Chapter 709
"Qiqige, I'm doing it for your own good." Princess Naren's expression changed suddenly. Although she was afraid of Qiqige from the bottom of her heart, Qiqige hadn't married Kubie yet, and her identity was always inferior to her. Ge still didn't give her face on the street, and she would earn it back no matter what. "Lonely men and widows living together, you are not afraid of being seduced by her after a long distance."

"Qiqige, look, I said that it was a wrong choice to come with you to the Northland as a guest, but you still don't let me live in the post." Huo Qiqi sighed, "It's really as good as Princess Naren said. Is this unbearable? If so, no matter what, I can no longer live in the Kubie Mansion."

"Guabie has always been open and aboveboard. You are the distinguished guest of Kuibei and me. How can there be any reason to let the distinguished guest live outside? Don't worry about ruining your reputation. You have already met the big concubine. At worst, we will ask the big concubine to make decisions for you and let the rumormongers join us. Go and reason with the concubine. If you are still not satisfied, I will stay with you in the Kubie mansion." Qiqige comforted Huo Qiqi, but at the same time did not forget to threaten Princess Naren.

"Qiqige, you haven't married Kubie yet, and you live in Kubie's mansion, aren't you afraid of being gossiped?" Princess Naren asked her angrily.

"Qiqige, the general won't let you mess around." Nuer Dun's expression also changed.

"I act upright, sit upright, and I'm never afraid of others' irresponsible remarks." Qiqige sneered, "As for my father, I will convince him. Nuerdun, the snowstorm is coming, you still have the heart to stand on the street Don't you feel ashamed to have a long mouth like a woman?"

"Qiqige, pay attention to your identity." Nuer Dun was furious.

"Nurdun, I know my identity, and I also pay attention to yours." Qiqige was unmoved.

Huo Qiqi stood aside and chuckled, she was happy to be a spectator.

Seeing her smile, Princess Naren was so angry that she wanted to step forward and slap her, but when she saw Qiqige, she remembered the warning that Kuubie had given her.

Her own life was at stake, Princess Na Ren didn't dare to gamble, she gave Huo Qiqi a vicious look, and she suddenly had a calculation in her heart.

She likes Li Yuanbai, but Huo Qiqi is Li Yuanbai's concubine, blocking her way of love, so she will never let Huo Qiqi go, whether public or private, and she will never let Huo Qiqi go back to the North Kingdom.

Nuerdun and Qiqige looked at each other, with anger in their eyes, but neither of them was impulsive.

Huo Qiqi looked at them with interest, she suddenly found an interesting phenomenon, Nuer Dun seemed to like Qiqige very much.But Qiqige didn't have any good feelings for him, and thinking of Nuerdun's reaction in the capital of Dayun Kingdom, Huo Qiqi became more determined in his feelings.

Now it's fun!
"Qiqige, what are you fussing about with the villain? Let's go shopping." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, "Since I came out today, I just happened to inspect the market. Maybe one day, the business in my shop will be as good as that in the North Country." Come."

"Hmph, that's a good idea." Princess Na Ren glared at her angrily.

"Don't worry, even if you beg me, I won't do business with you." Huo Qiqi was in high spirits, and her emotions were not affected by Princess Na Ren at all.

"Well, it just so happens that I am very interested in the business in the hands of Princess Hui." Qiqige giggled, "I just returned to the Northland, and I was worried that I didn't have enough money. The business in the hands of Princess Hui is all gold." Operator, I'm still thinking about how to speak to you."

"Coincidentally, I'm also interested in your northern country's carpets and furs." Huo Qiqi sang along with her.

The two led the maid and left happily, and neither of them looked at Princess Naren and Nuerdun again.

"Brother Emperor, are you willing to be overwhelmed by the farewell?" Princess Na Ren stared at their retreating backs and asked Nuerdun viciously.

"What nonsense are you talking outside?" Nuer Dun scolded her.

Princess Na Ren blushed, and she lowered her voice to provoke Nu Erdun, "Gu Bei and Qi Qige came back from Dayun Country, Seya will definitely urge them to get married soon, Nuer Dun, don't you want to watch yourself The woman I like is snatched away by other men."

"Shut up." Nuer Dun was furious, wanting to slap her on the spot.Idiot, can this kind of topic be discussed on the street?
Seeing that he was really stimulated by herself, Princess Naren was secretly happy.Nuer Dun is her own brother, and she knows Nuer Dun's temperament very well.

Nourdun wanted to own everything he was far away from owning, not to mention, he liked Qiqige since he was a child.

"I know what you're thinking." Nuer Dun looked at her coldly, "Don't let Huo Qiqi affect your mood, and thus ruin the big thing. You give me some peace in the past few days, and I will deal with Huo Qiqi well." Seven seven."

His promise is enough, Princess Na Ren's mouth curled up.

"When you meet Naren in the future, stay away from her." Qiqige and Huo Qiqi also began to tell her after they took their seats in the restaurant.

"Huh?" Huo Qiqi raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

"Na Ren was spoiled by the wolf lord, a bit willful. He likes Li Yuanbai and has always been hostile to you. You must be careful, she dares to do anything when she is willful." Qiqige explained with a sigh.

"I was invited by you and Kubie, shouldn't you and Kubie be responsible for my personal safety?" Huo Qiqi smiled lightly, with a disapproving tone.

She really didn't know whether to say Huo Qiqi had a big heart, or to blame Huo Qiqi for digging a big hole for her.

"There are always times when you are alone." Qiqige said with a frown.

"That's your business too. Oh, it's been a bit annoying recently. Tell me, why can Yin Yang grass and Blood tongue grass make many kinds of poisons?" Huo Qiqi sighed pretendingly.

She knew that Huo Qiqi was threatening her.But there was no way, Huo Qiqi was their only hope, for the sake of her own life, she would not let Princess Naren and Nu Erdun hurt Huo Qiqi.

It's good to talk to smart people, Huo Qiqi smiled and looked at Qiqige with a embarrassed expression.There are many people who want to kill her. Na Ren and Nu Erdun are far more than the people who want her life in the Northland. The one in front of him is very nice, but in fact, he has long wanted to kill her in his heart.Unfortunately, not everyone in the world can kill her easily.

Nurton's revenge came very quickly. When Huo Qiqi went out again, she was invited to the palace by someone sent by the wolf lord.

"You are Huo Qiqi?" The wolf lord is about fifty years old, his appearance is seven points similar to Nuer Dun, and he has a sturdy figure unique to northerners.

His face was flushed, and he seemed to be in good spirits.

At this moment, his eyes staring at Huo Qiqi seemed to be shining. Huo Qiqi stood still, but there was a wicked smile on his face.

"The beauty of the country, the beauty of the country, the beauty of the city, she is indeed a stunning beauty." The wolf lord seemed very satisfied with her.

"The beauties in the Northern Kingdom are not ugly." Huo Qiqi smiled lightly, "I have just entered the Northern Kingdom, and I have already met two stunning beauties. Aren't the concubine and Qiqige considered beauties in the eyes of the wolf lord?"

As soon as she finished speaking, anger suddenly appeared on Wolf Lord's face, "Presumptuous."

"Everything in the world is often more beautiful than poisonous, Lord Wolf, right?" Huo Qiqi chuckled, "Lord Wolf must have known that a few days ago I went to the Royal Courtyard on the back mountain, where the blood tongue grass blooms so beautifully. In my opinion, those blood tongue grasses are not as beautiful as Qiqige and the big concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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