Chapter 203
An Qianxi twitched her mouth, and finally opened her mouth.

"That's good!" Yin Hanxi said while pinching the pink face, and continued to feed, "Come on, try the grouper again."

"Brother Xi, I really want to be jealous of my future sister-in-law. Your way of coaxing girls is really unreliable." Who would have thought that this smiling tiger would have such a gentle, caring and "shameless" side?Compared with that Yan Feimo, it's not much better.

"Baby Xi, are you praising me or hurting me?" Yin Hanxi laughed, blew on the soup in the bowl, and scooped up a spoonful, "It's only natural for a man to love a woman. Now you have your brother to love, and in the future you will have your husband to love, jealousy What? Right, Young Master Mu?"

The smile on Mu Yanbin's face couldn't hold back anymore, he knew that Yin Hanxi was not easy to get along with, but seeing him today, his reputation is really well-deserved.Look at this question, isn't it just a warning to An Qianxi that there is someone in An Qianxi's family, if you don't treat her well in the future, be careful that you won't be able to walk around?
But Mu Yanbin was really wrong, Yin Hanxi didn't have the time to warn him, it was more ironic than a warning.No, before Mu Yanbin could answer, Yin Hanxi turned to Guan Su, who was silently preparing dishes for An Qianxi, "Baby Xi, why don't you introduce me to my brother? I really haven't seen this young brother before."

Guan Su Bucai's hand paused, and he rolled his eyes downcast.never seen it?I don't know how many times we met in Xingfu Village, and we had a good time talking about drinking, how dare you say that you haven't seen yourself?Do you want to act like this?
"Oh, my classmate, Guan Su, came to the capital not long ago, so it's no wonder you haven't seen him before." An Qianxi glanced back and forth between the two of them, and they really knew each other better, "Guan Su, this is my cousin Yin Hanxi, Not long after returning home."

"Hello, Brother Yin."

"Well, good." Yin Hanxi enjoyed the performance, and looked at the person from head to toe with the air of a big brother, and finally said, "This kid is not bad."

What's good?These words are a bit interesting, at least in the ears of caring people, these words will naturally be interpreted as a good suitor.

Mu Yanbin looked sideways slightly, Yin Hanxi, what does this mean?
Each of them was thoughtful, Yin Hanxi left a word and continued to feed with peace of mind.At this moment, a person walked towards him, put the soup pot on the table, but stared at the big hand that hugged An Qianxi tightly.

This play is well done, it's over.

An Qianxi also sat uncomfortably, and now she blinked and lost her eyes when she saw Yan Feimo, as if she saw her relatives.

Yin Hanxi naturally noticed the interaction between the two, to be precise, he noticed Yan Feimo's staring eyes, coupled with what he saw before and the headlines of major newspapers, everything became clear to him.Isn't this man named Yan Feimo just stealing their baby Xi?

Yin Hanxi smiled from the bottom of his heart, he wanted to see what this Yan Feimo was capable of.Thoughts together, hands tightened, raised his eyes and glanced lightly, and didn't speak, it seemed that he just glanced at an unimportant person.

Yan Feimo didn't speak, but sat down beside An Qianxi graciously, lifted the lid of the soup pot, and the aroma immediately overflowed.

An Qianxi swallowed her saliva, here she came, this guy used soup to seduce her again.But Mao himself was so easily tempted by this soup?The tip of his nose took a few sniffs along the aroma, and when he turned around, he saw Yan Feimo scooping up a spoonful of thick soup.

"Qianqian, come here." Yan Feimo pursed her lips and glanced at the empty seat beside her.

Yin Hanxi let out a cry from the bottom of his heart, what a domineering man!So you want to abduct your precious sister?There are no doors.

Yan Feimo naturally saw the provocative gaze, but smiled as if he didn't see it.Seeing that the figure didn't move, and didn't force her, she sent the spoon forward: "It seems that Qianqian is used to feeding me, Mr. Yin, don't you mind?"

Mind, quite mind!However, before Yin Hanxi could speak, Yan Feimo moved again. This time, he wiped the corner of An Qianxi's mouth lightly with his finger, and smiled dotingly: "What a greedy cat, the whole pot belongs to you. No one will snatch it from you. Don't burn it!" gone."

"Is that Yan Feimo?" Yin Hanxi is not happy anymore, do you think you are dead?When Mu Yanbin is dead?You are really shameless to say that you are aboveboard, how can you still be so calm and flirtatious with so many eyes staring at you?Nostrils snorted, half a smile, "Mr. Yan doesn't think this scene is so weird and funny?"

The fiancé is standing at the side, the heroine is sitting on the elder brother's lap, and you, a man, come to join in the fun. This situation looks weird, isn't it funny?

"If Yin Shengsheng feels sorry for Qianqian, don't let her twist her body so uncomfortable. This girl is soft-hearted, and she remembers people who are good to her, and she doesn't know how to refuse." With a move of his hand, he forcefully embraced An Qianxi and walked towards her. Around the vacant seat, the soup was handed out after blowing on the spoon, "It's good that Mr. Yin thinks about it, but if it's over, he'll just give it his word."

What a sharp man, he knew he was acting with such kung fu.Not only that, but there is something in his words that his actions have gone too far, this possessiveness is really unusual.Especially when it was said that girl An was sitting uncomfortably, from this point of view, this man really loves baby Xi.Yin Hanxi squinted his eyes. From this point of view, the hypocritical Mu Yanbin really couldn't be compared with him, and he couldn't help admiring the man in front of him.

"Hehe, isn't Mr. Yan afraid that he will prove himself?" Appreciation is appreciation, but as an older brother, I still have to give Xi Baobao a good check.

"What does Mr. Yan want to hear? The scene or the truth?"

"What about the scene, what about the truth?" Yin Hanxi became a little interested when asked by Yan Feimo.

"Scene talk is to cultivate feelings for the MV, so that we can get into the scene quickly." Anyway, now the rest area is our own people, and to put it bluntly, I am not afraid of Mu Yanbin's black face.

"Oh? What about the truth?"

"Mr. Yin just said a good sentence. It is only natural for a man to love a woman. Then why should I, Yan Feimo, love the woman I like?"

"Ahem..." An Qianxi spewed out the soup she had just swallowed, and happened to be facing Yan Feimo, not to mention her body, it was that handsome face, covered with soup, dripping down the flow.

Everyone was taken aback, they wanted to laugh but couldn't, they were more curious about Yan Feimo's next move.

Yan Feimo didn't care at all, but gently wiped the corner of An Qianxi's mouth, and patted An Qianxi's back to help her calm down: "Slow down, slow down, are you choking now? See you always like this Careless, what would you do without me by your side!"

"Sister Shishi, the earl is so handsome. It's obviously not sweet talk, but why does it sound so exciting?"

"Go, go, just listen, don't be tempted. Don't take the senior's idea, he belongs to An'an." Cheng Shishi said softly, bumped into Xu Mei and made a silent gesture.Then he glanced at the calm Guan Su, hey, it's not that Guan Su is bad, it's that someone is too good, there is no comparison at all.If she were An Qianxi, she would choose Yan Feimo too.

(End of this chapter)

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