui.

"It's too windy to be in the mansion, so it's better to come out and enjoy the excitement. No, it's so lively here. It's really a coincidence for this king." King Rui replied with a smile.

What he didn't say was that he felt better physically.His own body knows best. In the past, as long as there was a slight change in his mood, his heart would immediately feel like a big stone was blocked.But now it was different, in just over a month, he felt much lighter all over his body.

Today, of course, he didn't come out to breathe, but wanted to go to Huo Qiqi's mansion for a follow-up consultation.The people from Miracle Doctor Valley had already left the capital, and since Huo Qiqi's heart was in his heart, he still trusted Huo Qiqi more.

However, when their husband and wife arrived at the Duke Huguo's mansion, they rushed over and heard that Huo Qiqi had come to the back street to be Wang Ruoxi's backer, so they came directly without saying a word.

Backing, of course, the more the better.

"Madam Wang, what is this?" The smile on King Rui's face was like a spring breeze, and he looked at Madam Wang on the ground with a smile, with a narrow look in his eyes.

Mrs. Wang groaned secretly, she knelt on the ground for a long time.Her legs and feet have been numb for a long time, but the maids and women around her are all useless, and no one thought of helping her up.

Now it's all right, in front of King Rui, she is completely humiliated.

"Mrs. Wang is learning the rules." Huo Qiqi chuckled, and glanced casually at Mrs. Wang on the ground, "The rules of the Wang family are different. Before the main room died, the concubine climbed on top of the main room, and then the aunt Become a madam. So, don't talk about your reputation in front of the Wang family."

"Dote on concubines and kill wives?" Gu Jinpei blurted out deliberately surprised.

"Almost." Huo Qiqi dared to say anything.

"I'm sorry for you motherless child." Gu Jinpei grabbed Wang Ruoxi's hand and looked at her with pity.

What Mrs. Wang cared about most in her life was her identity. Huo Qiqi mercilessly exposed her past dark history in public, and her face immediately turned gray.

The old lady's face was also very ugly, she secretly hated Huo Qiqi's heartlessness, but she had nothing to do with Huo Qiqi.Huo Qiqi was too powerful, she was always a little apprehensive in front of Huo Qiqi, and now that King Rui and his wife were added, she really didn't dare to make a mistake.

Of course, the old lady also regretted it. If she knew that Wang Shaojie's brother and sister had such a good relationship with Huo Qiqi, she would have coaxed them well back then, and would never have pushed them out of Zhan Shifu.

Regret is useless, the old lady and Mrs. Wang are a little bit hard to get off under the condemnation and contempt of everyone.

"In the future, if someone bullies you and harms you, you don't have to bear it. Send someone directly to the palace to tell me. I still don't believe that there are still people under the emperor's feet." Gu Jinpei glared sideways at the old lady and said with a sneer.

She said these words deliberately to the old lady.Shameless people, don't give them face.

"It's better to report to the officials." Huo Qiqi chuckled, "Someone in the province made a fuss about Prince Rui's Mansion, saying that you are bullying others. As for me, I don't care about my reputation. Whoever makes me uncomfortable, hehe, I will definitely make them regret it I don’t even remember who my parents are.”

Huo Qiqi was even more ruthless, her previous reputation was not very good.Since it's not good, let's continue to be bad, anyway, if she doesn't pay attention to what she does or says, others will blame her in the past.That being the case, she still changed her temper, and she will be like this in her life.

This is also good, people don't have to be afraid to do things freely, and others should be a little bit afraid in front of her.

What does arrogance look like?The old lady and Mrs. Wang finally saw it from Huo Qiqi today.But the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can't say anything, and dare not say anything.

The Wang family members all stood aside in embarrassment. The women and girls who were originally dramatists didn't even dare to fart, and they didn't even dare to look at Wang Ruoxi.

"I know what to do. You don't have to worry. In the future, if someone comes to your house to make trouble and seek relatives indiscriminately, I will send someone to report directly to the authorities." Wang Ruoxi assured in a soft voice.

"Let's go, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's go to the Duke Protector's Mansion and talk for a while." Gu Jinpei said happily, holding her hand.

King Rui raised his foot and followed, Huo Qiqi chuckled, "We three girls are talking, what's the point of you following up with a man?"

"I'll follow the princess. Newlywed Yaner, Huo Qiqi, you don't understand." King Rui left triumphantly, smiling.

"If the two of you really have something to do with Sister Ruoxi, you can come with me to the Huguogong Mansion. Our Huo family is very hospitable, and the custody will not beat you out." Huo Qiqi has no intention of letting the Wang family go. people.

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang's faces were ashen, how dare they really follow her.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law did not dare to confront Huo Qiqi, but thanked Huo Qiqi awkwardly.

It wasn't until Huo Qiqi was out of sight that the Wang family breathed a sigh of relief.Then, amidst the sighs of everyone, he left the house in despair.

"Mother, is that the way to go?" Back in the mansion, Mrs. Wang couldn't help but inquire again.

"A dead girl is unreasonable, so find her brother." The old lady squinted her eyes and replied gloomyly.

Mrs. Wang's face twisted suddenly, and a gleam of joy flashed in her heart.Hmph, it's fine if Wang Shaojie is sensible, for the sake of her son, she will endure the matter of having an extra pair of chopsticks at home anyway.But if Wang Shaojie doesn't know how to flatter her, then her son will have a hard time, and she will definitely not make Wang Shaojie have a hard time.Her son was confused because of Wang Shaojie, and she would never allow the entire Zhan Shifu to fall into the hands of Wang Shaojie, a prodigal son.

In order to obtain the entire Wang family, she has suffered so much over the years, she will never let what she has planned for a long time become someone else's dowry.

Wang Shaojie didn't know that at dusk, he was thinking about his sister at home and hurried from Zhuangzi to the city.

When he went out, there was a coachman on the carriage, and Yang Ye followed.

The anxious people didn't realize that they were being targeted not long after leaving Zhuangzi.

"Hush." ​​The driver saw a group of people standing in the middle of the avenue, and quickly pulled the reins.

"What's the matter?" Wang Shaojie was taken aback in the carriage.

"Someone is in the middle of the road." Yang Ye replied nervously.

"Eldest son, the master invites you to go back to the mansion." Because of the official way, the servants sent by the Wang family did not dare to be too presumptuous, and honestly reported their own names.

(End of this chapter)

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