Chapter 717 Entering the Desert

Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai escaped from danger.

Huo Qiqi was worried about Li Yuanbai's injuries, and after losing sight of the pursuers behind him, he gradually slowed down, "Let's go to the desert."

"The desert is very dangerous." Li Yuanbai's face was pale.

Huo Qiqi took out a bottle from his bosom, poured out a medicine and handed it to him, "Find a place to settle down temporarily, I have to pull out the arrow for you."

"No." Li Yuanbai tried his best to comfort her with a smile, "I relieved myself, and the arrow didn't go deep. Don't worry."

"I don't want to have a disabled husband." Huo Qiqi was still in the mood to joke with him, "My husband is so perfect."

Li Yuanbai couldn't help chuckling, and Huo Qiqi also smirked.

Even if it is a temporary escape, it is a happy thing for them.

"Where are we going?" Huo Qiqi watched as Li Yuanbai swallowed the pill in his hand.

"Kufa must have sent a lot of heavy troops to guard all the roads leading to the Northland. The people of the Northland are good at fighting. If we want to leave, we can only avoid the officers and soldiers along the trails and try to find a way to go back through the mountains. But if we choose to take the mountain road, the danger is even greater. .Many places in the northern country are sparsely populated, and there are many wild animals on the mountains. In addition, the mountains are steep, so I can't take you at risk." Li Yuanbai looked at her with a smile, "So, we can only make a foray."

"To the desert?" Huo Qiqi asked suddenly.

Li Yuanbai shook his head, "I only prepared dry food for three days. There are poisons in the desert, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is too great. You are weak and cannot adapt at all."

Huo Qiqi was deeply moved when he saw that he considered everything for her.

"Where are Qingfeng and the others?" She asked suspiciously.

"The Northern Kingdom has sent heavy troops to the Northern Territory. If I want to hide the fact that the Northerners come to you, I can't take them. And they stay in the Northern Territory, so I feel more at ease." Li Yuanbai explained.

"Na Ren has been yelling, saying that you will not give up the country for the beauty of me. Looking at it now, the beauty of me is quite attractive." Huo Qiqi teased with a smile.

"For me, beauty is indeed more important than anything else. If beauty and Jiangshan have to choose one or the other, I must choose a daughter-in-law." Li Yuanbai's face finally turned red after taking a dose of medicine.

"Going to the desert, don't try it, Kuobie and the concubine will force us into the desert, and then wait outside the desert until we can't take it anymore, come back and catch the turtle." Huo Qiqi said with a sigh.

"Da Mo has what you want?" Li Yuanbai said in an affirmative tone.

Huo Qiqi nodded, "Among the medicinal materials used for detoxification, ground grass is not a grass, but the name of a small insect found in the desert. This kind of insect is rare and small, but it is very poisonous. It likes shady places , likes to eat fresh blood, haunts at night, hides during the day, and sleeps in winter, if you are lucky, you may be able to find it, if you are unlucky, you will have to miss it.”

"If we go to the desert, we don't have enough water and food." Li Yuanbai frowned, "You can't resist the cold at night."

"Don't worry, I have a solution." Huo Qiqi chuckled.

While the two were talking, Li Yuanbai suddenly got off his horse. He fell on the ground and pressed his ears to the ground.

Huo Qiqi also dismounted, his eyes fixed on Li Yuanbai.

"The chasing soldiers are approaching, go to the desert." Li Yuanbai knew Huo Qiqi well, since Huo Qiqi was willing to risk his life in order to obtain the medicinal materials and let her give up the medicinal materials that were readily available, she would definitely come to the Northland in the future.Instead of worrying about it later, it is better to let it go.He made his choice in the shortest possible time.

"Let's bandage the wound first." Huo Qiqi looked at the arrow whose shaft he had cut off, feeling a little worried and annoyed.Li Yuanbai was injured because of her carelessness.

"It's too late." Li Yuanbai gritted his teeth, pulled out the arrow with his right hand, and a stream of blood spurted out.

Huo Qiqi was taken aback, she snatched the arrow and saw that it was okay.This kind of arrow is not the kind of triangular barb, but an ordinary arrow.

Not caring about checking Li Yuanbai's wound, she took out another medicine bottle from her bosom, and then poured the powder on Li Yuanbai's wound. She did not know where she pulled out a strip of cloth, and bandaged Li Yuanbai's wound several times. it is good.

The sound of the horse's hooves was getting closer, and the two of them got on the horse again without hesitation.

The one who caught up with Huo Qiqi first was not Kubie, but Nuerdun.

Nuer Dun has been paying attention to Huo Qiqi's movements, so he got the news of what happened on the grassland before Kufai.After receiving the news, Nuer Dun felt that his chance to make his debut had come.

As long as he can capture Li Yuanbai, his reputation in the northern kingdom will definitely surpass that of the farewell.Coupled with the fact that the wolf master was wary of being away from mother and child, he didn't believe that he couldn't sit in that position.

Therefore, no matter what, he must catch Li Yuanbai, no matter whether he lives or dies.

"Prince, there are arrows on the ground." A guard suddenly called out.

Nuerdun reined in the reins, and took the arrow handed over by the guard. The arrow was indeed stained with blood.

Li Yuanbai was injured!
This news is great news for Nuer Dun.

"Chasing." Nu Erdun laughed, even God was helping him, why would he let Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi go.

"Prince, it will be very troublesome if we can't catch up with them before dark." A man said to Nuerdun, "We came out in a hurry, and we didn't bring any warm items, nor did we bring food and water out."

"Looking at their direction, they are going to the desert. There are poisonous substances in the depths of the desert. If you go in without preparation, it will be dangerous." Another guard said.

"Chasing." Nuer Dun was unwilling to give up his prey.

Everyone dared not go against his will, and the horses ran again.

The sky was getting dark, and Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai had already entered the desert.Horses are not the best means of travel in the desert.Still, something is better than nothing.

Even when it was getting dark, the two of them did not dare to stop.If you can't stop, you can only keep running forward.

"Qiqi, come into my arms." At night in the desert, the temperature dropped a lot. Li Yuanbai was a martial artist, so he felt cold.Not to mention Huo Qiqi.

In Li Yuanbai's eyes, although Huo Qiqi has a strong personality, her body is very weak.He was worried that Huo Qiqi's body would be overwhelmed.

"The sound of hooves from behind seems to have disappeared." Huo Qiqi chuckled.

"It's not a farewell person." Li Yuanbai said.

"Don't worry, let's continue walking for a while, and then find a leeward place to rest for a while." Huo Qiqi rubbed his hands and said, "Then eat something to replenish your nutrition."

"Okay." Li Yuanbai felt sorry for her, and agreed with a smile.

He put some food in the pocket on the horse's belly, and later he would find something to light the fire and heat the food for Huo Qiqi to eat.

Not only were the two people careless, they galloped forward for a while, and after finding a place with a leeward wind, they got off their horses.

"Sit still and don't move. I'll see if there is anything around that can light a fire." Li Yuanbai tied the reins to a big rock, then untied his cloak and spread it on the ground, "Come here and rest for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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