The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 101 Human Heart

Chapter 101 Human Heart
"Speaking of which, it's also my luck. If it weren't for the fact that there was a girl inside who was unruffled, quick-witted and brave, and temporarily stabilized the gangsters, I wouldn't have come out so smoothly." Speaking of this, Bai Jinlan couldn't help but praise a few times Sentence, "That girl is the daughter of the An family, and she exchanged me on the condition of providing a private jet. No matter how big the An family is, those gangsters are ruthless. We can't implicate the innocent, so it's up to you next, continue to fight with her." Don’t let Anjia’s private jet come to pick you up while the gangsters are circling around.”

"Okay, I know what to do." Huang Yong nodded solemnly, is it a plane?Then come and switch positions.

Before Huang Yong dispatched his troops, the phone in the temporary command room rang.

"Hello? Yes, I'm Huang Yong. I'm currently directing the scene. I'm asking... huh? Yes, okay, I understand. Don't worry, sir, we will actively cooperate!"

Seeing Bai Jinlan's puzzled eyes, Huang Yong smiled lightly and shook his head: "It's not that I didn't mention support, it's because there is an order from above. Special forces have been dispatched for air defense. The helicopter should be here soon."

It's just why the top is acting so fast?This place has just received reliable information, but the other side has already acted ahead of time?
With the gangster's ruthless words ahead, the bank was filled with a depressive and sad low pressure, and some people had even begun to write suicide notes with tears streaming down their cheeks.Every time the clock ticks, it makes people breathless, as if they saw the black god of death with a sickle smiling evilly in front of him, waiting for the time to start reaping human lives.Everyone present probably wished that time would stop here.

Looking at such desperate faces and the time bomb that had been installed, the blood fox suddenly got up, and it was time to do something.


"Brother, there are three urgencies in people. Why don't you let me, a big girl with yellow flowers, make a fool of myself in public? Anyway, I am also a daughter of a famous family, and I value my face more than anything else. If it is true... I might as well die now!" If she dies, you guys don't expect to reach the sky, "Brother, we have made it very clear, even if I want to play tricks, I don't have to wait until now, right? Besides, I am just a weak woman with no hands bound Chicken strength, there is nothing else in my body except the two boxes of money and the mobile phone. But look at you, each of you is holding a gun, what can I do? Emma, ​​I am really in a hurry, you can do it, brother , Big deal send your brother to follow, please help me?"

"Brother, let her go, I will follow."

"Useless things will die in the hands of women sooner or later! Go ahead, hurry up, don't let me mess around and miss the job."

"Hey... I know, I'm not in such a hurry, I still understand the principle of priority, Brother Xie." The youngest smiled, turned around and pushed the blood fox, "Please!"

The blood fox resisted the urge to shake his shoulders, and walked inward with a calm expression under the gaze of everyone.

"Well, don't look at evil, I'm closed. Don't worry, I won't keep you waiting. At most, I'll wash my face and touch up my makeup after I'm done. I can't let my family see my pale face, right? When the time comes, my grandfather How distressed should it be? The old man is old and can't bear to be frightened."

"Look at your filial piety, I will wait here, hurry up! If I find out what kind of tricks you are playing, I don't care about indecent or indecent."

With a "bang", the blood fox directly closed the door of the bathroom, almost hitting his nose.

The youngest who was shaken in the face was not angry, but leaned against the wall and smirked: "Hehe... this is spicy and delicious!"

The blood fox who entered the door immediately took out the mobile phone that came from the man next to Bai Jinlan to check the phone book, and saw Mayor Bai at the top of the list at a glance.Mayor Bai?Don't think about it, it must be that woman, I knew she had a big background, but I didn't expect such a high status, the mayor.

Hardly thinking about it, the blood fox turned on the faucet, raised his hand and made a call.

Before the other party could speak, the blood fox lowered his volume as soon as the phone was connected: "Godmother? I'm An Qianxi, and I'm in the bathroom of the bank now."

Bai Jinlan was taken aback, godmother?Isn't that the girl?He thought it was his bodyguard when he received the call, but unexpectedly it was her?She is really a capable girl!I can't bear to think about it, there must be intelligence when calling now: "It's me, tell me."

"The gangsters installed remote-controlled bombs under the counter in the middle of the hall, and also installed time bombs at the front door and the back door. I don't know how long they will wait, but it certainly won't be too long. Hurry up and send skilled bomb disposal experts to stand by. In order to avoid casualties, please do not break into the door. I will find a way to get the remote control when my response arrives. As for the people in the bank, when I go upstairs, your people will appease me. At this stage, the police only need to Don't provoke them, just deal with them slowly. My time is limited, so I won't talk to you more, hang up!"

When the busy voice of "beep beep beep beep" came, Bai Jinlan twitched the corners of her mouth, this girl hung up really fast.With further clarified information, although it is not good news, it is better than not knowing.I just didn't expect that gangsters to be so frenzied, their faces darkened immediately, and they told Huang Yong the news.

"Are you ready? If you don't come out again, I'll go in!"

The urging sound came from outside the door. The blood fox washed his face casually, and was still applying powder when he opened the door. He rolled his eyes and said, "What is the urging? Don't you know that women's makeup is a technical job? I'm already fast, come on, give it to me." Let me see, is it evenly powdered?"

"Ah? Oh." The youngest was taken aback for a while, she was slightly taken aback, raised her head to take a closer look, and said with a smile, "You look good without makeup."

"Of course!" The blood fox twitched his lips, watching the person who was still smirking pass sideways, "Aren't you leaving yet? Do you want to make things convenient?"

"Oh, let's go. Slow down, there is water on the ground, be careful not to slip."

The blood fox raised his eyebrows. Does an out-and-out pervert still know how to be sympathetic and sympathetic in this situation?Pooh!It would be better if you fell to death!
When he came to the hall, the blood fox sat down on the spot and put Shunlai's mobile phone into the man's hand: "The news has been released, and the police will arrange it properly. Now, just wait in peace, you will be busy later."

The man bowed his head, isn't this his mobile phone?When……

"Big guy, are you relieved now?" The blood fox folded his arms around his chest, calmly closed his eyes and rested his mind.

"Miss An, be careful!" What else could he say?I was so vigilant that I didn't even notice that someone took the phone, so the remote control was naturally within reach.

The time passed minute by minute, and it has been more than ten minutes since the 10 minutes said by the gangsters and the police.The blood fox didn't change his face, but he couldn't help but feel a little anxious in his heart, Yan Feimo, you should hurry up.Your sister's policeman is also really, does it take so long to get a car?Haven't you seen so many people pointing at you?It's really inefficient to do things!

(End of this chapter)

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