Chapter 700 A Little Unfriendly
It was the first time I heard someone describe herself as a vixen, and Miss Banrong and Guan Bei were taken aback at the same time.

Huo Qiqi yawned like a lazy cat, then stood up, "I have to go back to sleep, where's the room?"

"Come here, take Miss Huo Qi to the room." Guan Bei gave orders with a chuckle, and a servant girl heard the sound and came.

"Girl, please." The servant girl treated Huo Qiqi very respectfully.

Huo Qiqi walked a few steps, then turned his head to look at Guan Bei and asked, "Actually, you don't need to give me medicine. It's a rare opportunity to go to the North Country and see its scenery. I won't run away. Besides, this land of ice and snow In the middle, I don’t have the ability to escape, do I?”

"The princess is indeed a smart person. But sometimes what a smart person says is not trustworthy. We are also thinking of the princess. Don't worry, all the medicines will not cause any harm to the body. After all, we are old acquaintances and will not hurt the princess." Half Miss Rong looked at her mockingly.

"If you say that, I'm relieved." Huo Qiqi couldn't help but yawned again.

"She has a big heart." After Huo Qiqi left, the Banrong girl chuckled.

"She has always been very smart." Kuo Bi also laughed.

"My lord, Xiao Chengfeng has already chased him along the way. The three heroes of the pass, the red-haired old monster and the six brothers of the Tao family have already died at his hands." Diao Zi hurried in to report.

"It's a difficult person." Banrong girl's expression changed suddenly.

"Master, what should we do? We can't stay here anymore." Diao Zi's face turned pale, "Our people will soon be unable to hold Xiao Chengfeng back."

For Huo Qiqi, they beat many experts along the way, and for Xiao Chengfeng, Diao Zi wished he could tear him to pieces immediately.

It's a pity that Xiao Chengfeng's martial arts are too high, he is cautious, and he has the detoxification pill given by Huo Qiqi, so trying to kill Xiao Chengfeng is simply a dream.

"Lead people to the cottage, and we'll set off immediately." Farewell also had a headache, he was fully prepared, but Xiao Chengfeng made them lose so many masters, and he was still very upset.

"Yes, this subordinate will go now." Diao Zi bowed his hands and left in a hurry.

"Master, the entire Guan family was executed by King Hui, and no one escaped." After Diao Zi left, another man came in.

"Li Yuanbai came really fast." Guan Bei's face darkened.

He often told those idiots of the Guan family not to touch Li Yuanbai's bottom line, because for special reasons, he had to stay in Beidi for a while.

Li Yuanbai is such a smart person, if he hadn't kept suppressing the Guan family members, he would have been killed by Li Yuanbai long ago because of their greed.

However, Li Yuanbai's ability to guess that Huo Qiqi's disappearance had something to do with him in a short period of time is also very remarkable.

Li Yuanbai is definitely the confidant of Beiguo.

"Master, it's ready." Another person came in.

Putting on the black cloak, Kuo Bie ordered in a low voice, "Depart immediately."

Huo Qiqi was in the room and fell into a deep sleep. Someone went over and wrapped her in a quilt, and then carried her into the carriage.

The group left in a hurry, and on the afternoon of the second day, Xiao Chengfeng finally appeared in the hut on the top of the mountain covered in blood.

There were still unburned ashes in the house, and there was still water in the teapot on the table.

But cold pot cold stove, people definitely did not just leave.

Xiao Chengfeng was a little annoyed. The other party was too cunning to lead him elsewhere. If he wasn't alert, he would have missed the correct route.

His life was saved by Huo Qiqi, and the lives of his wife and children were also saved by Huo Qiqi, so no matter what it was for, he couldn't let Huo Qiqi make any mistakes.

He carefully checked everything in the house, even the ashes on the ground were pushed aside with branches.

Finally, he found two scraps of paper in the house where Huo Qiqi used to live.

The items used by the royal family are all high-quality goods, even if it is just two pieces of straw paper, it is much better than the paper outside.The paper was crumpled and thrown on the table, and two papers appeared to have been scratched.

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes lit up. He went over and smoothed the two pieces of toilet paper, then took out a small bottle from his pocket, and then dipped cotton with the liquid in the bottle and wiped it on the paper.

A miracle happened, and a few lines of words appeared on the blank straw paper.

After Xiao Chengfeng saw the words on the paper clearly, he was silent for a while, then sighed again, then folded the straw paper and put it in his arms, then left in a hurry.

Huo Qiqi woke up again at dusk, but she didn't know which day it was at dusk.

She was a little bit aggrieved because she was hungry, she obviously had a lot of food in her space, but she couldn't get it out.There are too many people around you that are an eyesore!

"If the girl is hungry, you can have some snacks. I'm about to enter the capital, so let me be wronged." The little girl who served Huo Qiqi had a round face, spoke in a soft voice, and had a very good temper.

She didn't show Huo Qiqi any face just because Huo Qiqi was a prisoner, Huo Qiqi could see that respect.In this way, Huo Qiqi had no way to lose his temper at her.

"I'm really hungry." Huo Qiqi replied honestly.

The maid immediately handed her a basket of refreshments.

The dim sum is very delicate, with a milky aroma, but it may not be processed properly, and there is a little fishy smell in the milky aroma.Huo Qiqi picked something pleasing to the eye and began to eat.

Well, not bad, the mouth is full of fragrance.

Seeing that she was eating happily, the maid immediately smiled.

Huo Qiqi was in a hurry to eat, she immediately and considerately took out a copper pot from the hidden compartment of the carriage, and poured a cup of milk tea for Huo Qiqi.

Huo Qiqi was not polite to her, took it and drank it down.

In this way, between eating and drinking, the carriage finally entered the city.

Huo Qiqi held the snack in one hand, and opened the curtain on the window with the other to look out.

"Although the capital of our Northern Kingdom is not as prosperous as the Dayun Kingdom, it is still very lively. The goods sold on the street are also very good. If there is a chance in the future, the princess can go out for a walk with the prince farewell." The maid explained with a smile. When Huo Qiqi showed surprise or interest, she immediately explained the usage of those items thoughtfully.

However, within a short period of time, Huo Qiqi also understood.The little girl in front of him is from Guan Bei, and she seems to only obey Guan Bei's orders.As for Miss Banrong, she didn't seem to be in awe.

Huo Qiqi was not hypocritical when the other party showed his affection. He smiled and discussed, and the relationship between the two of them turned out to be very harmonious.

The carriage soon stopped at the gate of a large courtyard.

"Miss, the prince's mansion has arrived." The maid said with a smile.

After a while, Kui Bi's voice sounded outside, "Miss Huo Qi, we're here, please get out of the car."

Huo Qiqi lazily stood up, and the maid immediately opened the curtain for her.Huo Qiqi's beautiful face immediately appeared in front of Kuibie's eyes.

The smile in Kubye's eyes grew stronger.

He stretched out his hand to help Huo Qiqi, but Huo Qiqi jumped straight down, his movements were quite domineering --- rude.So Kubye smiled even brighter.

Not far away, the girl Banrong who got out of the car first saw this, but the smile on her face faded a lot.

"Haha, Huo Qiqi, you still have today." The moment Huo Qiqi landed on the ground, a crisp and angry shout sounded from not far away, "I will get back some interest first before we talk about it."

After finishing speaking, a whip went towards Huo Qiqi.

(End of this chapter)

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