Chapter 671
"Miss An is really good. Let me tell you, does your genius doctor Gu have the ability to escape?" Huo Qiqi is indeed a bad person. In the last sentence, she and Li Yuanbai threw dog food in public, and in the next sentence, he stabbed Rong Sheng's heart.

Huo Qiqi is really suitable to be a bad guy.

However, he now somewhat knows Huo Qiqi's temperament, so he chooses to ignore it.

Seeing that he was silent, Huo Qiqi immediately felt bored.

"It's a pity that you have a pair of beautiful eyes." She went to tease Jiang Wan again.

Jiang Wan smiled wryly, "I have no eyes, and I deserve what I deserve."

Huo Qiqi was dumbfounded, it's over, this one is even more ruthless.The little girl is really boring, how fun it was before. "It turns out that you like to be blind, so it will save trouble. But you should have told me earlier that I prescribed those medicines for nothing."

Needless to say clearly, she hugged Li Yuanbai's arm and walked in, her whole body was limp.

Looking at their backs from a distance, it looks like Li Yuanbai dragging a koala.Alas, is this couple really?

Rongsheng thought for a long time but couldn't find a suitable word to describe it.The ancients were more reserved, but in Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai, Rong Sheng really couldn't find the word reserved, even if they were husband and wife, they should be more reserved in public.

Seeing Rong Sheng frowned, Jiang Ting guessed what Rong Sheng was thinking.She sighed and said in a low voice, "It's a good thing that King Hui cares about Princess Hui. They never care about small things. They never cared about other people's eyes. Why should Master worry in vain. Besides, King Hui is not a person who attracts bees and attracts butterflies." , they are husband and wife."

When Rong Sheng heard this, he sighed and nodded, "We don't need to pay attention to their affairs. After Wan'er, listen to what she says, and don't talk back. Master can force you to detoxify, but he is not sure to detoxify you. The remaining poison in the eyes. Even if the master goes all out, your eyesight will be blurred in the future. Princess Hui just means that she has found a way to detoxify. You must not provoke her. Her temper is the most difficult to figure out , if she is not happy, she will deliberately hang you up for a few more days."

"Master, I'm telling the truth. I have eyes but no pearls. What's the use of having eyes?" Jiang Wan was disheartened.

"You're talking stupid again. Don't say you didn't discover An Xishi's wolfish ambitions. Even Master, me, and the others in the valley didn't realize that she was a black hearted person. You'll learn a lot from a pitfall. In the future, it's better to look at people differently." It’s best to act with loyalty. Although Princess Hui’s temperament is unpredictable and different from others, she is a good person with a kind heart. She deliberately provoked us, and it was our own fault that caused it.” Jiang Ting comforted her, “You want to repay Hui Concubine, only by curing your eyes first can you have a chance to repay her. Otherwise, what will you do to repay her?"

Yes, how can I repay Princess Hui?Jiang Wan was a little dazed.

Don't look at Huo Qiqi yelling all day long, saying that he lost money by saving her.But in fact, she was never really forced to pay back the money, nor was she really asked for money.Huo Qiqi's shop is making a lot of money every day, and Prince Hui's mansion is rich and powerful, how could it be short of her little money?Medicine?In front of Huo Qiqi, she was at best a half-bad.Taking advantage of the reputation of Godly Doctor Valley?Do Prince Hui's Mansion and Huo Qiqi care about that reputation?
Jiang Wan couldn't help being at a loss.

"Junior Sister, don't think too much. We have medical skills, as long as we have the heart, we can always help Princess Hui." Jiang Ting encouraged her.

Jiang Wan hesitated, then nodded slowly.

Huo Qiqi hung on Li Yuanbai's arm and went back to his yard. Along the way, the servants of the palace saw him, and saluted them with unchanged expression.Everyone has seen too much of the "different" of the princess, and they have long been immune.

Moreover, the master's relationship is good, and being a servant also benefits, at least there are no such messy things happening in the mansion.

For Huo Qiqi, the hostess, most people agreed with her from the bottom of their hearts.

On the second day after Huo Qiqi got married, she discussed with the butler, and then appointed a series of reform plans for the rear house wages.According to the salary system of more work, more effort, more risk, more rewards, the servants in each courtyard were redistributed monthly silver.

Of course, for this move, Huo Qiqi also consulted some old people in the mansion for their opinions.

In this way, the labor enthusiasm of everyone in the mansion was greatly mobilized.There are also those who are dissatisfied, for example, some close family members who are in charge, just rely on their connections to hang out in the mansion, and being disturbed by Huo Qiqi like this, it will not work at all if they want to hang out.

But no one dared to challenge her, because everyone in the mansion knew that the prince doted on the concubine to no end, he was so spoiled to heaven.

A princess is different from an ordinary woman. No one can understand Huo Qiqi's behavior, and sometimes he is even more manly than a man when he is a jerk.As long as everyone thinks of Huo Qiqi's reputation as a big dandy, even those who are a bit cautious will give up.

This princess will be the only hostess in the palace from now on.The prince has let go of the words, and in this life he will only have the princess alone, that is to say, if the princess dies, the prince will not be able to marry again.

"We're going to the Northland in a few days." Back in the room, Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi breathed first.

"Reason?" Huo Qiqi looked at him sideways and asked.

"Beiguo couldn't bear it anymore and began to harass the border. Several villages in Beidi were attacked by them. People's belongings were also robbed, but fortunately there were no casualties." Li Yuanbai replied, "Beidi is my fiefdom. , we are also married, according to the practice in the palace, we should also leave Beijing and return to the fief."

"In other words, is my happy life coming to an end?" Huo Qiqi looked at him with her chin resting.

"After arriving in the fief, you are the hostess there. You can do whatever you want. No one dares to tell you what to do." Li Yuanbai chuckled.

"It's more or less the same." Huo Qiqi expressed satisfaction. "Where are the others?"

"According to the usual practice, they should also leave Beijing. The emperor will not favor one or the other to be criticized." Li Yuanbai replied.

"Leave, what if something happens to the capital?"

"There are Sangong and Uncle Ling in the capital, so there will be no chaos." Li Yuanbai replied.

"I'm just wondering, why does the emperor trust King Ling so much?" Huo Qiqi whispered in his ear.

"King Ling once swore in public in front of the ancestral temple that he would never have any thoughts about the throne in this life. If their lineage has excessive thoughts about imperial power, the heroes of the world can be killed." Li Yuanbai chuckled.

so ruthless?Huo Qiqi was stunned.No matter what purpose King Ling swears in public, his cruelty alone is enough to make people fear and admire.

Not everyone can think about it, right?
Just three days after Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi got through, the emperor decreed that all the princes who became kings must leave Beijing and return to their fiefdoms in half a month.

All the ministers were in an uproar, and the adult princes all left the capital. Could it be that these princes are not the emperor's favorite candidate?Everyone who has chosen to stand in line is worried, and after the court, everyone secretly writes to ask about the situation.

But the ministers who did not stand in line were full of luck.

In the evening, King Huai rushed to the queen's palace in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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