Chapter 715 Help Her

Uzhina wanted to help in the past, but Huo Qiqi let a ten-year-old child hold the reins.

The child who received the honor blushed with excitement, and under the envious eyes of his companions, he carefully grabbed the rein.

The other children suddenly burst into cheers.The child's world is so simple, Huo Qiqi couldn't help but also laughed.

Jiya and Uzhina looked at each other and quickly followed.

"Yo ho."


A burst of earth-shattering cheers suddenly sounded from the front, and then Huo Qiqi saw a group of horses running past in the distance, and a group of sturdy men riding behind them.

"What are they doing?" Huo Qiqi asked with interest.

There was a language barrier between the two parties, and the children looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what she meant at all.

"It's a wild horse. If the warriors on the grassland can tame the wild horse, they will be respected by the rest of the tribe." Uzhina replied with all her heart, "The wild horse has the most violent temperament, especially the winning horse. As long as you really tame the winning horse, you It’s like getting the whole herd. If you just shoot the head horse, the herd will stay away from the crowd and no longer approach the tribe.”

"Do wild horses appear every day?" Huo Qiqi asked curiously.

Uzhina didn't know either, she turned her head and asked the children beside her.

Several children immediately answered in a hurry.

"No, it usually appears four or five times a month, about once every six or seven days." Uzhina relayed, "It's like this in winter, if it's other seasons, it will only appear in half a month." , not even once a month."

Huo Qiqi looked at her in surprise.

"Because in winter, in order to conquer the winning horses, the people of the tribe will secretly prepare some fodder for them." Uzhina explained with a chuckle.

Huo Qiqi immediately showed a look of sudden realization.

The scene of chasing the winning horse is very spectacular. A group of men are chasing on horseback. The wild horse gallops wildly in front, while the people behind keep using the ropes in their hands to lasso the horses.The leading horse is very smart. It led the horses to change the direction of running, and disappeared in front of everyone in a while.

All the children blushed with excitement, all of them danced and said words that Huo Qiqi couldn't understand.Huo Qiqi guessed that they were discussing that they must catch wild horses when they grow up.

"Interesting." Huo Qiqi laughed, "Next time there is such a fun thing, don't forget me."

Jiya and Uzhina quickly agreed.

Over there, Princess Naren and Qiqige are also tired.Perhaps it was due to concerns about Princess Naren's status, Qiqige didn't act cruelly, so she didn't take advantage of it either.

"Huo Qiqi, what are you proud of?" Princess Naren lost her temper at Huo Qiqi, "You're not the only guest who became the farewell guest. Your disciple of the genius doctor Gu from Dayun Kingdom is currently in the palace of the Great Concubine. That one is the princess's favourite."

After finishing speaking, she laughed out loud.

Qiqige's face suddenly lengthened, and she secretly glanced at Huo Qiqi worriedly.

Huo Qiqi had a smile on her face, no one could see what she was thinking at the moment.

Seeing this, Princess Na Ren felt even more annoyed.She really couldn't figure out why Huo Qiqi wasn't agitated at all. She had witnessed the relationship between An Xishi and Huo Qiqi, and they were rivals.Strictly speaking, An Xishi is also her rival in love, and she also doesn't like An Xishi.

Na Ren hoped that Huo Qiqi and An Xishi would end up hurting both sides, so that she could benefit from it in the end.

Unfortunately, damn Huo Qiqi didn't respond at all.

"Qiqige, it's a pity just now, you didn't see the horses in the tribe passing by. Those wild horses are really smart, I told Ji Ya and Uzhina to pay attention to this place, and when the horses are harnessed next time, we Come again." Huo Qiqi danced excitedly, "It would be great if I could also go horse-riding."

Qiqige observed Huo Qiqi's expression carefully, she found that Huo Qiqi was really excited.

What's so exciting about riding a horse?But since Huo Qiqi is willing to come and join in the fun, it's a big deal for her to work harder and just hang out with Huo Qiqi.

Seeing that Huo Qiqi ignored her, Princess Na Ren turned her head away angrily.

What happened between the few people soon reached the ears of Kubie and Nuerdun.

"Na Ren, don't go forward next time you are harnessing the horse." Nuer Dun said with a sneer.

"What do you want to do, Nuerdun?" Na Ren looked at him nervously, "Don't be fooled, don't forget who are Dafei and Kubie? If there is a big trouble, Father will not be able to protect you."

"Don't worry, no one will suspect us." Nuer Dun sneered, he was bound to win.

Na Ren couldn't figure out what he wanted to do, and was suddenly worried.

"Don't leak the news, do what you have to do." Nuer Dun told her.

Na Ren nodded slightly, but did not speak.

Next, Huo Qiqi went out early and came back almost every day. She seemed to be angry with Kubie and the princess, so she didn't go to the pharmacy once.

The farewell didn't make things difficult for her, he directly ordered someone to protect her, and after discussing with Qi Qige, Huo Qiqi left to make trouble.

Seven or eight days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was time for the tribe to set up horses again.The herd of horses would not appear until dusk. In order not to miss the grand occasion, Huo Qiqi ran to the tribe with her maids and guards early in the morning to wait.

At noon, she deliberately stayed at a herdsman's house for lunch.

Although Qiqige and Princess Naren felt that she was making a fuss, they didn't say anything and sat down with Huo Qiqi.

When taking a nap at noon, Princess Naren deliberately picked a time when Qiqige was not around, and secretly went to find Huo Qiqi.

"This is the main antidote for wolves." Huo Qiqi knew the reason for Naren's visit.She didn't like Princess Na Ren, just like Na Ren hated her, the relationship between the two of them could be regarded as an aversion to each other, so Huo Qiqi didn't hesitate, and directly threw a bottle to Princess Na Ren.

"Who knows if it's true or not." Princess Na Ren sneered.

"Don't give it to me." Huo Qiqi smiled colder than her, "I don't want to give it yet. Witch doctors in the Northern Kingdom are all vegetarians, right?"

"Okay, I'll just trust you once." Princess Na Ren put the medicine bottle into her arms, "Huo Qiqi, do you know that you are annoying?"

After the goal was achieved, Na Ren finally couldn't bear to pick things up.

"I've always been more self-aware than you. I know I'm not likable, but you're also not likable. Can you recognize yourself?" Huo Qiqi asked back.

"Huo Qiqi, believe it or not, I'll kill you right now." Princess Na Ren stood up abruptly.

Huo Qiqi shook his head, "I don't believe it, unless you have no brains."

"You?" Princess Na Ren was almost driven crazy by her anger.

"If it's okay, you can leave now. I need a lunch break." Huo Qiqi hurried away impatiently.

Princess Na Ren stared at her for a while, but Huo Qiqi was unmoved.Na Ren was so angry that she walked away.

After a while, Qiqige came in again, she looked at Huo Qiqi nervously, "Princess Naren is trying to make things difficult for you again?"

"It's nothing more than scolding, it's harmless and meaningless." Huo Qiqi closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Qiqige wanted to ease the relationship with her, but Huo Qiqi didn't want to talk to her at all, so she sighed and had to retreat outside the tent first.

"What did Na Ren say to Huo Qiqi when he went in?" Qi Qige's expression changed immediately when he got outside.

"The princess drove all the servants out, and the servants didn't know what they said." The maid replied with her head down in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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