Chapter 652 The Big Wedding Day ([-])

"What a beautiful bride." Gu Jinpei smiled as she entered the door.

"Huo Qiqi, you are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. I guess there will never be a more beautiful bride than you in the future." Princess Changle stared at Huo Qiqi with glowing eyes.

"The princess is really thin." Huo Qiqi looked at her with a smile.

"Yes, I've lost weight. I've lost a lot of weight, Huo Qiqi, it's all thanks to you. So today I brought a lot of treasures for you to add to the box. Of course I know that you are much richer than me, but this is me You are not allowed to refuse." As soon as Princess Changle opened her mouth, she couldn't stop talking, "You said that I wanted to marry you all my heart, but who knew that you have been fooling me for so many years. It's all right now, you I'm going to marry Sixth Brother."

The more she talked, the more melancholy she became.

Xue Changrong's daughter-in-law rushed to the rescue after hearing this, she chuckled and pulled Princess Changle's sleeve, "Sister, if you keep talking, I'm afraid King Hui will come to pick up the bride in a while, and the gift for adding boxes in your hand hasn't been delivered yet." go out."

"Yes, add the box first." Princess Changle couldn't help but also laughed.

She clapped her hands, and several maids appeared in the room immediately, all holding boxes in their hands.

Princess Changle stepped forward to open the box as if offering a treasure.

Immediately, the atmosphere of jewels and treasures burst forth, and there were emerald emeralds, complete sets of jewelry, and necklaces.

"Could it be that the princess brought all the good things from the mansion and gave them to me?" Huo Qiqi teased her.

"You don't understand my heart at all. Huo Qiqi, anyway, you are also the person I have loved for many years. Although I can't marry you, I still hope that you will have a better life than anyone else. But don't worry, Brother Six treats you very much. Shangxin, he will definitely treat you well." The county king was a little sad.

Huo Qiqi suddenly couldn't laugh, what qualifications did she have to make fun of a little girl who was sincerely devoted to her feelings.

"Miss Huo, these are mine." Princess Shi Zi smiled and presented her present.

It is a set of exquisite jewelry, quite satisfactory, although expensive, but not brilliant.

Next came Zhen's mother-in-law and Gu Jinpei.

Although the Gu family's family background is good, it is not outstanding in the capital city. In addition, Gu Jinpei got married a while ago, so the things that Zhen's handed out are really not as good as the gifts from the elder princess's sister-in-law.

With the comparison, Zhen's complexion is a little ugly.

Cousin Qin Huiying gave her a gift generously, even if it was not as good as others, she did not show any embarrassment.She knew that Huo Qiqi was not a superficial person.

In contrast, Gu Jinpei, the new concubine of Prince Rui's Mansion, was much more generous, giving away a lot of jade ruyi and emerald cabbage for free.

"This is a little bit of my heart." Chen Zhenzhu walked over coyly, quickly put down the jewelry box, and then backed away with a blushing face.

She is not as generous as Princess Changle, and she was also the one who had an oolong at the beginning.

"Mine." Lu Pingting generously presented her gift.

Huo Qiqi smiled at them, except for the three members of the Gu family, the rest were more or less because of the favors they had received from her.However, she didn't have many friends, and their presence was the greatest respect for her.

So she will not let people go away empty-handed.

"Since you all gave presents, I'll give some in return." Huo Qiqi whispered to the girl beside her.

Huaxi left in a hurry, and after a while, she came out with a tray.

There are several white porcelain vases in the tray.

"Here are the pills I make when I have nothing to do. If you don't pay attention, you can take a bottle and go back to play. If something happens to you, it might save a life." Huo Qiqi explained with a chuckle.

No one in the capital knew that Huo Qiqi was good at medicine, as soon as her words fell, Princess Changle and Chen Zhenzhu rushed over to grab a bottle and stuffed it into their sleeves.

"Fools don't want it anymore." Princess Changle narrowed her eyes with joy.

"So, it's really a coincidence that we came here." Just as they were talking, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Jingyuan Hou's mansion and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of the Prince Ling's mansion also came in.

The person who spoke was Princess Ling.

Huo Qiqi really wanted to roll her eyes, it's fine if the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of Jingyuan Hou's mansion came, why even the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of Prince Ling's mansion came to join in the fun.

Forget it, anyway, she made too many pills, so she didn't mind sending out a few more bottles.

As a result, some more expensive jewelry was added to her dowry, and those who came got the dream pill.The accidental pills made all the female relatives in the room smile.

Then, the palace seemed to want to join in the fun.The Empress Dowager, Concubine Shu, Concubine De and the Empress also presented important gifts.These gifts were sent directly to the Duke Protector's Mansion, and it was also specified that they were for Huo Qiqi's box.Huo Qiqi was the first girl in the capital to receive such an honor.

Everyone was envious immediately.

"Hurry up, the prince is here." As soon as Chen Shi arrived, Wang Chuyun rushed in to urge him.

"Miss, quickly put on the phoenix crown." Xi Niang and the girls were all in a hurry.

"I'm late." The last person to add boxes arrived.

Huo Qiqi looked at Wang Ruoxi with a smile on his face. "Your brother is tossing again, isn't he?"

Not to mention that Huo Qiqi really knew Wang Shaojie well, the two really deserved to be dog meat friends.Even if Wang Shaojie didn't show up, she could still guess what Wang Shaojie was tossing about.

"My brother and I have sent you some gifts to add to the box, don't dislike it." Wang Ruoxi's eyes turned red, she didn't dare to say more, King Hui was waiting outside.

As soon as she finished speaking, Chunhua Qiushi came in, and the sisters brought in the big box.Huo Qiqi had no time to open the two big boxes, and Huo Yichen and Huo Yi'an came in again to urge them.

Gu Jinpei went over and took Wang Ruoxi's hand and whispered affectionately, "You have such a temperament. Don't be sad about the gift, my mother and the others will do their best. Let's go outside and have a chat. I have to go to Huiwang's mansion later. ,"

Wang Ruoxi nodded, sighed and didn't say what Wang Shaojie said.

"It's so heavy." Huo Qiqi groaned while touching the phoenix crown on his head.

"Miss, you can't use your hands." Huaxi hurriedly stopped her.

"Ping An Guo, don't forget."

The room was so busy that those who added boxes had to leave the room.

When Huo Qiqi put on the big red hijab, half an hour had passed.

Li Yuanbai waited anxiously outside, but he still gave face, and has been patiently accompanying the Huo family.

The Huo family brothers, Gu Guangning brothers, and Wang Shaojie are really capable of tossing around.What pair of pairs, poems, guessing riddles, all eighteen skills are used, the purpose is to keep Huo Qiqi for a while.

Li Yuanbai was known as the number one talented person in the Dayun Kingdom, and the Huo family's questions couldn't help him at all.Within a short time of burning incense, he rushed to the outside of Huo Qiqi's courtyard, and then waited.

Just when he could see through his eyes, Huo Qiqi was finally recited by Huo Yi'an.

"Wait, I have to kowtow to my grandfather before I can get on the sedan chair." Just when Li Yuanbai happily went up to pick him up, Huo Qiqi suddenly said.

The red-eyed Lord Protector heard this, and his eyes became even redder.What was even more disappointing was that his tears almost fell in public.

Li Yuanbai was taken aback for a moment, and then agreed to her request.

Thick cushions were immediately placed in front of the sedan chair, and Huo Yi'an put Huo Qiqi down.

In ancient times, there was a particular emphasis. After the bride left the boudoir, her feet could not touch the ground.

So the cushion on the ground was very big, Huo Qiqi landed steadily, and then kowtowed three times to Duke Protector.

Someone couldn't help weeping softly, and the guests watching the ceremony couldn't help but have red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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