Chapter 654: Everywhere
The bugs were too weird, Huo Qiqi noticed something was wrong in time, but because she was a little far away from the emperor and queen mother, she couldn't catch it.

Li Yuanbai reacted quickly, and he didn't know where he found the hidden weapon. Two golden lights went towards the two legs of the table.

Others didn't know the truth, they thought he wanted to assassinate the emperor and queen mother.

"Protect the emperor, sixth son, are you crazy?" Huai Wang was the first to react, he jumped over and stopped Li Yuanbai.

"Assassination?" King Qin also yelled.

The faces of King Rui and King Qi turned pale.

After all, it was the emperor. After a short period of surprise, the emperor became calm. After he and the queen mother exchanged a glance, their eyes fell on the two hidden weapons on the table legs.

At this time, everyone observed carefully, only to find that the hidden weapon Li Yuanbai used was actually the buckle on his clothes. This kind of buckle is made of gold wire. I don't know how Li Yuanbai did it. thin needles.

There were two small black bugs under the "hidden weapon". The bugs did not die on the spot, but were still struggling.

"Don't move." Seeing King Ling stretching out his hand to pinch the bug, Huo Qiqi hurriedly stopped him loudly. "You can't use your hands, those are Gu insects, they are highly poisonous."

"Your Majesty." The eunuchs and maids around the Emperor and the Empress Dowager were all changed.

King Ling and Taifu also turned pale.

"Everyone retreat to the courtyard." Li Yuanbai ordered.He was a little annoyed that someone on his site dared to make a voodoo in public, and the person who made the voodoo didn't take him seriously at all.

Huo Qiqi didn't know if there were other poisons in the room, let alone if the emperor and queen mother had been poisoned.

She didn't care about her status, she reached out and put her hand on the Queen Mother's wrist when she went outside.

The Empress Dowager understood what she meant, and when she saw that she took herself seriously, she felt a little more satisfied with Huo Qiqi in her eyes.

After Huo Qiqi took the pulse of the empress dowager, he hurriedly took the pulse of the emperor.The result is not bad, the two big bosses are all safe and sound.

Qingfeng and Minglang had already led people to search carefully in the house, but they didn't find the third Gu.

All the guests were a little nervous, who would pay attention to such a small bug?So everyone was a little worried about whether they had been hit by a Gu.

Huo Qiqi understood everyone's feelings, and directly ordered the people he brought over to check on everyone.

He took out several bottles of pills in public and handed them to the housekeeper, asking him to put them in water and dishes for prevention.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.Many people also secretly pondered that it would make a difference to have a person who is proficient in medical skills in the family.

The Emperor and the Empress Dowager were safe and sound, and they did not blame Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai, and left in a hurry after a few words of comfort to the new couple.

Huo Qiqi went into the room, took out a jade bottle, and put the Gu worms under the hidden weapon into the bottle.

The little bug was not dead yet, his body was pierced by a hidden weapon, and he was still struggling.They seemed to be very interested in Huo Qiqi, the more Huo Qiqi approached them, the harder they struggled.

Everyone watched Huo Qiqi collect the Gu worms, and they were completely relieved.

At this point, Li Yuanbai sent Huo Qiqi into the bridal chamber.

In the bridal chamber, all the objects are bright red.

"It's a mess outside, I'll go out to greet the guests first." Li Yuanbai patted her head distressedly.

"Help me take off the phoenix crown." Huo Qiqi groaned while touching his head, "It's so heavy."

Li Yuanbai smiled lightly, followed her wishes, and directly agreed.

"Miss, the prince dotes on you, so he is willing to let you mess around." Huaxi helped her take off the phoenix crown, while scolding her, "Today is your big wedding day, and there will definitely be female relatives coming to join in the fun later. Take down the phoenix crown, let people see it, and then secretly talk about you behind your back."

"Let's just say it, I won't lose a piece of meat. But if you don't take off the phoenix crown, your lady's neck may be injured at night." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

Xi Niang was smoothing things over, she actually didn't want Huo Qiqi to take off the phoenix crown, but the prince doted on Huo Qiqi, so she dared to say anything.It's better to follow Huo Qiqi's wishes and make Huo Qiqi happy, maybe she can get a little more reward later. "The princess can take off the phoenix crown first, and then put it on when someone comes."

"That's a good idea." Huaxi cheered up.

"Princess, can the servants go in?" A girl asked at the door.

After hearing this, Shu Yun hurried out to open the door.

The four maids outside the door, each of them had good looks and figures, and they all carried food boxes in their hands.

"The four servants are the second-class maids in the princess's yard. They will be responsible for the rough work in the yard from now on. From now on, please take care of them." The girl who spoke was generous, "The servants are like poetry, and the three of them are like pictures and dreams." , like an illusion."

"The servant is following the order of the lord to bring some meals to the princess." Ruhua explained softly.

"Bring it in." Huo Qiqi ordered lightly.

The four maids entered the room without haste, carrying the food boxes, without looking sideways, and looked very respectful towards Huo Qiqi.

"Princess take it easy, the slaves will come in to clean up later." Rumeng also said.

Huo Qiqi nodded.

Hua Xi and Hua Qiao opened the food boxes, and there were six dishes in each food box, adding up to a total of 24 dishes.A good meal on the table.

Huo Qiqi couldn't help laughing out loud.

After the food was arranged, Huo Qiqi used some, and gave the rest to the six maids, plus one Xi Niang.

Sure enough, after everyone finished eating, Rumeng and Ruhuan came in and packed up the dishes and took them away.

Huaxi and the others were worried that there would be guests coming to make a fuss in the afternoon.

However, I don't know if the guests were frightened by the Gu worm, or because they were frightened by Li Yuanbai. One afternoon, no, until the evening, no one came over.

Huo Qiqi fell silent.

While lighting the lamp, Li Yuanbai finally came back.

Xi Niang hurriedly made arrangements, let the couple tie a sympathy knot, and let them drink a cup of wine. After the ceremony was over, they finally left after receiving a generous reward.

"Oh, why is it so tiring to be married?" Huo Qiqi was finally able to collapse on the bed.

Li Yuanbai laughed loudly, "So a big marriage is only once in a person's lifetime."

"Did you drink a lot?" Huo Qiqi asked while looking sideways at him.

"I drank some." Li Yuanbai admitted.

"Princess, the washing water is ready." Shu Yun spoiled the scenery outside.

"Yes." Huo Qiqi agreed.

Li Yuanbai held her back, "I just washed it in the morning, so I don't need to wash it."

"Let's go ahead, I'm sweating all day long." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

Li Yuanbai didn't force her anymore.

Huo Qiqi did what he said, but he was just rushing.She will be back soon.

When he came back, he changed into pajamas, a loose cotton nightdress.

Li Yuanbai saw her bare legs and feet pulling out a pair of slippers, his eyes straightened.

"My lord, you should wear pajamas too." Huo Qiqi suggested with a smile, "I'll prepare some clothes for you, as well as underwear."

"Don't let outsiders see it." Li Yuanbai gritted his teeth.

"This is pajamas, and I'm not an exhibitionist." Huo Qiqi smirked.

Hehe, whether you can eat or not, His Royal Highness Hui Wang has to hold on.she thought wickedly.

(End of this chapter)

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