Chapter 694 The princess is a businessman
The princess actually protects the media in Guanbei in front of everyone?Many people looked at the female relatives of the Guan family in surprise.

The Banrong girl was sitting upright on the stool, she didn't say much, and there was no fawning look on her face.

"Miss Banrong is from a poor family background, but she is also an innocent woman. What is congenitally deficient, she will make up for later. It is important for a woman to be beautiful, but a woman must also have connotations, right? Miss Banrong is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and invited famous people in the capital. The master taught that this alone is enough to surpass many famous ladies. Secondly, she is very smart, I have known her since childhood, and when it comes to business methods, she will not lose to ordinary women." Huo Qiqi said It was full of praise for Miss Banrong, trying to show the attitude that a qualified matchmaker should have, but the faces of the wives of the Guan family became very ugly.

Huo Qiqi paused, then chuckled and said, "Marriage is destined, I'm stupid, and I'm not good at interceding for other people's matchmakers. They are all elders of the Guan family. I have to listen to you guys as to where the young master and Miss Banrong will go. Yes. You don’t need to take my words to heart, I don’t want to be charged with bullying others to get married.”

In the last sentence, she used a joking tone.

But everyone present knew very well that the Guan family had to pinch their noses to admit the marriage between Guan Bei and Miss Banrong in the end.Since the princess spoke, who would dare not give her face?
The smile on the old lady's face was very forced, and she said awkwardly, "Wangfei is wise, my grandson is useless, and he started making troubles when he came back from the capital. The elders in the mansion don't dislike Miss Banrong. Whose daughter is not pampered in the palm of his hand. But he brought him back regardless, and he didn't know to ask his elders first, that he shouldn't beat him."

"It's all Banrong's fault." Miss Banrong blushed slightly, "Banrong knows that his identity is not good enough for Mr. Guan, but Banrong is also a person who knows the word of shame. When Mr. Guan met my little girl, he was indeed reckless. , I also hope that the old lady will not be angry, if the old lady wants to blame, she will blame Banrong."

The other wives of the Guan family also had smiles on their faces, but no one's smile was as good as their eyes.They knew very well that if the Guan family really let Miss Banrong in, the Guan family would definitely make people laugh behind their backs in the future.

However, because of Princess Hui's participation in this matter, no one laughed at the Guan family face to face, and this matter should have turned around.

The Fourth Madam was extremely unwilling, her son was so smart and shrewd, how could she marry a woman from a flower building?If Princess Hui hadn't spoken, she would have scratched the matchmaker's face.

No matter how angry she was, the Fourth Madam was still reasonable. She knew very well that if she didn't show Princess Hui's face in person, it might bring disaster to the Guan family.It wasn't until now that she realized that Princess Hui's treat today was just a grand banquet.

Any business, any cooperation, everything is just an illusion.

But Huo Qiqi only mentioned a few words, and didn't explicitly say that he wanted to protect the media.Next, she did talk about business matters.

"The Northland has a vast territory and many mountains. The products in the mountains are very rich, and there are many treasures in the sky. Therefore, we must use what should be used." Huo Qiqi chuckled.

"Wangfei has good business?" Madam Zhifu asked in surprise.

Although she is an official's wife in the Northland, compared to some family members of merchants' families, her financial resources are still very tight.The products in the Northland are very poor, and she is not good at doing business.But there are still some human relations that officials and eunuchs should have. In addition, there are several banquets between the various houses every year, and her money is really getting tighter and tighter.If there is no good income, within a few years, the mansion will be unable to make ends meet.

She heard that Princess Hui is very good at doing business, if she can follow Princess Hui and get some advice in business, it may improve the income and expenditure of the mansion.

The other officials' wives also pricked up their ears, they felt that Huo Qiqi was just talking about the scene.The Northland is rich in products?It's just a joke to say it.

If the Northland is really rich in products, can it be called a place of bitter cold for many years?Everyone has doubts in their hearts, but no one is stupid enough to really say it.

"You guys think I'm joking?" Huo Qiqi chuckled.

After a brief silence in the room, the glamorous Mrs. Guo was the first to react. She gently covered her mouth with a smile and said, "The princess is known as a talented woman in the capital. I heard that the princess's literary talent and insight are almost as good as The prince is neck and neck. How could the princess deceive us, she must have already planned it in her heart."

"Although the Northland is known as a place of bitter cold, the land is not poor. This princess is not joking. The soil in the Northland is dark, and it is real fertile soil. Although the climate is cold, the rice planted for one season in a year can achieve As long as we let go of the right to land reclamation, the people will always have enough to eat all year round. Second, there are many mountains in the North, and there are many trees on the mountains. The forest area is extremely vast, so there are many mushrooms and fungi, and there are various Such wild vegetables, as long as we really pay attention to them, these are treasures." Huo Qiqi looked around the crowd, seeing everyone's reactions in his eyes.

"Wangfei means that she intends to buy Shanhuo?" The magistrate's wife immediately responded.

Huo Qiqi nodded, "I know some merchants are engaged in the business of mountain products. But they are all scattered businesses. There are many wild animals on the mountain, and no matter how capable the people are, they can't live with their lives. They can only pick mountain products on the periphery of the mountain. .So the number of mountain products collected by each household every year is not very large. Instead of fighting for life, I think it is better to change the strategy and adopt artificial breeding.”

"Artificial breeding?" Someone exclaimed.

"Yes, artificial breeding. Mushrooms are cultivated in the earthen house, and the fungi are grown by artificial management in the shade behind the house. In addition, I plan to open the first deer farm and fox farm, and even raise mink. And In some forest farms, toads can also be raised." Huo Qiqi spoke out the grand blueprint in his mind.

Everyone was surprised for a while, what Huo Qiqi said, no one dared to think about it.Because Huo Qiqi said it very lightly, but in practice, it was simply whimsical.

"Is there a way for the princess to grow mushrooms or fungus?" Mrs. Guard chuckled.

Huo Qiqi smiled and nodded.

After the guarding lady and the prefect's wife looked at each other, they didn't continue talking, but both of them had plans in their hearts.

Why did Princess Hui mention planting and breeding in front of them?There is no need for the princess to tell them about business matters. Since she mentioned it, the princess must be interested in cooperating with them.

No, not cooperation.It should be that the princess is willing to support them.As for who the princess chose to support in the end, no one present could say for sure.

Princess Hui has all the manpower, financial resources, and methods, so what capital do they have to win Princess Hui's favor?This is also something that the officials' wives are thinking about. Of course, not to mention the officials' wives, even the business women sitting in the room are also thinking about it secretly.

If what Huo Qiqi said can really come true, then sitting at home from now on, he will be able to receive cash and receive hand cramps.

(End of this chapter)

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