The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 226 Dissolution of the marriage contract

Chapter 226 Dissolution of the marriage contract (2)
"Mu Yanbin, you are so brave, you dare to be rough on my sister?" Yin Hanxi slammed a fist on Mu Yanbin's face as he spoke, and snorted softly, "The thief shouted "Stop the thief, and someone saw your ugly appearance." Do you want to beat me up without thinking about it? Are you in a hurry to jump over the wall? I think my hands will be dirty if I beat you!"

"Hey, I really can't see that Young Master Mu, who is well-known in the capital, has such virtues. He is obviously a rogue at his own fault, and he even beats up women."

"Human face and animal heart, it turns out that those who are gentle on the outside are not necessarily good things. Black-hearted, it's like gold and jade on the outside, but it's in it. Today is really an eye-opener."

Everyone spoke to each other, unanimously condemning the red-eyed Mu Yanbin.

Mu Yanbin's eyes were really red with anger, and now he is surrounded by enemies and the target of public criticism. His usual elegance and amiability are gone, and he laughed back angrily like crazy: "I beat you upside down, and the dog jumped the wall? You are wrong, you are all bewitched by her look. You were deceived by your pitiful appearance. An Qianxi, you are really kind, with so many knights escorting you, you don't usually attract attention."

As if he didn't have time to think about why the photos were dropped, or he didn't do anything, Mu Yanbin took out another recorder from his pocket, smiled strangely, and pressed the play button: "Today I will let you Everyone, let's see your true face, An Qianxi!"

"Yan Bin, are you sure you want to do something at the press conference?" Who else is the female voice besides An Zihui?

"Hiss—" Everyone gasped, and looked at Mu Yanbin with even more disdain and strange eyes. Is this young master of the Mu family crazy?

As soon as An Zihui's voice came out, Mu Yanbin's face darkened. This... Did you see a ghost today?In a panic, press the button again.

"Young Master Mu, what's the rush? Aren't you justified?" Yan Feimo lightly grabbed the recorder from Mu Yanbin's hand and continued to play, "Is my ear not good just now? How did I hear Miss An Zihui's voice? "

"The press conference is the best time. Everyone is here. I just want An Qianxi to be ruined in front of the world, and she will never be able to lift her head. And that Yan Feimo, an actor came to rob me? If it weren't for me Deliberately giving them a chance to get along, how can I catch it?"

"Are you jealous of Yan Feimo?"

"Zihui, let me just say that, I only have you in my heart and you don't know. But I have to put on a show, otherwise how will outsiders think of me? Anyway, I am her fiance in name now. If I really treat her badly It's my fault if I don't ask, if I don't care about it, how will this play be played? And Mrs. An is already very dissatisfied with me, so if I don't serve snacks, won't I just give him an excuse?"

Everyone suddenly realized that they dared to direct and act on their own, this method is too indecent.

"Okay, I'm joking, do you take it seriously? What you said makes sense, and it is indeed a good strategy. An Qianxi will never turn over. But when there are so many people, you go and expose them... It is said that although they are relatively close, they did not do anything out of the ordinary, which does not fully prove that they are together. What's more, you don't care about the face of our two families?"

"It doesn't matter whether they are together or not. Of course, being together is better, which means that I have not wronged them. Don't worry, the media always likes to take things out of context and add embellishments. If it is not true, it will be true. As for the two of us... I can't control so much anymore. Obviously I like you, but my mother just won't let go. We can't be so sneaky forever, right? As long as my mother believes in An Qianxi's fickleness, she will naturally not protect her. The dissolution of the engagement is a matter of course , and as long as I marry you, the old man of the An family has nothing to say. Anyway, his granddaughter betrayed me first, so what face does he have to accuse me? You just wait to be the daughter-in-law of our Mu family... ..."

There was a lot of boos at the scene, shameless, shameless!To dig a hole for people to jump in like this, and to blame the media?Is it taken out of context and embellished?This time they have to carry forward these spirits and report well.

Hearing the disrespect towards him in the words, Mr. An's face turned black and dark, his chest was tight and short of breath. If it weren't for someone beside him to support him, he would have wanted to step forward and slap Mu Yanbin a few times.

Yan Feimo pressed the button at the right time, and the effect is almost there, so there is no need to listen anymore, and he raised his eyes: "Young Master Mu is really a good method!"

"No, no, it's not like this..." Mu Yanbin was really anxious this time, these words were indeed what he said, but they were not said in the same scene, how could they be put together?put together?Ah, tampered with, these are all evidences of tampered with.Immediately enlightened, he said how things would run counter to what he expected, so it was so.He looked up with a fierce light in his eyes, and rushed forward to hit Yan Feimo again.

"Young Master Mu, are you becoming angry from embarrassment?" Didn't you deliberately take a punch from you just because you, Mu Yanbin, still wanted to hit yourself?Even a hundred Mu Yanbins will beat you to pieces.Yan Feimo grabbed Mu Yanbin's wrist as soon as he raised his hand, and flung his hand lightly, and the figure was thrown out, "Shame on me!"

"An Qianxi, it's you, you did everything, you secretly changed my evidence—"

With a "slap", a loud slap on Mu Yanbin's face, Xiao Jingyi glared angrily at her son and shook her head: "How did I give birth to such a son as you? You really let me down! You still want to make trouble By when? You have lost all face of the Mu family!"

"Mom! I was wronged..." Mu Yanbin covered his face with one hand, and refused to give up.

"Injustice? How dare you say that the person in the photo is not you? Didn't you say those words? You... I will kill you, a shameless bastard..."


"You are used to it!"

"Auntie, don't hit me." An Qianxi took a step forward and grabbed Xiao Jingyi's hand, "It hurts my son, it hurts my mother's heart, it's between us, I really don't dare to bother you. I've done enough, but I don't have the blessing to be your daughter-in-law, I'm sorry."

"Good boy, you are a good boy, where do you put my face when you say that?" Xiao Jingyi hugged An Qianxi, and couldn't help crying.

An Qianxi patted Xiao Jingyi on the back: "Auntie, don't cry, how can I feel good when you cry? I can't force things about feelings, let me settle it myself."

After An Qianxi finished speaking, she withdrew from Xiao Jingyi's embrace, and faced Mu Yanbin directly: "Even if I'm not good at all, if I can't get your heart, then I'm not capable. I thought, no matter what the result is, you will miss it as much as you want." The old love, even if there is no love, at least you are still a child, just treat it as your sister, you should speak with some measure. It’s okay if you don’t like me, do you need to slander me like this? You trample on my sincerity like this , made me start to despise myself, what on earth did I do to make you so intolerable? Did I kill your sweetheart or dig your ancestral grave to make you so aggressive? "

(End of this chapter)

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