Chapter 688 The Third Skill

Just when many officials secretly admired Huo Qiqi and completely changed their views on her, Huo Qiqi started to toss again.

"A pair of grass-woven insoles cost a penny by hand? Can beating the grass count as money? Ten catties of grass cost two pennies?" Someone stood in front of the notice and read aloud.

"real or fake?"

"No one wants the grass on the mountain, yet the princess still spends money to buy it?"

"Did you guys know that? A few days ago, the people from the Cao Gang announced that the price was also set at this price."

"There is so much firewood on the mountain, how can we get grass?"

"I heard that only Ula grass is needed."

"Could it be built on the roof?"

"I don't know, don't worry about it. Anyway, there is money to be made. Instead of standing here and talking plainly, it's better to go to the meadow quickly. Maybe you can cut more grass and sell some money."

"That's right, that's the reason."

The weather has been sunny and warmer these days.After seeing the notice, people from all villages rushed to the mountains and meadows to mow grass.

Ulagrass has a very tenacious vitality, cluster after cluster, after cutting this year, it will start to germinate again next spring.In previous years, this thing has almost no other use except for lighting fire.The key is that this thing has not yet been burned, and a large bundle cannot boil a pot of water, so it is not far away for everyone to walk over on weekdays without even taking a second look.

No one thought that this year the princess and the merchants of the Cao Gang would be willing to pay for it.

Some people have piles of old goods, and when they see this, they are almost overjoyed from ear to ear.

Soon, Ula grass was piled up in front of and behind the doors of Anshengtang everywhere.

Huo Qiqi was worried, so he went over to inspect it personally.

"I have seen the princess." After the people in Anshengtang knew her identity, Wu Lala knelt down for her.

"Get up." Huo Qiqi chuckled, "Do it well. Although the Anshengtang can provide food and clothing temporarily, but next spring will depend on you to make a living, so earn some pocket money in your hands, and you won't live in the future. It was too difficult."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Huo Qiqi was in a hurry to get the goods, and she was definitely not satisfied with Anshengtang's manpower, so she posted a notice that if anyone was willing to come to Anshengtang to weave, they would also pay according to the price.

With such easy money, whoever doesn't come is a fool.

Especially the people in the countryside, most of the old people have the craft of weaving straw sandals or summer mats.The old people near the Ansheng Hall, and those who are safe at home all surrounded them.

Huo Qiqi doesn't want anyone, she first looks for the people in Anshengtang, and then she looks for skilled workers with quick hands and feet, no matter their age, as long as they are hardworking and serious.

Ulagrass needs to be beaten, which is regarded as hard work, and this kind of work is assigned to strong men.

After beating the grass is very soft, and those who can weave will start to work.

While the children helped to carry the grass, the women were busy wrapping the edges of the insoles and straw mats with cloth strips.

"My lord, try putting it in your boots." Huo Qiqi handed Li Yuanbai the Ula grass that he brought back from Anshengtang.

Li Yuanbai took the insoles, put them into the boots, put on the boots and walked around the house for a while.

"It can warm the feet and is also very soft." He affirmed.

"Not only that, the insole can also remove sweat and odor from the feet. It is warm in winter and cool in summer, and can activate the meridians on the feet. The same is true for the straw mat." Huo Qiqi said proudly.

"Wangfei plans to sell the straw mats and mats to the capital?" Li Yuanbai guessed Huo Qiqi's intention.

"It's not just the capital city, but it can be used wherever Cao Gang goes. People from the Valley of Miraculous Doctors live in our mansion. If it is rumored that this kind of straw mats and straw mats can keep us healthy, my lord, do you think we will count the money?" Hand cramp from counting?" Huo Qiqi laughed.

There is no doubt that it will!

Li Yuanbai suddenly understood why Huo Qiqi would so happily take over the rations from the Yangshengtang.

Coarse grains are not worth much money in the south. It is no problem at all to use the money earned from straw mats and straw mats to buy coarse grains and feed the people in the Yangshengtang for a whole winter.

Many people soon found out that Huo Qiqi was going to sell straw mats, straw sandals and straw mats to other places, and immediately thought that she was out of the ordinary.

Cao'er made something, who wants it?Even if Huo Qiqi designed various patterns to weave in it, no matter how beautiful it is, it is still grass.Grass is available everywhere, and the poor don’t need to buy it at all, anyone can weave it.Among the rich, who uses this kind of thing?

In the end, everyone came to the conclusion that Huo Qiqi's business must be losing money.Although the wages for buying grass and weaving are not too high, it cannot support the large quantity.Add in the freight, and you can lose money at home.

The poor are even more trembling. For them, the purchase of Ulacao by the princess has added extra income to them.In addition, it can also weave, and the whole family can do it together, which is another income.

If the princess loses money, then they will lose their money.

"Princess, this time we brought coarse grains, which have been distributed to the grain shops along the way. The price is calculated on the basis of the purchase price plus the freight." Cao Zhenghan came to Beidi himself.

Huo Qiqi chuckled, "Success, thanks for your hard work."

"Wangfei plans to sell straw mats and mats?" Cao Zhenghan asked the doubts in his heart. In summer, Huo Qiqi specially took care of them to let them know that he wanted to buy Wula grass.

It's not that he doesn't like the products made of grass. From his business perspective, the Ula grass business may not be profitable.

Who in a rich family would make things out of grass?For the poor, everyone can do it, and the cost of shipping is added. No matter how you calculate it, you feel that you will lose money.

"A pair of insoles cost 120 renminbi, and straw mats cost [-] renminbi. The price can't be lower than this." Huo Qiqi gave the price. "We'll use this price for the time being. If it sells well, we can increase the price."

Cao Zhenghan understood that Huo Qiqi planned to sell these grass products to rich people.

"This is the brochure." Huo Qiqi put the brochure on the table with a smile.

After Cao Zhenghan took the manual and looked at it for a while, the corner of his mouth twitched invisibly.Huo Qiqi is so good at talking, in order to sell these straw sandals, he even pulled out the genius doctor Gu!

However, if there is an "endorsement" by Miracle Doctor Valley, I really don't have to worry about the sales of these grass products.

Cao Zhenghan used the word "endorsement" cunningly nowadays.Because all the products under Huo Qiqi's name have been endorsed by celebrities.

For example, wine, there are medicinal wine endorsed by Duke Hu Guo, health wine endorsed by the Taifu, spirits endorsed by King Ling, fruit wine endorsed by the Queen Mother, and tribute wine endorsed by the Emperor.Of course, the endorsers couldn't really show up, they just asked them to mention the words, and then they were printed and pasted on the wine jar.

The reputation of Miracle Doctor Valley is very good, and many people will definitely buy it for the sake of Miracle Doctor Valley.

"Just talking." When Cao Zhenghan was evaluating the feasibility of the matter, he saw Rong Sheng come in angrily.Behind him followed his two little apprentices.

"Well, the grass really needs to be pulled." Huo Qiqi replied with a smile, "Are the mats and straw mats given to Elder Rong and the two girls yesterday still useful?"

"Huo Qiqi, you sell your things, don't involve us." Rong Heng huffed.

Miracle doctor Gu is shameless!Huo Qiqi actually asked him to write an inscription to sell straw mats and straw mats. If the news spread to the Valley of Divine Doctors, would he still have the face to go back?
(End of this chapter)

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