Chapter 684 Second Skill

"Princess, how can I improve it?" Which military officer doesn't like new weapons, when several military officers heard that Huo Qiqi could improve the bows and arrows of the Tartars, they couldn't help but rushed over to ask.

"I'm just a girl, so I can't mess with military affairs. Hehe, I'm just talking casually, everyone, don't take it seriously." Huo Qiqi said softly.She seems to have become a gentle and good-tempered princess again.

"My lord, I'm hungry." Huo Qiqi hugged Li Yuanbai's arm coquettishly.

Everyone blushed. Although the princess was very capable, she didn't pay attention to the occasion.

"There's been food left for you in the kitchen, go back to your room and eat." Li Yuanbai's voice was softer, and everyone's goosebumps were about to rise.My mother, is this still the prince who always speaks freely and smiles coldly?

"Princess, can we go in and have a look?" Jiang Wan summoned up her courage and asked.

"Yes." Huo Qiqi yawned, "Don't move around, let the people in the pharmacy prepare the potion."

"We won't move around." Jiang Ting quickly agreed.

Rong Sheng didn't object either, he didn't bother to speak at all.However, he was very interested in the hanging needle that Huo Qiqi used, he never knew that the medicine could enter through the blood.

Huo Qiqi's treatment method is indeed different, completely beyond his imagination.After abandoning his prejudice, he became more and more interested in Huo Qiqi.Bah, no, it should be said that he became more and more interested in Huo Qiqi's medical skills.

People in Miracle Doctor Valley have an unusual attachment to medical skills, Rong Sheng suddenly understood why Bai Yixing was so clingy to Huo Qiqi.

Huo Qiqi was very upset, hung on Li Yuanbai's arm and went back to the room.

All the officials looked at their backs, and each of them felt uncomfortable.No one can understand what kind of person Huo Qiqi is!The military officer's heart was on fire, they wanted to chase after Huo Qiqi and bring her back, and ask her how to improve her weapons.

But no one has the guts.

Li Yuanbai came over for a while, and everyone was curious about the body of the injured, and couldn't help but go to visit.

The wounded were lying on a small bed covered with a quilt, a brazier was set on fire in the room, and the white cloth on the floor had been removed.His face and lips were not gray and black when he came, but pale.His right wrist was exposed, and there was a needle inserted into his wrist. A transparent bottle was hung upside down on the wooden stand beside it. The medicine needle in the bottle was dripping down. How could the medicine directly enter the blood? I can't figure it out either.

"Can we see his arm?" General Luo asked curiously.

"It's just been sewn up, so it can't be moved." Jing Mu replied coldly.

These people looked down on Wang Hao, so she didn't have a good face to show them.

All the officials were dumbfounded, the princess had a bad temper, and the girls around her were also bad-tempered.

After a while, Li Yuanbai returned to the flower hall, and seeing that it was getting late, everyone offered to leave one after another.

The next day, the palace was full of excitement.

Yesterday, a kang was built in one room in the mansion, and the room was indeed much warmer.Although it costs a little firewood, it saves a lot compared to using charcoal fire, and the heating effect is much better.

As a result, the rooms of Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai also started to turn up, and their big bed was moved to another room.

A military officer wanted to come over to see the patient and inquire about the improvement of weapons, but the answer he got was that the wounded needed to recuperate, and the prince forbade anyone to disturb him.And the princess was instructing the bricklayer to set the kang, so she didn't have time to show up, so everyone who came to the door was sent away.

"My lord, if the princess can really improve the bow and arrow, then our casualties will be reduced a lot in the future, and we can also give the tartars a little deterrence."

"Yes, they are not the only ones who can."

"Damn, because they had this new bow and arrow last year, we suffered a lot. I don't know how many brothers were killed or injured in their hands."

Everyone talked about it.

General Xue was impatient, he kept urging Li Yuanbai, "My lord, improving bows and arrows is a big deal, you have to have a good talk with the princess after you go back."

"Yes, as soon as possible."

"The weather is getting colder and colder, and the Tartars are short of food and grass. It's all on our minds. They have harassed the surrounding villages many times. We have to plan early."

"Wait for the concubine to deal with the problem of Kang before we talk about the improvement of weapons." Li Yuanbai said lightly.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Is that heated kang more important than the improvement of bows and arrows?

In fact, Huo Qiqi thought that the hot kang was the top priority.She was very busy in the palace.

The technology of Pan Kang is easy to solve, but it is rare to add a fire wall to the original layout of the palace.This involves not only thermal and aerodynamics, but also architecture.

Architecturally, she is not even half-baked.Huo Qiqi has a stubborn temper, the more she knows how to do it, the more interested she is.

The bricklayers who came to the palace were all wounded and retired soldiers. They were always trembling in front of Huo Qiqi. Whatever Huo Qiqi said, they listened to it, and they did it.Later, when the firewall issue came up, they saw that Huo Qiqi was very open-minded and kind to them, discussing everything in a consultative tone, so they became more and more courageous.

Later, even the housekeeper got involved.

Everyone was so angry that they were almost begging for help.

Of course, doing things in such a harmonious atmosphere can achieve great results.

"My lord, how's it going?" A few days later, Huo Qiqi happily lay down on the kang he had always dreamed of.

"Not bad." Li Yuanbai lifted the hem of his clothes and leaned on the quilt.

In order to show off, Huo Qiqi specially placed a small wooden table on the kang, "From now on, we'll eat and drink here."

"Warm and friendly." Li Yuanbai chuckled. "The matter of the kang has been settled, you have to think about ways to improve your weapons, otherwise, those generals will have to rush to the mansion to find you."

"Of course the improved blueprints cannot be circulated to everyone." Huo Qiqi sneered, "Who can specialize in making weapons in the hands of the prince?"

"The people in the Ministry of Industry are all my people. The weapons camp is also my people." Li Yuanbai chuckled, "You can rest assured that it will not be leaked."

Huo Qiqi stretched and sat up straight, "Then I can rest assured."

After speaking, she ordered Hua Qiao to bring some burnt branches and some paper.

"It would be more convenient if there is graphite." Huo Qiqi lay down on the table and drew a few blueprints and handed them to Li Yuanbai.

Li Yuanbai is a general. He took a look at the drawings and sat up straight. "Qiqi, did you come up with this?"

"These are all made up by my master. I'm not interested." Huo Qiqi replied indiscriminately.

As a girl, she already knows too many things, what should she do if she reveals more?Fortunately, there is an unknown and even more inconspicuous master named Mo Xuyou.

Li Yuanbai couldn't help shaking his hands as he looked at the blueprint in his hand.

Huo Qiqi not only improved the bow and arrow, but also gave the blueprints of two other weapons, one is called the army thorn, this short weapon is very suitable for sneak attack, and it is also very advantageous in fighting with short soldiers, and the other is the tiger claw. This is the most practical thing to attack and climb at night.

(End of this chapter)

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