Chapter 223
"Xiaoyue? Have you forgotten about that big iceberg? With Gu Zirui here, why does she need to join us in crowding?"

"Yeah, how did I forget this? Hehe."

"Okay, it's almost time to enter, let's withdraw."

The few people on the other end discussed it, and a glint flashed in Mu Yanbin's dark eyes, he raised his hand to touch his pocket, and the corner of his lips twitched: "An Qianxi, fight with me? Today I will let you have a taste of life and death. "

Mu Yanbin, who was hiding in the crowd, turned around with a confident smile, ready to enter the arena.The crowd was crowded for a while, and was bumped by the young man beside him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, there are too many people, I knew I wouldn't come to join in the fun." The young man scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled, "Sir, did you hurt you?"

Mu Yanbin frowned, looked at the young man who bowed his head and kept apologizing in disgust, and dusted off the corner of his clothes: "Be careful next time."

"Yes, yes, yes, I will be careful, I will be careful, sir, let's go." Nodding and bowing, he turned around with a happy corner of his mouth, and got into the crowd.

The movie theater was full of seats, and the VIP seats were naturally An Qianxi's relatives and friends. As the main creators, Yan Feimo and others had already sat on the stage with the director.

Gu Zirui made a high-profile appearance and gave a short speech on stage in person, which was enough for everyone to see how much Yaoxing attaches importance to Yan Feimo.Under the bright lights and thunderous applause, the press conference officially began.

"Director, some newcomers have been recruited for this filming. Are you satisfied with the performance of the two Miss An?"

"Hehe, I'm satisfied, of course I'm satisfied." The director smiled comfortably, obviously the satisfaction came from his heart, "This reporter friend, although the two Miss An are newcomers and have no acting experience, the filming went quite smoothly. I have been directing for many years, but this time the filming is the most satisfactory. Most of the scenes are almost the same, which can save our crew a lot of worry."

"One pass?" Everyone exclaimed, when old drama players make mistakes, most of these two inexperienced performers have passed one?

"Are you surprised? I feel lucky. The staff of the crew also had the same expression as you at that time."

"Director, the filming is progressing so smoothly, so is the effect as satisfying as you said?"

"This point, you will understand after watching it. I affirm the acting skills of the two Miss An, but I don't know if there is any possibility of collaborating again."

"Miss An, it's your first time acting, and it's against the earl, how do you feel?"

Miss An?There are two people surnamed An in front of them, so who are they asking?But looking at the reporter's gaze, it was obvious that it was only An Qianxi.

An Qianxi smiled and said, "The director is so good, I'm really embarrassed. Rather than saying that the acting is good, it's better to say that it's Mr. Yan who led it well and made people get into the play quickly. Thank you, senior!"

If Mr. Yan expressed respect in the first sentence, then the senior in the second sentence is classmate love.The combination of the two titles is just right.

"At the beginning, I invited you, but now I have the director's confirmation, which shows that I saw the right person. Junior girls don't need to be humble, no matter how good I am, it's useless if you don't have talent."

The two sang together, and the audience nodded in agreement.

"Count, since the theme revolves around vampires, I would like to ask about your view of love. If you were a vampire, would you fall in love with a human like Miss An?"

Yan Feimo raised his brows lightly, there was a trap in this question.But he was not afraid, and immediately smiled frankly, turned his head to look at An Qianxi, and said: "Love has never distinguished regions, races, or national boundaries. No matter vampires or humans, they are all equal in front of love. There is only love or not love. It is transferred by other factors. So, what does it matter if it is a person or something else? The true meaning is to love purely and without regret.”

After Yan Feimo's words fell, there was another burst of warm applause at the scene, with continuous applause.

"Miss An, the Earl's charm is boundless. This is a fact that everyone recognizes. Then during the filming process, did you feel tempted when you acted opposite the Earl?"

Yo, is this a different way to ask gossip about her and Yan Feimo?

"I haven't watched the film yet, so I don't know how it works, and I dare not comment on my acting skills, but I am acting with my heart. To tell you the truth, under the guidance of the director, my seniors and I spent a lot of time on the set to figure out the role. Cultivate feelings." An Qianxi said with a playful smile, which also attracted laughter from the audience, and then said calmly, "Acting and acting, although it is acting, but if you don't put your heart and soul into it, and the emotions are not in place, naturally it will not resonate with the audience. , it is a blasphemy to the film and television industry, and it is also a disrespect for the audience. Maybe I am not a professional actor, but I admire all the performers who dedicate themselves to art. I am still young. Since I am participating in the show, I naturally have to have professional ethics. So , when filming, I was not An Qianxi, but a character in the play. Since I am a character in the play, how can I not be moved and love him? Otherwise, our MV will be ruined, right? I hope my performance in the play It can satisfy everyone and make the audience like it, thank you.”

Such playful and serious words immediately won the applause of the whole house.The reporters couldn't help but praise An Qianxi in their hearts, and at the same time admire her watertightness. How can this look like a newcomer?Talking is older than old fried dough sticks, it seems that there is nothing to say today.

But the topic is made, isn't it?This side is so generous, isn't there another one on the side?Immediately, a reporter brought up the previous biting incident: "Miss An Zihui, in the plot, you and Miss An underestimate the enemy. There are many fighting scenes. There is also a blood-sucking scene. The accident on the set not long ago, Miss An Zihui How do you feel?"

drink!This question is really blunt, An Zihui forced a smile in embarrassment, and seemed a little at a loss for a while.

"My friend from the reporter, you said it was an accident, why bother to ask?" An Qianxi smiled and blocked her way, raising her beautiful eyes, "Today is the MV viewing session, let's pay more attention to our MV. This During this period, the director and staff worked the hardest, here, please applaud for the hard work of the heroes behind the scenes."

After An Qianxi said this, everyone couldn't ask any more questions, and they all applauded to show their respect, and the next question was much gentler.

After the questioning session was over, the main creators on the stage left the stage one by one, the host announced that the viewing session would officially start, and the artists under Shining Star would perform the opening performance, and the lights in the venue were dimmed.

In this MV, there are only pictures and lines during the exercise. The song "Tears of the Vampire" is sung by Yan Feimo Orchestra on the spot, and An Qianxi and An Zihui will also appear on stage as guest performers to enhance the atmosphere.

Yan Feimo and the troupe members, who put on performance costumes, took the lead on the stage. Under the beautiful picture, the music played slowly, which was refreshing.Not long after, An Qianxi and An Zihui took the stage one after another, dancing gracefully on the stage to the music.With the ups and downs of the plot, the picture changes again and again, and the beauty, horror and affection increase layer by layer. From beautiful exclamation to heart-wrenching tension, as the plot deepens, the mood changes accordingly.Until the last picture, the earl is holding An Qianxi, who has passed away, and the blood-red eyes are dripping with bright red blood tears, dripping on the pale and bloodless face. The strong color contrast stimulates people's tense nerves .The girls watching on the scene covered their hearts and sobbed softly, while Yan Feimo on the stage also embraced the crumbling An Qianxi, bent over and kissed, complementing the characters in the picture.

(End of this chapter)

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