The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 238 An Qianye's Secret

Chapter 238 An Qianye's Secret (2)
"Ha! I'm chasing you?" The golden retriever looked up to the sky and smiled, "Ming people don't talk dark words, what do you want to do after you have been with us for so long?"

"The road leads to the sky, let's not say each side, there will always be times when we go the same way? So I follow you?"

"Hey, you are so dishonest." Jin Mao's eyes flashed, seeing that the co-pilot was holding a camera, "Don't tell me that you are photography enthusiasts, and you came here in the middle of the night to shoot owls in the wilderness .”

"How do you know?" Sun Xiaofu, who was holding the camera, widened his eyes in surprise, "We really came to take pictures of owls."

"Are you still pretending? Heibuliuqiu, you shoot owls? You shoot ghosts coming out of the grave, why don't you tell me the truth?"

"The news said that there are owls here. We are here to guard the spot. Are you making such a loud noise to scare the owls away? You don't understand the fun of the photographer, do you, little..."

With a "bang" gunshot, Sun Xiaofu hurriedly lowered his head in fright. Although he was trembling a little, he still held the camera tightly and did not let go.

Jin Xuyang didn't have the patience to deal with people. When the gunshot rang out, he stepped out of the car door and winked at Jin Mao.

The golden retriever moved to the side and opened the car door smartly, pulling Sun Xiaofu off the passenger seat.

"Hey, don't touch my camera, that's my guy for dinner..."

"You're so dishonest, I won't let you eat tomorrow's meal!" He snatched the camera from Sun Xiaofu's hand and handed it to Jin Xuyang, "Boss, here you are."

Jin Xuyang took a look, and there were all photos of himself and An Qianye in it, and sneered: "The photography skills are pretty good."

"Thank you for the compliment, I think it's good too."

"Pretending to be crazy?" Looking at the laughing Sun Xiaofu, Jin Xuyang was amused, thinking he was fun?He raised the butt of his pistol and hit Sun Xiaofu on the forehead, "Say, who sent you here?"

"No one sent it, we came by ourselves..."

"Pa" Before Jin Xuyang could make another move, Jin Mao slapped him across the face.To be honest, opponents are hard to come by. He was really afraid that the boss would wipe out the two if he got angry, so he preemptively said: "Don't toast and eat fine wine, our boss is in a good mood now, you should be honest and tell me everything." , otherwise... I don’t need our boss to do anything, I’ll kill you first.”

"Damn it, it's our bad luck that it fell into your hands. We can only admit that it's unlucky. If you walk this road, you can expect to end up today. If you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want. Anyway, we are alone, so it's nothing It's so worrying, ten years later, we will still be a good man. We are not afraid, we will not be gangsters if we are afraid of death, you can do it if you have the guts." Sun Xiaofu straightened his body, and he looked at death as if he was at home.

"Ci'ao, there really are people who are not afraid of death." Jin Mao couldn't help feeling a little respectful in his heart, and looked back at Jin Xuyang, "Boss, look at this..."

Jin Xuyang sneered: "Aren't you afraid of death? It doesn't matter. The long nights are long and boring. I like to see life is worse than death. It seems that there are some new ways to play in the execution hall, which is really good to relieve boredom. Completed them. Take it back!"

Sun Xiaofu shuddered all over, knelt down with a "plop", and hugged Jin Xuyang's thigh: "Big, big brother, big brother, can you show mercy and give us a good time? You don't have a gun here." Is it? Let’s go there as soon as we close our eyes, but what torture hall...Xiaofu, I have been most afraid of pain since I was a child, don’t, don’t torture us like that, okay, okay?”

"How tough I thought you were, but in the end you are still a coward." Jin Xuyang glanced coldly and kicked his leg, but he was hugged tightly and couldn't even be kicked away. The veins on his forehead were throbbing, "Let go, you let go!"

"Don't let it go, brother, you won't let me die if you don't promise me!"

"You're really impatient!" Pointing the gun at Sun Xiaofu's forehead, "You really don't want to let go?"

Xiao Yang lowered his brows to the side for a long time, but at this moment he suddenly knelt down and hugged Jin Xuyang's other thigh: "Brother, let's have fun!"

"Don't cry until you see the coffin!" Jin Xuyang's eyes darkened, and the bullet was loaded.

"Big brother, big are just kidding around, don't shake your hands, don't shake your hands." Sun Xiaofu immediately let go and lowered his body, "Who is not afraid of death? We, we, we are still young Isn’t it? It’s better to die than to live, you want to know if we can tell you all?”

The golden retriever rolled his eyes, isn't the speed of change too fast?
Sun Xiaofu let go, and Xiao Yang followed suit, Jin Xuyang twitched his mouth involuntarily, raised his leg and kicked the two of them: "I thought you two had a bit of backbone, but looking at it this way is really disappointing, that's all." A little awareness? Now I don’t want to know.”

"Don't, don't, brother, your name on the Tao is very famous. I heard that you have always distinguished rewards and punishments, and you are decisive and loyal. Just now, we were thinking that if we were tough, we might escape death..." Sun Xiaofu He kowtowed again and again, "I don't know that being smart will be misunderstood by being smart. We don't want to die, we really don't want to die. We, we are members of the Snow Wolf Gang, but we are just a small guy, and we will take the risk of following you for the sake of superiority. I didn't expect it to be true. We found out that you have something to do with... ahem, you have something to do with Master An, and we thought we could use this to make our young master look at you differently."

"Oh?" Jin Xuyang turned the gun in his hand, looked down at Sun Xiaofu, "What's my relationship with Young Master An?"

"Uh... well... it seems that they have a lot of friendship."

"Hmph! Then you won't be allowed to stay!"

"Don't, don't!" Sun Xiaofu repeatedly begged for mercy, "Don't you want to know about our Snow Wolf Gang? Let me tell you, can I tell you everything?"

"Hehe, the Snow Wolf Gang? They're all gangsters. You think I don't know anything? The Snow Wolf Gang has always been at odds with Fengyunhui. Since the last time...the relationship has been even worse. To be honest, I really didn't You put it in your eyes, do you think it is necessary for me to listen to you?"

"Brother, yes, the Snow Wolf Gang and Fengyunhui are indeed incompatible. This is something everyone knows. But one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. In the end, you will be strong and we will be weak. You only know what you see on the surface, but you don't know us. The young gang leader has already made a plan, and he will do it in the near future. At that time, the Fengyun Society will be taken down in one fell swoop. When the Fengyun Society is incorporated, other small gangs will naturally respect our Snow Wolf Gang. At that time, you still think that we Xuelang Is the wolf gang not worth mentioning?"

"Has he, Li Canran, finally lost his patience?" Jin Xuyang licked his lips, and a fierce wolf light appeared in his eyes, "Let's hear it, what is his plan."

"Brother, if I tell you, can you promise to let me survive?" Sun Xiaofu took the opportunity to plead, and Xiao Yang followed suit.

"As long as it satisfies me, I will naturally leave you a way to survive. Tell me."

"Brother, it's like this..." Sun Xiaofu explained everything in detail, and finally rubbed his hands, "Brother, I've told you everything I know, please hold me high."

(End of this chapter)

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