The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 250 Qianqian, accept me

Chapter 250 Qianqian, accept me (3)
"Mama Liu, you are the hardest person, thank you!" An Qianye held Mama Liu's hand sincerely, and her eyes turned red unexpectedly, "Mama Liu, don't worry, with me here, no one will think about it." Move An'an."

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, this money is just one of them, and..."

"Mother Liu, is it a share transfer document?"


"I know, I read the letter my mother left me, and I have the key. I don't need the share transfer right now, wait until the time comes..." An Qianye tightened his grip, his eyes glowed coldly, "We want Targeting the target, beating people in one fell swoop to the point where they will never recover!"

"Master, Miss, you are all capable, Mama Liu is really relieved now, it would be great if Madam is still here."

"Liu Ma, don't be sentimental anymore. You have to look to the future, don't you? Although my mother is gone, it is a relief for her. We just remember it in our hearts. As long as we are all well, my mother's spirit in the sky will be fine." Comforted."

"Yes, yes, what the lady said is true. When people get old, they will always miss the past. I, I just miss my wife, and let the lady and the young master see the joke?" Liu Ma said, wiping away her tears, and got up, "Today Let's finish eating here, and I will prepare."

"Okay, it's rare for a family to get together..." An Qianxi smiled happily, then turned around and asked, "Hey, I haven't seen Aunt Lan and Xiaoyue for so long, what are you doing?"

"Oh, isn't it the weekend today? Mr. Gu took them out to go shopping."

"That's right, Gu Zirui, you've got your mother-in-law settled so quickly?" An Qianxi smiled lightly and patted Yue Yichen's head, "Xiaochen, why didn't you go with me?"

"Hmph! I don't want to be a light bulb. Besides, Sister An, aren't you here? I'll just accompany Sister An."

"You boy, you treat me better than your own sister, aren't you afraid that she will be jealous?"

"She doesn't have the time to be jealous. The future brother-in-law will not give her a chance to be jealous."

" can see clearly, brother-in-law now? It seems that you like Gu Zirui a lot."

"Sooner or later, Gu Zirui...Although he's a bit cold, he treats my sister very well. I'm a man, and I can tell that he is different from other rich and young. He is sincere to my sister. As long as He is sincere, and I have nothing to object to."

"Pretend to be a man before he's an adult? But you're right, with Gu Zirui here, Xiaoyue, I can rest assured." It seems that the whole family has accepted Gu Zirui, and good things won't take long.The subject changed, "Brother, what are you going to do with the money?"

"I'll give you all the money, you need it more than me." An Qianye said, pushing the passbook and card in front of An Qianxi.

"How about this, the family does not distinguish between you and me, and this one billion will be used as a working capital reserve." An Qianxi raised her eyes and thought for a moment, then lowered her head to look at Yue Yichen, "Xiaochen, since you plan to study law, you should study hard." Learn, learn to be good. When the time comes to open a law firm and make a name for yourself, my brother will not be looked down upon when he hires you. You don’t have to worry about the money, just take it from the working capital. I When I go to country E in the future, I will contact you often, and there will be a lot of places to use the money. This money should be regarded as a venture capital fund. You and your sister must plan carefully, understand?"

"Xiaochen must live up to Sister An's cultivation and trust!"

"Look, look, talk now is old-fashioned." An Qianxi laughed cheerfully, raised her eyes, "Brother, what do you think?"

"Fine, just do as you say."

"That's fine, it's settled like that. Brother, don't leave it all to me just because I said I want to use the money. Don't you still have a lot of people to support?"

"You don't have to worry about brother, I have my own opinion."

"Then I would like to thank my brother for his generosity."

"What are you talking about? The whole family said thank you? My brother is afraid that you will suffer."

"Okay, okay, I'm not. Well, it's been a long time since I came here to talk about things. Let me show you around the house? The back garden is beautiful."

"That's good, let's go."

There is no eye-catching person dangling in front of her. An Qianxi has lived a peaceful and happy life for the past few months, and the summer vacation is coming in a blink of an eye.The organic farm and resort in Xingfu Village have also been successfully completed. It can only be said that Guan Su, Ji Mufeng and Yin Hanxi's work efficiency is particularly fast.After completing the study abroad procedures, An Qianxi had one thing left to do before going abroad, and that was to shoot advertisements for the farm and the villa.

Previously, Gu Zirui promised An Qianxi the conditions to shoot the MV, and now it's time to honor it.When Yan Feimo heard that it was a commercial, or with An Qianxi, he was so happy that he didn't have time to complain?I personally went to the Anjia mansion to pick up people, and went to Xingfu Village together.

"Didn't you never shoot commercials or endorse?" On Yan Feimo's private helicopter, An Qianxi was eating steak and drinking red wine comfortably, smiling at Yan Feimo's happy face, so happy?
"There are exceptions to everything, and you are my exception." Yan Feimo was in a great mood. He thought it was some great condition and prepared himself mentally, but he didn't expect it to be a good job. Can you not be happy?

"So it's still cheap for you?"

"So you understand what I mean?"

"When I didn't ask."

"Don't pretend I didn't ask, how about it, do you accept it?"

"Yan Feimo, are you out of your mind? You are a lover of the masses. You can throw a lot of women into your arms with one trick. You can choose who you are, fat, thin, thin, why are you staring at me?"

"If you really like someone, you have a mental illness? What logic?" Yan Feimo was unhappy, and raised his hand to pick An Qianxi's chin, "Look at me, take a good look at me."

"Nervous—" tilted his head, but Yan Feimo stubbornly pinched his chin.

"I'm not an emperor, I don't need Sangong and Sixth Courtyard, and I only have one heart, I just want to give it to one person. There are so many beauties in the world, but I only like you, because you are indispensable and irreplaceable." Yan Feimo's eyes were burning, and he poured out his feelings seriously, "If you want to look good, you and I are a perfect match; money, mine is yours, and yours is yours; whatever you want, as long as I can do it, I will give it to you with both hands." ;I will cover all food, clothing, housing and transportation, and I will be there on call [-]/[-]; and I am in good health, so you don't have to worry about your future "sex". You see, a man like me can go to the hall, go to the kitchen, I can fight mistresses, no, with me without mistresses, I can even fight hooligans. Almighty husband, there is no one else in the world, just accept me."

An Qianxi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing, pointing her index finger to Yan Feimo's forehead: "I think you are a hooligan, you don't have such a shameless self-promotion."

"That's fine, let me put it another way." Yan Feimo grabbed An Qianxi's hand and pushed it to his lips, and kissed lightly, "Qianqian, you can go up to the hall, down to the kitchen, fight... or That sentence, you can beat a hooligan without me. A wife like you is unique in the world. Without you, it would be meaningless for me to win the world. I only want you, and I don’t like anything else. You have the heart Let me die alone? For the happiness of you and me in the rest of my life, please show kindness and accept me!"

(End of this chapter)

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