The best wife and evildoer

Chapter 258 The Vampire Appears

Chapter 258 The Vampire Appears (2)
"Since when did you start caring about strangers?" Yan Feimo glanced at the girl standing alone in a daze, roommate?

"If you have a cool nature, you must be alone? Proper care under the same roof is essential, and the days of studying abroad are still long." After taking a sip of juice, he waved to Jin Xina, "Nana, come here."

Cool by nature?Loner?Yan Feimo smiled and said nothing, was that just the past, or the present...I'm afraid you didn't even realize the transformation in this life.

"Nana, this is me..."

"Boyfriend." Yan Feimo accepted the words, and hugged An Qianxi tightly into his arms.

"Yan Feimo—" he couldn't help but gave up, "This is my roommate, Jin Xina."

"Our family, Qianqian, please take care of me." Yan Feimo's lips curled up, and he handed Jin Xi a glass of juice.

"Uh... dare not... thank you." Yan Feimo smiled, like a flash in the pan, although it was short-lived, it made the shy girl blush and bowed her head in embarrassment.

"Nana, you are too timid." You are too introverted, and you seem to have no friends around you.

"I, I'm just..." I'm not used to getting along with boys, especially handsome boys.

"Nana, if you think this occasion is boring, we can go back earlier." She said that she didn't like this kind of party too much, and it was just a matter of doing what the Romans did.

"Oh no, no need, you, your boyfriend just came here, you can play for a while, I'll just sit on the side and feel the lively atmosphere." Jin Xina was a little nervous, should she keep her light bulb away?

Well, this girl is not good at dealing with people at first glance.Although Yan Feimo had a smile on his face, his whole body seemed to be alienated, so it's no wonder that this girl felt uncomfortable, since she was so unwilling.With a chuckle: "Then don't go far away, if you meet a good friend, let's play together, and I will come to you later."

"Oh, okay, thank you." Turn around and bow your head, friend?Since childhood, he has a closed personality, and was once called a freak. Being excluded and bullied is commonplace. How can there be any so-called friends?On the contrary, An Qianxi's concern at the moment made Jin Xina feel warm in her heart, and her eyes turned red involuntarily.

"Yan Feimo, this is not the country, and not everyone revolves around you, can you stop putting on your celebrity airs?" Didn't you see the awkward look of the little girl?

If Yasha heard this here, he would definitely scoff.put on airs?Do adults need to deliberately put it on?That's a natural aura, if you, Miss An, were not by the side, let alone smiling at people, adults wouldn't even give it a look.

"Everyone has their own little world, whether externally or internally. Imposing one's own wishes on others may not be liked by them." Yan Feimo drank lightly from his cup, looked slightly sideways, Jin Xina was looking at An Qianxi eagerly, lips She turned a corner, "But what about her... No matter whether she feels inferior or longs to get along with others, if she doesn't take the first step bravely, she will only become a prisoner."

Expect others to take the initiative?The world doesn't revolve around a certain person, even if it does, that's the individual's ability.

"Okay, you are right." An Qianxi glanced back, smiled slightly, and turned her head, "Why, there is no welcome party in your school, so you have to come here to join in the fun."

"Here you are."

An Qianxi was at a loss for words, this guy could involve her in anything, yet he insisted on talking so ambiguously that she blushed and couldn't figure out how to deal with it.

Yan Feimo looked at An Qianxi's cheeks blushing unexpectedly, and smiled happily: "I have a concert in a few days, and I'm here to invite you, don't you think it's a favor? You can also bring your roommate."

"Okay, you!" An Qianxi patted Yan Feimo's shoulder, and clicked his tongue twice, "It's a cover to dare to study abroad for further study, but you are actually coming overseas to build momentum for yourself, right?"

"Whatever you say, it is true that there is an overseas itinerary, and it just happened to be ahead of schedule." Yan Feimo did not deny it, "Next Sunday, I will wait for you."

"Just go, it's okay to have an acquaintance in a foreign country to save face, don't say I don't value loyalty."

"Yes, yes, I just need someone to support me." Yan Feimo smiled, and pinched An Qianxi's nose pettingly, "How can I repay such a great kindness? Think about other real things." No, pay with the flesh, yes, pay with the flesh."

"You—" Shameless!
"Baby—" Beata jumped forward excitedly after the dance, with beads of sweat still dripping from his forehead, followed by Corian. When the two saw Yan Feimo, they were taken aback, "This is..."

"Yan Feimo, my friend."

Yan Feimo glanced at Beata lightly, and corrected: "It's a boyfriend."

"Ah? Doll already has a boyfriend? I still want to chase you." Beata drooped his shoulders in discouragement, then raised his head and his amber eyes were ignited with unyielding brilliance, and raised his hand, "I'm Beata Te, this is my cousin Corian. I also like dolls, although you are her boyfriend, but I will not give up."

Yan Feimo raised his eyebrows, and took Beata's hand: "Courage is admirable! But... I hope to win a heart and never leave my head. My Qianqian heart is already with me."

"Hmm? Although I don't quite understand what you mean, but I understand the last sentence, it's just..." Looking up at An Qianxi, who was not so comfortable, she smiled, "Are you sure the baby's heart is with you? "

"Oriental women are so reserved, Qianqian just doesn't like to show off." While speaking, she lowered her head and pecked An Qianxi's red lips, "Right Qianqian!"

The pretense of Yan Feimo being a boyfriend is still good. It can shield herself from unnecessary troubles. An Qianxi blushed, but pinched Yan Feimo's waist with one hand: "It's just a stopgap measure."

"Well, yes, it's one step closer." Yan Feimo happily stole another kiss.

"Then, can I invite the doll to dance?"

"I'm sorry, she's my dance partner." Yan Feimo turned around, wrapped her arms around her waist and led An Qianxi out, dancing gracefully in the arena to the soft music.

"Baby?" Yan Feimo looked at An Qianxi carefully with raised eyebrows, and snorted softly, "Can dead things be compared with my Qianqian?"

"Ahem... can we not discuss this topic?" I have been entangled in the matter of the doll for a long time today.

"You can refuse if you don't like it." Besides, doll?To call him so intimate is to treat him as a dead person?

"It's just a title, it's not that serious, and besides, it's just a child with a lively mind."

"Child?" Yan Feimo glanced at the two people outside the arena unobtrusively, then turned around, "Some people just like to play tricks."

An Qianxi's eyes drooped slightly. She naturally knew that people should not just look at the surface. Those two people... At least they haven't got any bad intentions right now, have they?If you don't get in touch, how do you know what kind of idea they are playing?

(End of this chapter)

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