The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 241 One Tong Chaos War

Chapter 241: A Mess of Chaos (2)
Li Canran was very displeased with the high-spirited eyes looking at An Qianxi, and stepped forward to block An Qianxi: "Since it is a negotiation, this is my sincerity. I don't know the sincerity of Fengyunhui..."

Without saying the whole thing, I just raised my eyes and glanced around, the implication is obvious, are you inviting you into the urn?
"Sincerity? Do you think it's a discussion meeting to have fun?" The young man sitting on the other side spat and snorted, "It is said that your surname Li is good at speaking, what level? Isn't it just beating around the bush? Not really Teaching, don't pretend to me, I hate people like you who pretend to be B the most."

There were two "slaps", the young man covered his face: "I'm sub-Ao, who the hell touched my face?"

An Qianxi took out a tissue from her pocket, wiped her hands slowly, and then lightly raised her bare hands: "Shut up if you can't speak! The surname is Li? The majestic Xuelang Gang leader came to negotiate in person, and if you are polite, please call him the leader; No matter how dissatisfied and uncomfortable, there should be some courtesy on the surface, Mr. Yelling is not an exaggeration. A stinky brat with no full hair still keeps calling himself Laozi? You are just pretending to be B! Your Laozi Just sitting in front of you, what are you pretending to be the boss? Disrespect to Chief Li, those two slaps will make your memory long. Remember, don’t pretend to be B, and you will be struck by lightning!"

Ms. Mighty!Zhang Qing almost couldn't hold it back, and secretly lowered his head, his face was flushed with suppressed laughter.Zhao Yi and the others couldn't help touching their noses, and raised their hands to give a thumbs up.

Chen Jingde's old face was stunned. He knew that the young lady was tough, but he didn't want to be so tough. Why did he speak so neatly in that inelegant speech?But it sounds very comfortable.It's just that the young lady hit someone just now?Why didn't he see it?

Not to mention that Uncle Chen didn't find out, even Li Canran was surprised.He really didn't see how An Qianxi made the move. If he didn't feel a breeze around him, he wouldn't have noticed that there was someone missing behind him for no reason.Originally, I thought that An Qianxi had good fists and kicks, but this can no longer be described in just good words, right?This is simply elusive, just like the great shift of the universe in a martial arts novel, how did it do it?

Since the members of the Snow Wolf Gang knew some of An Qianxi's details, they had no special reaction, but the members of the Fengyun Society were a little confused.Especially when they heard An Qianxi's teaching tone, they all gasped.

woman?Let alone whether or not this woman moved her hands and how she did it, she hit the precious son of their old gang leader. To put it mildly, she was fighting for Li Canran, but to put it bluntly, it was to hit their old gang leader in the face. Two loud slaps from Fengyunhui?Although Fengyunhui is not considered the leading gang on the road, it is quite famous. I have never seen anyone who dares to be so provocative, and is it a woman?It's just incredible!
Feng Langxiao, who was covering his face, didn't get angry, got up abruptly, walked a few steps, stood in front of An Qianxi, raised his hand and pointed: "You hit me?"

"I still don't have a long memory." An Qianxi shook her head and smiled, her eyes under the sunglasses were full of coolness, she pointed at her nose and choked?Those who dared to be arrogant in front of her either went to hell or were not born yet.Broken his finger?But I just wiped my hands.He lifted his foot and kicked, "What kind of tall, big man are you so embarrassed to point at a woman's nose? Are you capable of pointing at your own mother? Damn, uneducated guy, sister will teach you well today What is politeness!"

Side kicks, chain kicks, "bang bang" knocked people to the ground with ten kicks, and kicked a few more condescending kicks, and finally stepped on Feng Langxiao's heart: "Do you remember now?"

Everyone didn't move, or they didn't react.An Qianxi kicked and kicked very fast, and it took only a few seconds for their young master to be kicked to the ground.And at such a fast speed, even if they wanted to do it, they were afraid of hurting their own people.Now that the young master is trampled on the soles of his feet, and the corner of his mouth is still bleeding, he can't do anything. Who knows if this vicious woman will make their young master meet Hades with one kick?
"Well, well, so tough!" Feng Langxiao, who was supposed to be screaming in pain, stared blankly at An Qianxi above his head, as if the pain on his body was nothing, "What's your name?"

Everyone is silent!This is being beaten stupid, right?

"Feng Langxiao, are you ashamed?" As an older brother, Feng Langyun couldn't see it, so he yelled, and the figure also stood up.

"Brother, don't move, this woman is awesome. I thought I was good at kung fu since I was a child, but I didn't get the slightest advantage in front of her. No, there is no room for retaliation. Woman, you are awesome. I like it! "

"Are you sick!" An Qianxi twitched her lips speechlessly when Feng Langxiao said this.

"I'm not sick, I'm fine, but it hurts a little!" He raised his hand and touched the corner of his mouth, did he see red?She raised her eyes and smiled cheerfully, "Woman, you are the first woman to beat me down, I like you!"

"Very ill!" An Qianxi withdrew her feet in disgust, well, this guy seemed to be beaten stupid by herself.Nima has never seen such a man who can laugh so stupidly after being beaten, and still say he likes her?I like your sister!

"Hey, don't go, tell me your name first." Feng Langxiao got up, but he let out an "ouch" and rubbed his aching chest, "You're so cruel!"

Just after finishing speaking, one of the soles of her feet was lying in front of her eyes again. When she looked up, An Qianxi stretched her legs and said, "Aren't you afraid of being beaten?"

"The sound is so nice, take off the glasses, it must be very beautiful! Hehe..."

"Feng Langxiao, can you be a little promising?" You have lost all face of Fengyunhui!Feng Langyun got up and grabbed one of his younger brother's arms and dragged it back, shaking his head, "Dad, I said I can't take him out. What kind of atmosphere is this now? Are you dating?"

An Qianxi turned her head and shook her head again and again, spreading her hands together: "Is this a joke? Why do I feel that these two people are not out of their minds?"

Li Canran couldn't help laughing, he had never seen these two brothers before, they were really funny.

"Master Feng, where are my people?" They really didn't come to play monkey games with this group of people, Li Canran asked seriously.

Feng Liancheng secretly glared at his two sons, clapped their hands, and immediately someone threw a person out of the crowd: "This time, the members of your Snow Wolf Gang came to pick things up first, what does Gang Leader Li say?"

Looking at the people on the ground, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, they were limp and breathless, and they were seriously injured.Fist tight, brother, you suffer.

"Master Feng, I can't understand what I said. As far as I know, even though it was in the territory of your Fengyun Society at that time, you have to be kind when you open the door to do business. My brother just said something about your business. The food is not fresh. Even if he speaks disrespectfully, young man, who hasn't lost his temper? But because of this, my brother was detained and seriously injured... It seems that this injury won't last long. Master Feng, isn’t it a bit too much?”

(End of this chapter)

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