Chapter 211
After making the phone call, An Youjun came to the living room. Seeing An Zihui's face, he glared at An Qianxi behind his back. Don't think it must be that girl who made the call, but learned that the villain would file a complaint first?She had already convicted An Qianxi, who was also her daughter, but forgot that she had entered the door and hadn't said anything until now.

The reason why An Youjun stood aside and didn't make a sound was entirely because of Mr. An's attitude. Looking at it now, well, he was completely on the side of his little daughter.Since Yin Qianyue left, the old man can be regarded as not caring about worldly affairs, and let his grandchildren develop naturally, except for An Qianxi who went too far and made a few threats, the education problem is all about being a father He took care of it with his own hands and didn't interfere much.But ever since An Qianxi came back from the countryside, her attitude has changed unknowingly, and now she seems to value An Qianxi, the prostitute, more.This change... is really unexpected. It seems that it is time for me to make some changes.

Just as he was thinking about it, the butler led the family doctor into the door: "Please, Dr. Wu."

A middle-aged man in his 40s, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses and carrying a medicine box, hurried in. Before he could say hello, Mr. An hurriedly got up: "Hurry up, Dr. Wu, show it to my granddaughter."

Wu Wenliang didn't have time to wipe off the sweat that oozed from his forehead when he hurried over, and looked up, my god, is this An Zihui?Look at that half of the face is swollen, was it robbed by someone?Just when he was about to speak, Mr. An pulled Wu Wenliang to the side of the sofa: "Quick, look at Miss An's neck."

there's still one?Seeing that the old man looked so anxious, he glanced back and forth between the two girls, but he didn't dare to speculate, and consciously followed his orders.

An Qianye got up and stepped aside to make room for Wu Wenliang.

"Doctor Wu, how is it, is it serious?"

The corner of Wu Wenliang's mouth almost twitched, he hasn't seen the wound yet, isn't it putting pressure on yourself by looking forward to it all the time?He raised his hand to gently remove the gauze, twitched the corners of his mouth, and blurted out: "This, is this bitten by a dog?"

It doesn't look like it!
An Qianxi couldn't help but burst out laughing, this doctor is quite cute.The speaker didn't care about the listener and the listener did, seeing An Zihui's look of wanting to dig a hole in the ground, she settled into her seat.

"Don't move! It's just you, you can still laugh when you're bitten." Yan Feimo seemed to reprimand An Qianxi, but there was a little smile in his eyes, and his words confirmed the doctor's statement that he was bitten by a dog.

"Is it really a dog bite?" Dr. Wu asked again in amazement, looking carefully and shaking his head, "No, no, it's not like a dog bite. This... this hole... To be honest, I've never seen it like this. Injury, what bit it? Bat? Impossible, do bats still hurt people in the city now?"

Why do these two blood holes look so creepy?It was similar to the vampire's bite mark in the movie. Thinking about it, she felt jittery, and gave An Qianxi a weird look.

An Qianxi suppressed a smile that was almost internally hurt, and raised her eyes: "Doctor, you are overthinking. Today on the set, there happened to be a scene of being bitten by a vampire. My sister's dentures are loose, and it just happened if she didn't pay attention."

"That was too careless...cough cough..." Surprised that he had said too much, he hurriedly stopped.It's been a long time since he's been a doctor, and he hasn't heard of such carelessness. He has heard that the sisters of the An family are at odds, so he dares to be affectionate... and he doesn't dare to think too much about it, but this one is too cruel.Quickly applied medicine to An Qianxi, "Fortunately, no artery was bitten, and the wound was not too deep, and emergency treatment was done, otherwise..."

Naturally, there is no need to say more, if it really hurts the artery?But this phrase obviously has a little more compassion from the doctor, which means that some people are too unreasonable.

"Don't worry, Mrs. An, it was handled very well before, and there will be no major problems. I will take the medicine on time these few days, and I will prescribe some medicine for Ms. An to take orally. It will be fine in a few days." Clean up and apply the medicine quickly Add a bandage, and give Mr. An a reassurance while moving.

"Are you sure there's no problem?" An Zihui's eyes flashed, An Zihui was so cruel.He raised his eyes again and looked at Yan Feimo with gratitude.

Yan Feimo didn't take credit for it, and nodded slightly.

"No problem, but you have to pay attention to your diet. Avoid spicy and greasy food, and something lighter will help the wound recover. I will write down everything that needs to be paid attention to. If you follow it, you will be sure there will be no problem."

"Girl An, did you hear that? The doctor said to avoid eating, and you still blame Mr. Yan? This time, you should be obedient!"

"Hmph!" An Qianxi pursed her lips, filled with resentment.After thinking about it, it doesn't matter, anyway, I am not a human being, so I am afraid of being caught if I close the door and want to eat?
An Qianye let go of her clenched fist, and looked up at An Zihui: "Doctor Wu, how is my eldest sister?"

Mu Yanbin gave An Qianye a wink. It was obviously inappropriate to speak out by himself at this moment. Fortunately, there was another person of his own, but An Qianye snorted coldly in his heart. The question was actually wishing that his red and swollen face would last forever not good.

"Let me see." Wu Wenliang turned his head and beckoned with one hand, "Miss please."

An Zihui's complexion...can't be seen anymore. Anyway, the red and swollen side is already colorful, and now she has been ridiculed several times. Being able to barely stand here is already a sign of super psychological quality.He moved his feet and sat on the sofa beside him.

"Why is it swollen like this?" An Youjun had something to say, but he couldn't hide his heartache.

"Dad, I feel so strange. I obviously didn't break my palm." An Qianxi looked at her palm as she spoke, and a blush appeared on her face when she raised her eyes. She was obviously very embarrassed, "Grandpa, Dad, at that time The incident happened suddenly, and my neck hurt. I thought I was stung by something inexplicable, so I waved my hand to slap it. It was too late when I found out it was my sister, but I didn’t expect the slap to be so innocuous, and it was all my fault. Dr. Wu, My sister's face... How long will it take for the swelling to subside?"

Originally, Wu Wenliang felt quite pitiful when he saw that horrific face, but through the conversation, he roughly knew the cause and effect of the incident, and after seeing An Qianxi's wound, he could no longer feel sympathy for An Zihui.No matter how much the two sisters quarrel, there should be a sense of proportion, right?As he said just now, if he bites an artery, he will die if he fails to do so.To be honest, he felt that An Qianxi's slap was a bit harsh, but at most it was just self-defense, right?Even if it was intentional, wouldn't it be a relief?It's just a slap, it's harmless.The most important thing is Miss An's attitude. She is sincere and unabashed, so beating someone will become a justifiable party.

"It looks a little serious, but it's only a skin injury, not a muscle injury." Wu Wenliang also checked An Zihui's ears, "Miss, do you have hearing problems?"

"Fortunately, I can hear you very clearly. Even now, the back of my teeth is hurting a little, and I feel a little hard to speak..."

"It's normal. After all, the face is swollen, and the muscles will definitely hurt. I'll prescribe you some medicine and hot compresses, and the swelling will subside in a few days. As for diet... try to eat some liquid food, it will make you feel better."

(End of this chapter)

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