Chapter 722 Mantis Catching Cicadas
The scorpions on the ground were densely packed, already making one's scalp tingle.But there are still a large number of scorpions drilling out of the sand.These scorpions are different from the common scorpions outside. They are small in size and bright red in color. When they gather in such a large number, it looks like a large amount of blood has been splashed on the sand.

"Do you want to catch one?" Li Yuanbai asked softly.

Huo Qiqi shook his head, "Don't touch them, they are highly poisonous."

As the saying goes, the brighter the poison, the more toxic it is.What's more, these scorpions appeared near Poisonous Concubine's stone house. It can be seen that scorpions are not simple.

The dogs were a little uneasy, whimpered and snorted a few times, but they didn't dare to bark.It is estimated that they also feel the danger.

Huo Qiqi stroked the dog's head and chuckled, "Come on, let's bask in the sun together. When the weather cools down at dusk, they will automatically burrow into the ground. Fortunately, we are all Light a fire some distance away."

Li Yuanbai nodded, indeed, if he and Qiqi hadn't been cautious, they might have been tricked already.

And what will be in the stone house?He glanced at the stone house with some doubts.

"Don't worry about it, I'm not interested in those things." Huo Qiqi said with a smile, and then whispered in his ear, "I've seen more powerful poisons."

Li Yuanbai looked at her suspiciously.

"I've seen a book, which records in detail all kinds of strange and weird methods of using poison, as well as the method of preparing poison and the method of detoxification. Some poisons, I guess even Poison Princess has never heard of them." Huo Qiqi whispered Explain, "There are also ways to record Gu and cure Gu."

"Qiqi, even I am curious about your master." Li Yuanbai sighed.

"It's not as great as you think, because my master is not alone." Huo Qiqi explained with a sigh.

That's it!

Huo Qiqi is very funny, she is afraid of cold and heat, and even more afraid of getting sunburned.So she asked Li Yuanbai and her to hold a coat with each hand to cover the sun above their heads.The dog didn't have her luck, sticking out his tongue in the heat.

Huo Qiqi felt sorry for the dog, and even more for Li Yuanbai, but at this moment, she couldn't share the space, not even a sip of water.

She is waiting.

Li Yuanbai was also waiting for someone.

The people they were waiting for were very patient. Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai thought that when the other party saw them trapped on the boulder, they would definitely show up impatiently.But until after noon, the other party has not appeared.

Is the other party also afraid of the scorpions on the ground?
Forget it, wait a little longer.Both Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai wanted to see who was more patient.

Facts have proved that the patience of the couple is not bad.After a stick of incense, a group of people finally appeared.

There were more than 200 people in this group. They stood far away on horseback and did not step forward.

"Hi, Nuer Dun, long time no see." Huo Qiqi smiled and waved at the people in the distance.

"Huo Qiqi, you are still stubborn when you are about to die." Nuer Dun sat on the horse and looked at him with a sneer.

He looked at the people on the stone platform, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.Haha, the God of War of the Dayun Kingdom, who made the Northern Kingdom fearful, is about to die in his hands. As long as Li Yuanbai is killed, he will definitely become a hero of the entire Northern Kingdom when he returns.

It doesn't matter if he will be poisoned if he stays away, the supporters behind him are not vegetarians.As long as his prestige is at its peak in the Northern Kingdom, Kubie and Du Fei would not dare to do anything to him.

Thinking of his pride, he raised his right hand.

This was tantamount to sending a signal to the people around him, who immediately raised their bows and arrows to aim at Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai.

Huo Qiqi and Li Yuanbai stood on high rocks, and the ground was covered with yellow sand.They have almost nowhere to go.

"Nurdun, believe it or not, if the arrows in your hands are shot out, the prince and I will be finished, and you will be finished soon? By the way, you will not sacrifice yourself for the sake of safeguarding the interests of the North Kingdom, will you? ?" Huo Qiqi asked with a smile.

What's the meaning?Nuer Dun frowned slightly and looked at her.

"Nur Dun, Huo Qiqi is the most eloquent, don't be fooled by her." An exquisite figure rode to Nuer Dun's side. "You promised me on the way, Huo Qiqi can't stay, but you can't hurt Li Yuanbai."

"Na Ren, shut up." Nuer Dun was furious.

There was no need for Na Ren to remind him, he also knew that Huo Qiqi's greatest strength was his mouth.Also, how could he let Li Yuanbai go?
A long-distance body?Thinking of Kubie's body, Nuerdun couldn't help but put on a cold smile. Don't think that the concubine sent Kubie to Beidi and changed his identity with a disciple of the Guan family, so he didn't know that there was something wrong with Kubie's body.

Not only is Kubie's body not right, but the concubine's body is also not right, and the wolf master seems to have been poisoned as well.

If it wasn't for the fact that his mother and concubine were also the concubine of the Northern Kingdom, and his relatives were very tyrannical, he might have been poisoned by the Poison Sect long ago.

Nu Erdun guessed that the physical condition of the concubine and Kui had probably reached the end of their strength.Since those two people whom he hated deeply needed Huo Qiqi's help, then if he destroyed Huo Qiqi, it would be tantamount to killing those two people.

But now, Huo Qiqi's life was in his hands, how could he let go of such a good opportunity.

As long as Li Yuanbai and Huo Qiqi were killed, it would kill two birds with one stone.He Nuer Dun is in the Northland, he can gain fame and glory, and get rid of his confidant's troubles, his luck is really good.

"Princess Naren, are you safe?" Huo Qiqi looked at the people in the distance with a smile. Under the danger, she still had the heart to tease, "The princess is really affectionate to my husband, and the conditions in the desert are so difficult. , the princess is willing to spare no effort to come after her."

"Huo Qiqi, it's useless to play lip service. Today is the date of your death." Princess Na Ren snatched the bow and arrow from the guards beside her, not wanting to waste words at all.She drew the bow and arrow in her hand, aimed at Huo Qiqi and shot.

Li Yuanbai immediately became nervous, and he looked at Princess Naren with murderous intent in his eyes.This woman dared to attack Qi Qi in front of him, she couldn't stay!
Girls in the northern country are very strong, and most of them are like men, they like to practice martial arts.Horse riding and archery is a compulsory course for them, so the strength and accuracy of the arrows shot by Na Ren are very good.

Li Yuanbai stretched out his arms to embrace Huo Qiqi in his arms, then leaned back, and the two of them immediately stuck to the boulder.

"Nurdun, Na Ren, I've said it before. If I die, you won't live. Are you so eager to be used as a gun?" Huo Qiqi was angry, "Try using your internal strength, and you will know that I have the strength to kill you." I didn't lie to you. If you are with someone who plays drugs, it is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger."

Huo Qiqi knew he couldn't escape, so he just sat on the boulder.

Li Yuanbai's arms didn't dare to leave his waist at all.

"Huo Qiqi, who are you scaring?" Seeing that Li Yuanbai was protecting Huo Qiqi with all his heart, Princess Na Ren's eyes were already red.She didn't believe what Huo Qiqi said at all, and the bow and arrow in her hand aimed at Huo Qiqi again.

"Stop." Nuerdun was a suspicious person. Huo Qiqi's words made him a little more worried. He would rather believe something than nothing.Be careful!
(End of this chapter)

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