PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Chapter 207 Reverse Circle

Chapter 207 Reverse Circle

The location of the temporary foothold chosen by SGS is indeed a bit poor. It is located in a right-angle concave slope on the side of a T-shaped intersection, with the power grid behind it, and the road uphill.

If you keep your head down, you won’t be hit by others, but if you don’t stand up, it means you have no vision, and you can’t see the surrounding situation at all. But if you choose to go uphill, it’s equivalent to walking on a bare road. Exposure to gunfire from all directions, and being beaten every minute until your parents don't know each other, it's a dilemma for both sides.

"Shuxue, I can't stand on the slope, and I can't collect much information from the laps. What should we do? We can only blindly tie the next lap." Zhou Yuqing just showed her head on it, and she was shot twice in a row. , quickly retreated back.

"Prepare the medicine and continue to watch. Jiang Ran and Chen Ge, you are responsible for suppressing the surrounding firepower. Whoever hits us, you are responsible for hitting back. Also, report to me the azimuth and distance of all the gunshots. The type of gun is also reported, and we can only rely on the sound of gunshots to get a general idea of ​​the situation inside the security, as much information as we can collect counts." Shen Shuxue said after a moment of pondering.

"OK, no problem, direction 178, about 180 meters, AK."

"Direction 215, about 200 meters, M24."


Feng recalled: "Beautiful! These few QAQ SKS headshots directly knocked down and made up for the B4 players at the far point, and got my second kill in the field. The current position of 1246 is too comfortable. Shrinking, many teams in the south have to pass in front of them, shooting in all directions, it is very comfortable, they came to grab this point at the beginning of the game, and they have earned it, and judging from the current circle shape, their next circle is still in the safe zone The probability is very high.”

Yu Xia: "That's right, two consecutive concentric circles are indeed very advantageous for the teams that seize the center point early, but the current situation of the other two domestic teams seems to be not optimistic. Because HK9 was a step late in the early stage, it was preempted by CGW After leaving the house area of ​​the farm, now we can only walk around the north side of the circle, but there is also an Indonesian team in the north who is blocked by the circle with purple mood. Even if they go around, they still can’t get through, but they may steal an Indonesian team Let's see how well the other side detects the back."

Feng Zhuanyi: "The location of SGS is not very good. This concave slope can barely hide, but basically can't collect any information. Next to them, there is the Singapore team in the air-raid shelter, and the RF team is hiding in the mountain across the road. The road is not smooth, and now I can only pray that the next circle can take care of them a little bit, if there is another concentric circle, it will be too difficult to enter the circle.”

In this round, Chen Ge couldn't find the M24, but the 98K was also very sharp. The dark field team in the direction of the air-raid shelter confronted him, and two of them were knocked down one after another. The arrogance immediately subsided a lot, giving them more room to move.

But the biggest threat to them now is the Vietnamese team RF next to them. The distance between the two sides is very close, and the opponent has tree shelters. If they hit them high and low, once they get close enough to mine the concave slope, SGS will be destroyed immediately. Crisis, so SGS's defensive focus has always been on RF.

As the blue circle shrinks, the harmonious atmosphere brought by the concentric circles gradually dissipates, and the frogs boiled in warm water finally reach the stage of cooking. Two full teams.B4 and AE on the periphery ran into walls everywhere, and chose to force their way into the circle, each intending to recklessly destroy a housing area, but at this moment, there are many 'helpers' from the surroundings in any housing area, and both teams almost got off the bus In an instant, it was instantly wiped out by the homeowner and gun lines from all directions.

The blue circle has shrunk, and there are 14 remaining teams on the field, with 48 survivors, and the fourth attrition circle, which is more lethal, has just arrived.

Yu Xia: "Okay, this time it is no longer a concentric circle, but a southwestern cut corner circle, brushed on the heads of BLACK, 1246 and KDR, and the farm next to P City where CGW is located also has a small corner In the circle, there is also a house within the white line in the housing area where AFA is located on the lower right. Currently, the furthest away from the circle is our domestic team SGS. This circle is a solid big place for them. On the contrary, they are in the northeast and circled in the southwest, so it may be very difficult to chase them."

"Damn, what a broken circle, it's on the opposite corner to us." Chen Ge couldn't help complaining in the team when he saw the safe zone refresh.

"The safety zone of this game is too targeted at us. Why are you running so far, Shuxue, what should we do next?" Zhou Yuqing's tone was quite helpless.

"We can only push forward. There is too little information collected, and the center of the blind tie circle is too dangerous. If we can go around the right side and eat the team on the opposite side of the road, we should still have a chance to get to the edge of the circle." Shen Shuxue's mood didn't fluctuate much, she was still very calm, "First seal the smoke on the left side, blocking the view of the Singapore team, and then block the smoke on the road, we abandon the car and push over on foot, I hope their formation is not completely against us .”

What Chen Ge and the others don't know is that the main force of RF has already gone up the mountain, and the one who suppresses them from time to time is just a back-up officer. SGS's attack came to nothing.

But this is not a good thing, it's just a solution to the immediate crisis, because if they want to enter the circle, RF will never be able to get around, and the opponent's shrinking has concentrated their personnel, and has shrunk to a higher position with greater advantages and closer to the white circle. Point, it will be more difficult to fight.

But there is no way. Currently, they only have the least difficult route to enter the circle on the narrow side on the right side. They can only bite the bullet and follow behind the opponent, and be prepared to attack the opponent's high point by attacking low and high.

However, just halfway through the run, the situation suddenly changed. Gunshots suddenly came from the direction of RF High Point.

What kind of battle is best to fight, of course, it is best to fight the battle of persuasion. It is best for both sides to fight to the death, and it is best for them to clean up the mess in the past.

The four speeded forward while paying attention to the kill information in the upper right corner. When they saw that RF and HK9 had already fallen to the ground, they opened the grab line and fanned up the slope.

RF's attention at this time was basically on the enemy in front of him, and there were still people busy helping people. He didn't expect SGS behind him to come so quickly and so decisively. Put down, the last person left panicked and chose to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, intending to get out of the battlefield, let SGS and HK98 fight each other, and slip away by himself, but this tactic is useless to Chen. After climbing a few steps into the grass, I was instantly located and taken away. SGS shot at RF's territory without any effort, but the biggest problem has not been solved, and this place is still not within the white circle...

(End of this chapter)

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