Chapter 662
"This baby is too unlucky. Not only was he poisoned by the Poison Sect, but he was also poisoned by Nanzhao's Gu poison. The two combined into one, it's poisonous." Huo Qiqi imitated Bai Yixing's tone and shook his head. say.

"Gu poison?" This result surprised Li Yuanbai.

Things behind it seemed trickier than he imagined.

Huo Qiqi was also very curious, who did Jiang Wan offend, and actually offended two factions at the same time.

"It's lucky she met me." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

After hearing this, Mingming secretly breathed a sigh of relief.From Wang Hao's tone, the girl on the bed may still be saved.

"Golden needle." Huo Qiqi ordered. "Disinfectant."

Hearing the words, the girls hurriedly prepared, and soon the things Huo Qiqi wanted were ready.

Don't look at Huo Qiqi's incoherent speech, but when she really does something, her attitude is more serious than anyone else.Needling to untie their clothes, Li Yuanbai and Minglang retreated to the next yard to avoid suspicion.

The gold needles in Huo Qiqi's hand quickly pierced Jiang Wan's body. There were not many needles, only nine, but the position of each gold needle was very tricky.

After the nine golden needles went down, Huo Qiqi asked Hua Qiao to fetch a life-saving pill. She roughly opened Jiang Wan's mouth, and then stuffed the pill into Jiang Wan's mouth.

The pill melted in the mouth, but Huo Qiqi was not worried about Jiang Wan being choked by the pill.

"My lord has already wasted one pill for you, this is the second one. Aren't you usually good at it? How can you be bullied into such a virtue? What is your ability?" Huo Qiqi seized the opportunity and began to criticize Jiang Wan. .

"Princess, she can't hear it." Huaxi said with a smile on the side.

"It's a pity, we are such good people, we can't engrave words on our faces. I don't know who has tricked this girl." Huo Qiqi said with a smile.

Suddenly, she trotted out again.

"Are you tired?" Li Yuanbai didn't dislike her just coming back from the patient, and gently grabbed her hand.

As a newlywed, the two of them spend very little time together.

Even if you can't eat meat, it's good to look at the beauty.

Li Yuanbai felt regretful in his heart, and he was also full of guilt towards Huo Qiqi. Of course, he wanted to skin the person behind him who caused today's trouble.

"You only found Jiang Wan, didn't you see the other girl? Rong Sheng isn't around?" Huo Qiqi asked out his doubts.

"I searched all the nearby waters, even on the shore. I didn't find anyone." Li Yuanbai replied.

"Wonderful Doctor Valley should have their unique contact information, and the little girl should also have a life-saving pill. I just searched and found that she does have a medicine bottle." After finishing speaking, Huo Qiqi threw a small bottle on the on the table.

"Jiang Wan was poisoned by the Poison Sect's poison and Gu poison, and she didn't take the life-saving pills on her body. It must be that the other party is too powerful, and she didn't have a chance to take out the pills. If the order is placed, she either ran out secretly, or Rong Shenghe Jiang Ting also suffered an accident." Li Yuanbai analyzed.

"The former is more likely." After a pause, he added another sentence.

"It's also possible that it's the latter. The lake is so deep and the lake is so big. Even if the breeze leads people to search, he may not be able to find people in the dark night." Huo Qiqi contradicted him.

Li Yuanbai shook his head lightly, "Although the people in Miracle Doctor Valley mainly practice medical skills, the martial arts of the disciples in the valley are not bad. As one of the elders of Miracle Doctor Valley, Rong Sheng's martial arts can also be ranked in the world. There is a curfew in the capital, if there is a large-scale fight, the patrolling guards will not be unaware of it."

"They didn't notice that girl was fighting with others." Huo Qiqi said with disgust.

"That's why I think she went out alone." Li Yuanbai chuckled, "The place where she was injured is more like being attacked by someone."

"My lord means that the little girl was murdered by an acquaintance." Huo Qiqi looked sideways at him.

Li Yuanbai nodded slightly.

Huo Qiqi sighed, "If that's the case, it will be even worse for this girl. You can't rely on people."

"It's stupid." Li Yuanbai said softly. "Send a few more people to guard near the Marquis of Wuyi."

"You doubt An Xishi?" Huo Qiqi asked in surprise.

"My husband only believes in the medical skills of the princess, and An Xishi's method of detoxifying the poisoned person is too fast." Li Yuanbai explained with a chuckle. "And, the curative effect is too good."

"Doubt the beauty just because of this? After all, she is also a talented student from the genius doctor valley." Huo Qiqi joked with disgust.

"An ugly woman who isn't even a registered student, what kind of a high student is she?" Li Yuanbai denied Huo Qiqi's words with one sentence.

"My lord." Huo Qiqi moved her body closer to him.

Li Yuanbai enjoyed her intimacy very much, and couldn't help leaning forward.Pink bubbles seem to flow between the two of them.

"My lord, you must remember it in the future. Anything my daughter-in-law says cannot be denied." Suddenly Huo Qiqi sat up straight and said solemnly.


"Looking around, An Xishi is barely considered a beauty. If the prince denies it too quickly, it would be a guilty conscience, and I would be unhappy. Secondly, even if An Xishi is a famous disciple of the genius doctor valley, it is undeniable that her medical skills are barely in the capital. He can be regarded as a master. If the prince denies it too quickly, I will also be unhappy because of the guilty conscience of the prince." Huo Qiqi sighed and analyzed his inner activities.

If you want to say that Huo Qiqi is the most suitable word to describe Huo Qiqi in front of Li Yuanbai, it is Zuo.If it was another woman who did it in front of Li Yuanbai, Li Yuanbai would have been impatient and angry, but Li Yuanbai would still follow her.

He felt that Huo Qiqi was jealous of him, and couldn't help being secretly happy. "Anything that uses the word "reluctantly" cannot be taken seriously."

"Barely you are right." Huo Qiqi smiled and hugged his arm again.

The smile on Li Yuanbai's face also increased.

"By the way, have you tried the water source in the capital?" Huo Qiqi asked.

"All the places where the poisoned people are concentrated have been checked by people. The antidote pills sent by the princess have also been put into the water. The imperial guards will also step up inspections in the past few days." Li Yuanbai held her hand enjoyingly, and the tip of his nose was full of Huo With the fragrance on Qi Qi's body, she couldn't help but leaned close to her face and kissed her lightly.

Compared with Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi's coziness, An Xi is like being roasted on fire at this moment.

She returned to the mansion last night, just as quietly as when she left, without disturbing anyone.But she felt uneasy all the time.

If she couldn't see Jiang Wan's body for a day, she was worried that Jiang Wan was still alive.She is a careful person, never trusting others, she only trusts herself.Jiang Wan is the direct descendant of the genius doctor Gu, and An Xishi knew very well that if Jiang Wan struggled to swallow the pills on her body when she fell into the water, her life would definitely be safe for the time being.

if jiang wan lives
Lying on the bed, she couldn't help shivering. If Jiang Wan didn't die, her secret would be revealed.At that time, not only the genius doctor Gu couldn't spare her, but also the one in the palace would never let her go, and even the entire Marquis of Wuyi's mansion would be punished by the emperor because of her actions.

No, Jiang Wan must die.She tried her best to close her eyes and couldn't help comforting herself. Jiang Wan was seriously injured and was kicked mercilessly by Li Yuanjue and fell into the lake. Jiang Wan definitely had no chance to take out the pill.

(End of this chapter)

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