The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 213 Let's have a baby

Chapter 213 Let's have a baby (1)
Mu Yanbin, Mu Yanbin, who of you doesn't provoke Yan Feimo? Don't you know that he is a black-bellied monster?Tsk tsk, it's just asking for humiliation!

"Are you lacking calcium?" The phrase sounds ridiculous, especially when Yan Feimo said it seriously. Can An Qianxi stop talking about it?Not only An Qianxi, but even Mr. An couldn't help laughing, but he couldn't laugh out loud, and coughed dryly to cover up that he was about to lose his composure.

"Okay, why are you choking again?" Yan Feimo put down the fruit plate, quickly patted An Qianxi on the back, and wiped her delicate lips that were stained with soup carefully.

"Ahem..." It's not all your fault!Did you smoke while laughing?
"Calm down, calm down." Yan Feimo shrugged innocently. He couldn't even hold a fruit plate. Could it be calcium deficiency or something?Turning around, he added, "When Dr. Gang Wu is here, he should show Mu Shao, so that An Shao can bring the medicine back along the way."

"Slippage for a while, don't bother Mr. Yan." He gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence, God knows how long he can keep smiling like this.

"You can't spend your life recklessly because you are young. After all, your body is the capital of the revolution." He said earnestly, how much he cares about the younger generation?Speaking of which, a peeled orange was delivered to An Qianxi's mouth, "You too, take a good rest."

"Yes, yes, An'an, the senior's teachings are always in my heart." She lowered her eyebrows and rolled her eyes, but she rolled her eyes when she lowered her eyes. She said that you seemed to be getting older, and you were not ashamed.

When Mr. An saw this, he nodded secretly in his heart. This was the first time he saw Mu Yanbin deflated. Instead of tearing up his face and getting angry, he had to smile with him.Well, this Yan Feimo, who eats the other party to death with a few words and a few words, is still in a leisurely way, and he really has two brushes.

Mu Yanbin was devastated, which meant that he was trying to calm down An Yatou, and by the way, the anger that he had just been contradicted by others dissipated in an instant, and he was in a good mood.Looking up, she saw An Qianye who was going home, and said with a smile, "You're back? Zihui is resting upstairs, you take the medicine, and I'll go downstairs for dinner later."

"Yeah." The atmosphere in the living room was so weird, An Qianye glanced back and forth a few times, saw Mu Yanbin's smirk, hehe, it looks like he missed a good show.

An Qianye went upstairs and came to the door of An Zihui's room. Just as she was about to knock on the door, a male voice came from inside.He paused with his raised hand, held his breath and pressed it to his ear.

"Zihui, don't think about anything from now on, take a good rest, and don't go head-to-head with her when you go to the set. Look at you, every time you suffer, you are the one who suffers. If there is any eventuality, how can I feel sorry for your death? Mother?"

An Qianye sneered from outside the door, if you are sorry for her dead mother, you are worthy of your first wife?Continue to listen quietly.

"Dad, don't worry, can she still kill me in full view?"

"What nonsense? She dares!" An Youjun drank in a low voice, and then softened her tone, "Dad loves you so much. He hasn't given you a good life since you were a child. It's hard for you to recognize your ancestors, but you just watched Seeing you hit your head in An's house, and your father's heart is bleeding. Don't be stubborn, don't do anything these days, the only thing to do is hold on to Mu Yanbin."

"Father, I'm sure of this, Yan Bin's heart is with me." An Zihui chuckled, pulling the red and swollen muscles on her face, and suddenly let out an ouch.

"Hey! You'd better talk less, like this..." Seeing her daughter grinning, An Youjun was heartbroken, but she didn't dare to touch her, and sighed softly, "Of course Dad believes in you. In fact, you don't care about anything now." If you don't do it, that boy Yanbin only has you in his heart. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank that surnamed Yan. In front of so many people, he openly showed his affection to that girl. They would all say that she was indiscreet. And Yan Bin is a person who cares about face, how can he swallow this tone? You just have to wait and watch the show, Yan Bin naturally has his plans."

"Well, I understand."

"Now I can only wrong you. That kid who is fledgling must not dare to act rashly. It would not be good for him to fall out with his family. He must have considered this and followed that girl in everything. But it doesn't matter, a man who knows how to endure He is a person with great wisdom, who knows how to judge the situation, and has accumulated a lot of money in the future, with a bright future. When you enter the door of Mu's house justifiably, others will have nothing to gossip about, and you can live comfortably in Mu's house. In that way, all humiliation And the wait was worth it.”

"Dad, you have a long-term vision, and my daughter has benefited a lot." An Zihui nodded obediently, "Dad, if you treat me so well, my mother will be happy in heaven."

"Silly girl, you are my own flesh and blood, who do you love if you don't love me?" An Youjun smiled lovingly, "It's just a pity, if you were a boy, then everything in the An family would be yours."

"Dad, it's enough for me to have your love. Although it's a pity that I'm a daughter, I can still solve your problems. As long as we father and daughter are of the same mind, good days are coming." An Zihui's eyes flickered, yes Ah, how nice it would be if I were a man?The subject changed, "It's okay, anyway, An Qianye is on our side, even if you hand over your family business to him in the future, he will not treat me badly. His surname is An, and he is your son. As long as he Your heart is towards us, everything in the An family, after all, isn't it all yours?"

"That's a good word. I'm also relieved of Xiaoye, but now I'm a little worried about the old man."

"Grandpa? Dad, don't you think too much? It's not that the An family has no descendants. No matter how much grandpa favors An Qianxi, he can't give her such a large family business. It must be passed on to the male and not to the female. At most, some shares will be distributed. That's all, it's just a drop in the bucket for An's family, there's absolutely no way she, An Qianxi, can ride on our heads."

"Father now sees that although he is the head of the An's Group, the real power is your grandfather. And your grandfather holds the majority of the shares. I really don't understand his current thoughts. If he suddenly has a convulsion , gave the shares to that girl, and with that girl's hatred for you, what do you think you can get?"

"Dad, even if grandpa really gave her all the shares, she is not in charge of the company. How many of those shareholders are yours? The shares are evenly matched. When the time comes to hold a general meeting of shareholders, will she not be able to continue? "

"Of course I understand this, but the problem is that Yin Qianyue also owns shares in An's family. If her share is added, that girl's holdings will be more than ours." An Youjun has been in the shopping mall for so many years, How could such an important link be missed?Gritting her teeth, her eyes were dark, "But that woman is really cunning, and she would not let me be happy even when she died. Needless to say, the shares must be reserved for her children, but the bad thing is that she doesn't know that she put these things in XZ Where did it go. Tell me, can I feel at ease?"

"Dad, although what you said is reasonable, you might as well think about the good. Since she has so much that you can't find it, can others find it? At that time, An Qianye was still young, so she definitely wouldn't be able to get along with her." He doesn't understand what he said." An Zihui was not as worried as An Youjun, and held An Youjun's hand to comfort her, "As you said, she must have left the shares to her. Naturally, they will not treat each other more favorably than others, and each brother and sister will have a share. Not to mention whether they can find it now, it will be considered if they are found, or she will give the item to her closest person and wait until her children grow up to take it out... ...Hehe, that's the same sentence, as long as An Qianye is firmly in our hands, everything will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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