The best wife and evildoer

236 Chapter 3: If you don't fight for nothing, you don't fight

236 Chapter 3: If you don't fight for nothing, you don't fight ([-])
"Not reluctantly?"

"Will be willing!"

"Well, everyone heard it?" An Qianxi looked around and glanced at the tea on the table, "Civilized people, why are you beating and scolding? It's insulting to polite! I think so, since ancient times If there is a confession about pouring tea, we will follow the ancient etiquette, anyway, tea is ready-made."

Pour tea and admit your mistake?Then you have to kneel!This is more humiliating than beating and scolding. Can the dignified Master Mu be able to pull this face off?

The two looked at each other without moving.

"A man has gold under his knees. Senior Yan, is it too hard for me to be like this? And there is another sister who is my own. If I really kneel down, will people say that I am bullying others because of my status as a prostitute?"

It's good that An Qianxi didn't say this, but it makes people feel that she cares about her kindness, that is to say, Mu Yanbin knelt down with a "plop", Mu Yanbin knelt down, An Zihui Can you not kneel?Both knelt down at An Qianxi's feet.

"Oh, really kneeling? How embarrassing is this?" An Qianxi covered her mouth and exclaimed, and then changed the subject, "Since you are already kneeling, let's kneel, I can't ignore the two of you." No? Xiaoyue, serve tea."

"Okay!" Yue Lingyi smiled and handed the tea and cup to the two of them, "You two, please."

Since the two of them have reached this point, they can only bite the bullet and start pouring tea.Although her hands were trembling, she still handed the tea to An Qianxi.

"An'an, I'm sorry!" The two said in unison.

An Qianxi laughed lightly: "Hehe, if we put it another way, this scene would be like a couple offering tea to Gaotang!"

poison!These words are really poisonous!Everyone held back their laughter, if they hadn't seen An Qianxi's serious appearance, they would have laughed out loud.

He passed the teacup in An Zihui's hand while speaking, and just as he handed it to his lips, there was a pause. Amidst the crowd "looking forward to it", he raised his hand and sprinkled it on the heads of the two of them: "I can't bear such a big gift." rise!"

Tick-tock drops of water dripped from the tops of the two people's heads, and the pale yellow tea stains printed spots of different sizes on the two people's neat clothes, which looked very embarrassing.

"Not cold, not hot, is the temperature okay?" While playing with the teacup in his hand, cold words overflowed from his throat.

"An'an, you..." An Zihui raised her head, tears of humiliation flowed down her face, covering the tea on her face, she couldn't tell whether it was tears or water.

"An'an, we sincerely apologize to you, and we will comply with your request. Even if you don't accept our wishes, you don't have to humiliate people like this? Are you having fun?" Mu Yanbin was full of anger, and stood up with a thump Standing up, he pulled An Zihui up by the way.After dusting off his clothes, he resumed his habitual elegance when he spoke again, "Zihui, I've come to you, you and I have a clear conscience. This cup of tea is just what we deserve, and since then both grievances and grievances have been resolved, and neither owes each other. "

"Did I hear that right? A cup of tea is worth the crime of an adulterer and a partner in framing someone?" Yue Lingyi looked up to the sky and smiled as if she had heard some big joke, "After all, society has improved, and the rule of law and politics cannot This kind of despicable behavior would sink the pond in ancient times."

An Qianxi got up and glanced at the tightly clasped hands of the two: "Mu Yanbin, I never thought that you could do this for her. You are so infatuated. I am so moved by seeing it. Sister, congratulations on finding a good man .”

"An An..."

"An'an is also your name?" An Qianxi suddenly changed her face, and stood in front of the two of them, "I have to accept your apology? Did you think about my feelings when you designed to frame me? I'm sorry. It's really easy to offset your heinous and despicable behavior. How dare I kill you and then go to your grave to cry aloud and just settle the crime?"

"An Qianxi, don't secretly change the concept."

"Switching concepts?" An Qianxi glanced coldly, "Didn't you just push me to a corner when you plotted against me? Hehe, I really admire your shamelessness. It's true that one family does not enter the other. After such a scandal, you can still be so safe. This quality of heart, tsk tsk, is beyond comparison with ordinary people."

"An Qianxi, you have to forgive others and forgive others!"

"What are you pretending to be? Forget about the people who are not right. If you say it, it's all hypocrisy. It's so hypocritical!" An Qianxi's eyes were burning, and she didn't back down. Punish myself, because I will definitely let those who make mistakes pay for their mistakes. I have always been magnanimous? Who in the capital does not know that I am savage and arrogant? Are you doing this to disgust me on purpose? Sorry, I was born to repay, not so With a big heart, this nausea is really not painful or itchy. It is true to say that you should forgive others and forgive others, but are you worthy of my forgiveness?"

"I warned you early in the morning, so don't hang around in front of me with nothing to do in the future. Are you deaf or do you think I'm joking?" An Qianxi sniffed, raised her head, and cocked her toes, "If you have complaints, if you have revenge, Since you have already tasted the bitter fruit of framing me, you just stay in a group and stay together. It is your business to come out and make a fool of yourself, but you are asking for fun when you come to me and put on a pose. Hold hands and come to me with a pitiful look , you know best whether it is showing off or acting. Apologizing, kneeling? This is what you are saying. Since you are willing, you are not happy when I make it happen? It’s just a glass of water, and you still blame me. Is it your sincerity?"

"An'an..." An Zihui burst into tears, seeing An Qianxi's cold eyes, she quickly changed her name, "Miss An, it's my fault, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have entered An's house back then, but I wasn't I deliberately wanted to rob Yanbin from you. He was my senior in high school. I didn’t know he was your fiancé. By the time I knew it was too late, I also wanted to quit silently, but I couldn’t take it back. I’m sorry. Really sorry……"

As An Zihui said, she grabbed An Qianxi's hand and cried again and again, that expression of true feelings made some soft-hearted people tilt the balance in their hearts.

An Qianxi waved her hand, followed by two "slaps" and slapped An Zihui twice: "Or am I hindering your heart-to-heart reconciliation? We hooked up together in high school, how long have I been kept in the dark by you?" Mu Yanbin, you have enough time to explain the truth to me, but you lie to me again and again, are you still a man?"

"An Qianxi, why are you beating someone?" Mu Yanbin pushed An Zihui behind her to protect her, "Yes, it's all my fault, if you feel uncomfortable, just attack me, and Zihui will suffer too." A lot of grievances..."

"Beat someone? Why do you want to say that I'm going back on my word? It's really insulting, but I never said that I am a gentleman. Besides, you can't use civilized methods for immoral people like you. Come forward and give If I beat you, it's because of your stupidity. If I don't fight, I'm sorry for your good intentions, and I'm even more sorry for this large audience." Do you want to be a little low-key to highlight her domineering?Is this why you came here?Then I have to cooperate with you well.While An Qianxi was speaking, she slapped Mu Yanbin's face again, "Che, a big man, swaying and dragging between two women, lies and honeyed words intertwined into a web; A man who stealthily pretends to be pitiful and still recognizes such inconsistencies is either a cheapie or a nest of snakes and rats. There are such top-notch people like you in this world, it really makes people gain a lot of insight."

(End of this chapter)

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