The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 255 School Party

Chapter 255 School Party (1)
"Who wants to sleep with you?" Turning her head, "Xiaomei, Xiaomei!"

"Fufu, I fell asleep!"

Nima still talking while asleep?
"Look, everyone is asleep, so don't disturb her, good boy, close your eyes."

"Yan Feimo—"

"If you don't sleep, then do something else." She lowered her head and kissed her.


"An'an, you heartless guy, did you talk about contacting us in the future? Except for the phone call at that time, it's been a few days? Do you need to be jet-lagged for so long?" Cheng Shishi in the video is full of anger, with that appearance There is a posture of crawling across the screen to grab people to settle accounts.

"Okay, An'an is out alone, there must be a lot of things to deal with, do you think it's so convenient to be at your own home?" Ji Mufeng shook his head, pulled Shishi who was furious to sit down, and waved his hand to the camera, "Why? Like? Is everything ready?"

"Well, everything has been taken care of, and Xiaomei has been settled. The school is good, and the dormitory is also good, so you can rest assured. Hey, why didn't you see Guan Su? Xiaoyue isn't there either?" Clicking on the video, it's so convenient to meet together, why are there only these two people here?
"Guan Su has a big head these days, hiding from people." Speaking of Guan Su, Ji Mufeng laughed, it's really funny these days.

"Hiding people?" What's the situation?

"On that day, the second at the airport... Feng Langxiao, watched Guansu." Ji Mufeng was a little thankful that the second guy didn't come to bother himself and Shishi, otherwise he would probably hide from people every day.

"What does it mean to focus on Guan Su? Could it be that the bastard is actually a crook?"

With a "poof", Cheng Shishi laughed uncontrollably, and then realized that she was still angry, and grunted twice: "Isn't it because of you?"

"It's not my business?"

"Isn't that Feng called your wife? Obviously he loves you. Guan Su confessed his love and hugged you that day. When his rivals meet, do you think it's all because of you?"

"Is the bastard having trouble finding Guansu?"

"Why are you so nervous? Guan Su is so happy to see you like this. By the way, An An, which one do you like?"

"What are you talking about? If the bastard troubles any of you, I will be nervous and say that you don't regard me as a friend?"

"Yes, I surrender, pretend I didn't ask." Cheng Shishi shook his head and sighed, looked at Ji Mufeng helplessly, and said in a low voice, "Look, friend, I said Guan Su is useless, and An An really cares more about the Earl."

"That's not necessarily the case." Ji Mufeng whispered, then turned his head, "Don't worry, An'an, Feng Langxiao didn't bother him at all. It's funny to say, he is pestering Guan Su every day to ask your preferences, and the brain circuit ...It's a bit puzzling. Guan Su got annoyed by him, so he naturally avoided it. As for Xiaoyue...hehe, Mr. Gu is very considerate."

Second-rate, indeed a second-rate!An Qianxi rolled her eyes: "It's good that it's okay, anyway, he's out of his mind, so just ignore him."

In other words, does she have to be glad that she came to a foreign country?Otherwise, wouldn't that guy be pestering me?Thinking of the one mouthful and one wife calling, I feel dizzy.

"An'an, where are you? Dorm? It looks really good, the conditions are so good, there is really no comparison in China." Looking at the sofa, there are flowers, there are oil paintings on the wall, and it looks like It's quite big.By the way, the apartment is not so good, is it?Turning her beautiful eyes, she asked with a playful smile, "Could it be Yan Feimo's home? Are you living with him?"

"What are you thinking about?" A male voice came from the conversation, "An'an, drink milk."

"Yeah, are you still lying to me? I heard a man's voice, and to be honest, I won't laugh at you... Huh? Blonde hair? Damn, you hooked up with a handsome foreign guy so soon? It's over, it's over, Guan Su's Be careful, the earl's infatuation..."

"Stop, stop! Can't you think of anything else in your mind?" An Qianxi stroked her forehead, looked back at Eric, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "It's Ai Yue, who knows that I'm going to study abroad, so come here ahead of time to prepare for me. This It's his home, and I live here when I'm resting."

"Really?" Eyes full of suspicion, still uneasy, "Be careful, at least he is a male. Although he is familiar with your mother... and I still think he appears too strange, and he is so young, don't be fooled by others Now! Now the lonely man and the widow may not know what kind of bad idea they have..."

"Who's the bad idea? Who's the bad idea? Who are you talking to? Is it my wife? It's my wife, right? The wife—"

"Oh mom, I was shocked, you are going to die, Guan Su is not here, get out of here."

"Wife, wife, let me see my wife—"

Seeing a magnified face appear on the screen, isn't it Feng Langxiao?The voice of his wife was so loud that no one else could hear it, before Cheng Shishi turned off the video, An Qianxi immediately turned off the computer, pressing her two fingers on her temples, she was extremely speechless.I'm sorry, my friends, I'll keep the errands to bother you.

"It's very lively over there!"

"It's so lively that it makes people speechless." An Qianxi took the milk and leaned on the sofa, "Daddy, those disturbing things made my head hurt."

"Hehe, Daddy is quite envious of your friendship." Eric smiled lightly and massaged An Qianxi's head, "How is the strength?"

"A child with a father is like a treasure, so comfortable."

"Daddy would like to thank you for giving Daddy the opportunity to be a father." As a vampire, how much is it a luxury to have your own children?Isn't it the happiest thing in his life to be able to get along with his daughter in such a peaceful way now.

"Our days are still long, so don't think I'm annoying in the future." Being loved by others, being loved by someone who is not her father better than her father, isn't it a kind of happiness for her?
"Eternal life sounds very good, but only we know the helplessness and loneliness in it. The greatest happiness is to be accompanied by relatives. How can Daddy be bothered? I'm afraid that when you get married and have your own life, Daddy will have another life." I'm going to be lonely."

"Why do you have to get married? Wouldn't it be nice to have a father?"

"Hehe, it's always different, and you'll know when the time comes. And..." Isn't there Yan Feimo?


"It's nothing, Daddy is looking forward to the moment you step into the auditorium."

"Okay, okay, no matter what, you are my daddy, and we will be together forever."

"Good boy!" Eric smiled knowingly, and held An Qianxi in his arms, "Daddy told you, when you come to country E, try to keep a low profile, even on campus, there are blood people everywhere..."

"Aren't you here? What are you afraid of? Besides, avoiding is not the way. If there is always a day when you will face it head-on, why not take the initiative to attack and take the initiative in your own hands." Escape?The word escape is not in her dictionary.

"Blood clans generally don't attack their own people for no reason. Daddy is just afraid of accidents. But since you are ready, do you want to meet Daddy's clansmen? Anyway, they are all here, and your power is too weak. Our Toreado clan is relatively stable and united among the blood clan."

(End of this chapter)

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