The best wife and evildoer

263 Chapter 2 I'm not good at school

263 Chapter 2 I'm not good at school ([-])
"Daddy, it's not the first time she lost to me. When I beat her up, she still hugged my arm to act cute." An Qianxi took the clothes and took a look, she was indeed better than her own.

"Girl, even though that's the case, didn't your country say that victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists? For things like skill, as long as you study hard and practice hard, you will always improve. But feelings are different. You can't win a person's heart if you like it. Yan Fei When Mo chooses you, it means that he has made up his mind, and his mind will not be changed by other women. Of course Alice knows this, but it is because she knows it in her heart that she is not happy. Naturally, she is pretending not to know you, otherwise she is not embarrassing herself So, two things can’t be compared together.” Eric analyzed it logically, and then said, “Think about it differently, can’t you still smile when you meet a rival in love?”

"Who do you want to change to? Don't try to set me up with things like rivals in love. I won't waste my brain on such meaningless things. But you, Daddy... You know what Alice thinks so clearly, and you are in her stomach." Roundworms? Also, what does it mean that Yan Feimo chose me? That’s just the effect of the show, why did it involve feelings?” As soon as the denim clothes were taken off and ready to change, the relationship between Eric and Yan Feimo seemed to be You're not good enough to speak for others, are you?Why does this tone sound like he is trying to push himself to Yan Feimo?His eyes were lowered, and he already had calculations in his heart.

"An'an, are you changing clothes casually in front of Daddy again?" Eric turned around with a full face, is he really not a man in front of this girl?Continuing the previous topic, "Yan Feimo's feelings for you can be seen by blind people, and only you can see it as the effect of the show. An An, do you really have no interest in Yan Feimo?"

Eric looked up at the sky and sighed, when will this girl's elm head open up?Usually so shrewd, how come you get confused when it comes to emotional matters?

"Well, it should be said that you are the roundworm in Yan Feimo's stomach. Daddy, I'm not even in my twenties, so you want to marry me so much? Besides, I'm half a man, and he, Yan Feimo, is just a mortal. It's impossible for the two of us to think about it."

"This is wrong, everything is possible, as long as there is love." Besides, Yan Feimo is not an ordinary person, there are not many half-bloods in this world, no, it should be said that they are unique, these two people are not a perfect match what?It's a pity not to be together.

"What's the matter? Is it possible that I still forcibly transform him? It depends on whether he is willing or not." After changing his clothes, he stood in front of Eric, "Is this the head office?"

"An'an, so you still have feelings for Yan Feimo, right?" Otherwise, how could you think about the future?People are willing, and you don't need to transform, as long as the relationship goes well, it will happen naturally, it seems that there is a lot of fun.Eric was overjoyed, and continued to work hard, "An'an, there is an old saying in your country that is easy to get, but hard to find a confidant, and it is even harder to find a good man. If you come across a good one, don't miss it. I Look at that Yan Feimo is not bad..."

"Daddy, are you already starting to think I'm annoying? Hey! What did you say that when you get married, you're afraid that no one will accompany you to be lonely, so you keep pushing me away, and finally found a reliable father." , can’t you let me enjoy the feeling of being a daughter? Tsk tsk, it’s said that a woman’s heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea. If you want me to say, your man’s heart is really like a cloud every day, and it changes every day! Well, I won’t tell you, I’ll go Pick up Nana, thank you—" Tossing the key, she turned around gracefully.Daddy, it's really not your style to want to make me and Yan Feimo a pair.Hehe, things seem to be getting more and more interesting.

"Be careful on the road!" Eric turned around and whispered, wiping the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, which could be regarded as temporarily suppressing the girl's doubts, which was not easy.

"An, An An, your boyfriend is so handsome—" Jin Xina waved the light stick in her hand and almost shouted her admiration beside An Qianxi.

An Qianxi shrugged her shoulders noncommittally, but the corner of her mouth twitched, cut!Stylish is stylish, she is indeed good-looking, but her personality... I can't compliment her.

The huge stage, gorgeous lighting, and Yan Feimo's punk outfit sang and danced with a guitar on the stage. He seemed to be full of vitality, but the blue eyes under the smoky makeup were as cold as ice and full of coolness.But it was this coolness that made the stadium full of seats boil. Countless boys and girls shouted and screamed in the arena, shouting only the Earl or the Earl. From the beginning to now, there was no peace for a moment.

An Qianxi has seen the charm of Yan Feimo before, but this is the first time she has been in a live concert like this. Only by experiencing this kind of shocking power can she truly understand Yan Feimo's influence.Although the vast majority of the venue was filled with oriental crowds, there were also many Westerners, which probably had something to do with Yan Feimo's mixed-race face. I just didn't expect that the first overseas concert would attract so many people, and the audience's reaction It is full of praise. In other words, this concert has successfully opened up his overseas market.

"I understand what it means to be a lunatic who sings an opera, and a fool who watches an opera." Glancing at the crazy crowd around him, and then at the charming Yan Feimo on the stage, it is undeniable that Even myself, who has never been interested in such so-called celebrities, couldn't help feeling a little excited.

"What?" The music at the venue was deafening and the voices were loud. Obviously, they didn't hear what An Qianxi was saying, but it didn't affect the mood of watching the concert.Jin Xina blushed and approached An Qianxi, "An An, your boyfriend is looking at you."

"What nonsense? There are so many people, how does he know where I am?" Although he was sitting in the VIP seat, he was not so close, and there were many security guards in front of him, how could he see himself at a glance?

"I'm really looking at you, really, if you don't believe me, just look at it—" He raised his hand and pointed forward, "Look, he is smiling at you, your boyfriend is so nice to you."

An Qianxi raised her eyes following Jin Xina's fingers, and met Yan Feimo's eyes. The cold blue eyes suddenly smiled, and they were so gentle that they seemed to melt a pool of spring water.An Qianxi's heart fluttered for no reason, and she involuntarily raised her hand to hold her throbbing chest, and stared at her fiercely: "Bah! I still don't forget to rant on stage—"

As if he knew what An Qianxi was talking about, the corners of Yan Feimo's lips twitched evil spirits, he held the guitar and played and sang in An Qianxi's direction, his eyes locked on the white shadow, everything around him seemed to be just a foil for the beautiful figure in his heart, The smile in his eyes became softer.

"Damn it!" An Qianxi swallowed, her cheeks were burning hot, she felt embarrassed for the first time and couldn't resist the fiery friendship.

"I'm not wrong, am I? He's just looking at you, and he's confessing his love to you now."

A chestnut slapped Jin Xina's forehead: "Confession? How did you know that such a noisy song is a love song? I think it's almost like a magic sound piercing your ears..."

(End of this chapter)

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