Chapter 712 I saw an acquaintance

Princess Na Ren really wanted to walk away, Huo Qiqi wanted to torment her, there was no way!
"A bitch, she really considers herself a treasure. Whoever likes to toss her up, I will feel pain in my eyes if I look at her too much." After she finished speaking, she turned around angrily and left.

Qiqige and Kuobie looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

"People run away in your anger, are you satisfied?" Huo Qiqi's lazy voice came from the room.

Who took Na Ren away in anger?

Na Ren is the very favored eldest princess of the Northern Kingdom. Both Kubie and Qiqige thought that she would never come back after being left in anger by Huo Qiqi.

But this time, both of them guessed wrong.

In the afternoon, Na Ren unexpectedly arrived at the mansion on time.

"Na Ren, what are you doing here?" Kuo Bie stared at her angrily.

"I came by order, stay away, what do you think I'm here for?" Na Ren looked at him proudly.

"You obviously don't like Huo Qiqi, why are you still torturing yourself. It's not like you don't know Huo Qiqi's temper, so why make things difficult for yourself." Qiqige was also a little anxious.

Although Na Ren is cruel and ruthless, she is impulsive and doesn't have many eyes.But Huo Qiqi was different, Huo Qiqi had a lot of ghosts, they were already hard to guard against Huo Qiqi, if Na Ren got involved again, they were worried that it would be self-defeating.

Kubie and Qiqige are not stupid, Huo Qiqi deliberately asked Na Ren to accompany them, if there is nothing tricky in it, they really don't believe it.

"You will be punished by God for speaking ill of people behind their backs. Naren, you're still welcome, you came on time, okay, let's go out together." Huo Qiqi came out beaming.

The tense atmosphere in the room suddenly disappeared, and Na Ren gave her a disgusted look, "Where do you want to go?"

"I found several interesting shops selling blankets, and I also found a few small shops with good taste, let's take our time as a family, don't worry." Huo Qiqi was in high spirits. "By the way, do you bring money?"

"Why do you want me to pay the money?" Princess Na Ren frowned.

"Because I'm an honored guest from Beiguo. Have you ever heard that the owner stands by and watches when guests pay for things?" Huo Qiqi gave her a disgusted look, "You're not very poor, you're just supporting the princess. His name is empty, right?"

That's kind of insulting!Princess Na Ren was in a hurry, she really wanted to grab her pretty face that made her jealous.

"Why did I find a poor ghost, I have to consider another person to accompany me." Huo Qiqi said to himself.

"Don't worry, I have a lot of money on me." Na Ren couldn't bear her stimulation, and immediately shouted.

"That's not too bad." Huo Qiqi nodded in approval.

"I'm fine in the mansion, I'll go out with you." Qiqige said with a smile.

"Princess Naren is thinking about my husband. She wants to curry favor with me. She thinks that the prince will give up the Northland and come to the North Kingdom for the beauty of me. She seized the opportunity to catch the prince as soon as possible. Qiqige, You have already separated, why do you still want to rob someone with Princess Na Ren?" Huo Qiqi looked at her in surprise and asked.

She was a little annoyed, yes, that was exactly the idea in her mind.Based on what she knew about Li Yuanbai, Li Yuanbai loved Huo Qiqi so much, it was impossible for him to let Huo Qiqi be imprisoned far away in the Northern Kingdom.Even now that the army of the Northern Kingdom has already marched to the border, Na Ren vaguely feels that Li Yuanbai will find a way to come to the Northern Kingdom to rescue Huo Qiqi.

Qiqige was full of helplessness, Huo Qiqi's ability to tell lies was getting stronger day by day, what else could she say?
"Huo Qiqi, you value yourself too much. It's true that men love beauties, but they love Jiangshan even more. No matter how stupid Li Yuanbai is, no matter how much he spoils you, he won't let the whole Northland go and come to the Northland to look for you." To cover up Feeling jealous in her heart, Princess Na Ren deliberately taunted Huo Qiqi with a straight face, "Are you willing to go out? It's really long-winded."

"Princess Naren really is Lan Xinhui's quality. I really feel ashamed of seeing men so thoroughly." Huo Qiqi sighed, "Qiqige, learn a little bit. Don't let yourself be separated." Lie to him, if it involves Jiangshan Sheji or something, he will definitely choose Jiangshan, not you, a beauty."

Kuo Bie looked at her dumbfounded, he had never seen anyone provoke her face to face like this.

Qiqige's face was like a peach blossom, and she answered with a smile, "Princess Hui is favored by King Hui, and I also have a farewell. It is said that women only see through the world when their hearts are broken. Na Ren, who broke your heart?"

When Princess Naren heard the words, anger appeared on her face. Damn Qiqige dared to laugh at her for not having a man.

Men are not easy to mix in women's wars, Kuobie has been standing by the side listening with a wry smile, but the way he looks at Qiqige is more gentle.

Huo Qiqi was too lazy to watch people spread dog food and show affection, so she took the initiative to drag Na Ren out, "Let's go, if I don't take out all the money in your purse today, I will never come back."

"Dream, Huo Qiqi." Na Ren was furious.

Qiqige looked back at Kuobie, who nodded slightly, and immediately followed Na Ren and Huo Qiqi.

Huo Qiqi did what she said, and when she was on the street, she completely let herself go.Moreover, she is very thick-skinned, no matter what Na Ren said to ridicule or ridicule her, she still kept buying and buying, and she bought everything she liked.

In the evening, Princess Na Ren's purse was really flat.

"Huo Qiqi, I'm out of money." Na Ren gritted her teeth and stared at her.

"We're eating outside, Qiqige, it's your turn to behave." Huo Qiqi squinted at the other idiot.

Qiqige smiled, "Okay, I'll treat you."

The three of them took a group of guards and maids to the largest restaurant in the city.

In the restaurant at night, there were not many guests, almost all the seats were full, and all the private rooms were full.

Princess Naren was furious. She is a princess, so is it possible that she still has to eat in the hall and huddle with a group of civilians?Huo Qiqi didn't choose, she chose a seat by the window and sat down.

Qiqige followed without saying a word.Na Ren stood on the spot and kept jumping, but in the end she had no choice but to go over and sit down.

"Huh?" Huo Qiqi looked downstairs, and suddenly she saw a familiar figure from behind.The shadow walked very fast, and before she could see it clearly, the figure disappeared into the night.

"What's the matter?" Qiqige asked with concern.

"I just saw an acquaintance." Huo Qiqi replied casually.Didn't expect that person to come to the North Country?Or, in the beginning, people were saved by the people from the Northland?
"Acquaintance? What acquaintance?" Upon hearing this, Princess Na Ren quickly jumped up and lay down at the window to look out.

Even Qiqige couldn't bear to look at that eager look.

"Where's the person?" Princess Na Ren looked around for a while, but she didn't see the expected figure, so she couldn't help but get angry at Huo Qiqi.

"Who?" Huo Qiqi turned to look at Qiqige in surprise, "Did you see someone you know?"

Qiqige shook her head, "No."

Seeing the sarcasm in their eyes, Princess Na Ren thought that Huo Qiqi was deliberately teasing her, and was so angry that she didn't even bother to eat, so she just walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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